I heard you guys deny the holocaust on this website? My Bubbe died in those camps...

I heard you guys deny the holocaust on this website? My Bubbe died in those camps. I bet you wouldn't say that to my face.

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Post# 1488


We are generally a "confident" people. We easily feel at ease in many situations. This comes off as "arrogant" in other cultures. Most cultures are reserved, polite, stand-offish. The Brits for example will tend to judge you with their looks. We are the bull in the world's china shop of norms and "proper" behavior. Never mind that some cultures are more arrogant, boorish, or hostile to others.

think again poopy crack

*slaps soy tits*

Those digits

You are mistaken friend.
My grandfather died on a death camp 'roller coaster' in Poland.

Not bad.


It's shameful.



How do so many people exist when their "grandparents" were killed off in their youthful child bearing years?

>t. jew manlet


also train your brachialis you mutt

My great-uncle Fritz died at Ausshitz. He got drunk on-duty, fell out of a guard tower and broke his neck.
Does that make me a holoHOAX survivor? Where's my 6 gorillion shekels?

1488??? Your Bubba must be rolling in his oven

One of the more fun ways to go. Not like my great Uncle.. they threw him into the cage with a bear and eagle! Oh it was terrible!

you will be sucking my cock in the end kike

Was your Bubbie killed because she was not good at head?

>belt and suspenders


Absolutely checked user, F for your imaginary friend it must be hard

>If I can't see it it's not real
object permanence dumbass, do you know it

Yeah my grandma was simply gassed, kinda boring desu.


Yes, I would say it to your face.

More accurately, I’d tell you that your Bubbe was killed by Occultic Khazar-Zionists who, under the flag of Rothschild, allied themselves with the Third Reich (particularly the SS) and committed genocide against ACTUAL Jews (e.g., your Bubbe) in order to hijack the entire religion and create a Judeo-Fascist, imposter nation-state called Israel.

The holohocaust did happen but the 6 trillion number is a lie, jews always will be parasites and liars...

The good thing is that in 2020.. we won't see more "survivors".. Like jeez...
but jews are rats so It won't be hard to meet somebody born in 2010 claiming to be a holohoax survivor

time traveling, goy

What the fuck is a bubby?

means grandma, i think youtu.be/4HFfARDI_TE

lmao youtu.be/77mllGoLvNY

Checked for inherited holocaust trauma.

>wearing suspenders
>wearing belt