Why do you hate black people?


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Hey OP watch that mouth. Chimpanzees have feelings, stop comparing them to negroes.

>Why do you hate black people?

wtf bro
what did that poor monkey do to deserve to be called a nigger?

They steal my bikes

because theyre niggers

they're niggers

because they hate me.

I'm a western european decent male american that works for a living.

Because #alllivesmatter user.
Stop the violence.

pic related

They're ugly, they don't look like me, they're unaesthetic but above all else, they're not needed.

I never have to deal with black people they don't really bother me

They're loud shrieking apes with dome heads, hatchet faces, and a genetic propoensity for stabbing and shooting. What's more, I'm told every single day they're just like me - except they're not with a DY-VERSE and UNIQUE CUL-TUR, *sips tea*. Every day.

Every fucking day, "they're the same they're not the same how dare you imply they're not the same what do you MEAN it's not right for them to get upset at the word 'nigger' don't you know they have psychic scars from events 400 to 200 years ago?"

Even seeing them around normal people is clown world shit.

My little sister has been raped twice by niggers, on two entirely seperate occasions in two different locations.

Because of the colour of their skin



go on



Cause they're obviously inferior. Retard

why do they hate the people who pay for their welfare


because im "white privileged"



I don't hate negroes the same way I don't hate poison ivy or wasp's nests. I respect their right to exist. I just don't want to live next to them.

Also chimps, have been to space, don't abandon their young, and never rob liquor stores. Stop comparing them to niggers.

this , chimps and gorillas live in peace and fuck with nobody, stop comparing them to inferior yet more violent species

Chimpanzees are not niggers you racist.


How much time ya got buddy?
First of all, they're lazy good for nothin' tricksters. Crack smoking swindlers. Big butt havin' wide nose breathin' all the white man's air. They eat up all the chicken, think they're the best dancers, and they STINK.







1) They have an entitlement complex.

2) Insist on injecting themselves into all aspects of White culture, while telling us how great their "culture" is.

3) They are ignorant and hypocritical beyond belief.

4) Commit way too much crime.

5) Lack ethics and decorum.

6) They want to destroy America and her founding stock.

7) They ruin every public place where they are gather.

8) Blame Whites for everything.

Bottom line is - segregation existed for a reason. We've had 50+ years to judge them by their character and it stinks even worse than their skin color.

I don't, I hate niggers.


Too small

Looks ok to me. Are you a phone poster?

That is why recommend that all White families with female members to live out in the country. Also, never send your girls to college. Negroes running loose has made many areas of the country unsafe for women. The sexual mania of the negro used to be well known, then the jewish system started suppressing the truth.


yeah, I left my laptop at home


Its really hard not to once you understand what exactly they are.

Because they're not people.


Yo yo yo fuk da whitey he evul an shieet

They are loud nd they stink.

>select all images with bicycles

Are you sure she wasn't asking for it?

Woah! Hate to be the sauce guy... but...