Why do you guys call it "red pill" instead of "dark side of the force"?

Why do you guys call it "red pill" instead of "dark side of the force"?

>dark side
sweetie no, you best get right wit ya Jesus.

Because the streets will run red with Jewish blood.

The Dark Side used to be cool until Disney ruined it.

Sup Forums loves the jewish transvestites creation called the matrix. Sup Forums loves irony.

Because we are not 14 year old cringelords from reddit.

because red pill rolls off the tongue and better indicates it's meaning
Dark side is for manchildren

Were the light side though

Because The Matrix is way less faggy than Soywars.

>because matrix
red pill/blue pill
because the truth will set you free
red pill = the truth
sets you free
blue pill illution
keeps you a prisoner

"dark side of the force"
there wtf that emotion has to do with facts about human nature, liberas are the one hur huring about "emotion"

fucking child leave /pol now this is +18 board

You're dumb as fuck

Dark Side has nothing to do with the Red Pill

Watch The Matrix you absolute moron, the Red Pill literally means The Truth.


checked checked

>Muh pop culture references

Slide post

We should call it voldermort vs dumbledore

The "dark side of the force" implies that it is purely evil. The "red pill" much better explains the job it does, which is lead people to the truth, be it for better or for worse


sextuples sets you free

Because "dark side of the force" makes no fucking sense whatsoever in that context. It's called "the red pill" because of the Matrix. Red pill = truth, blue pill = ignorance.


Because Darksiders would imply that the message and ideology we follow is "dark" and evil. Redpill is better, and means that whoever takes it will be opening their eyes to Jewish subversion and it was created by two brothers who used it in a movie BEFORE they got pozz'd and went full tranny, unlike what malayfag here states.

They were still jews though.

Because the term is correct. Because many who use it wrongly probably haven't even watched the movie or know about it just because of the meme. The term "red pill" is correct with our current world situation. Remember that Neo knew something was wrong much before he met Morpheus and took the pill. The pill isn't about that, it's about willingly finding the truth. After Neo took it, he was told as much as Morpheus knew, like what caused the creation of the Matrix. He didn't sugarcoated it for him and told him that humans were also probably responsible for their fate. Even after that, Neo was very afraid and still wasn't sure of what he wanted. That was part of his road.

Now, people use the term wrong. Like people saying Laci Green is "redpilled". She's still a feminist. If she was indeed redpilled, she'd know Feminism is a scam and how is a scam and why it needs to be a scam. She knows nothing of that, she's just figured out that some things about what she believes are extreme but still believes all the lies.