Friendly reminder that if you get kids with a northeast asian woman this is what they will look like

Friendly reminder that if you get kids with a northeast asian woman this is what they will look like.

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Sminem has a hot sister at least

he has fas (fetal alcohol syndrome) not mixed race

>Buzz cut
>Stop smiling like a fag, forever
>Wear Adidas
It's not too hard to fix this guy


>Cut of a bit of his ears
Should be a step too I guess.


this kid is a natural meme. i can feel it.

friendly reminder, if you have kids with an australian woman, this is what they will look like.

he looks perfect for space travel

Fas doesn't cause chinky eyes

Looks ok except for the British teeth

holy shit, i didnt notice until i enlarged the thumbnail.
WTF, he looks like an albino vulcan from star trek.

>turkish diaspora projecting



It literally does

>grow long hair
>become chad


That is not a hapa lol


Friendly reminder that if you get kids with a western European woman this is what they will look like.

that the kid from Malcom in the middles


>Implying the average white male who race mixes is a chad and not a soyboy



What is wrong with that? It's a pretty boy.



You know nothing


he looks fingolian

What about southeast asian?



All yellow fever weebs become betas eventually :)

me on the right btw

Even worse.



That only happens when both people are unattractive


it would be ok if they passed a law for late term abortions at nine months for any baby with tiny asian penis syndrome

That's not friendly at all

Asian women like all women just want a mate with an adult sized penis

you've got that right

So you mean azn women love BBC like all other women? Because white bois have no adult sized penis


sheeeeeet makin Vulcans



>Because white bois have no adult sized penis
said the asian with nonexistential penis

outed yourself as a dinky doodle boy


this board is a constant shit fight


awsome thanks man


Maybe make him wear a cool hat to cover his ears and there we go we fixed him. Now he's man sminem cool.


At least one parent was ugly as hell to begin with here.

>Russians think they're the SS's Aryan ideal

no it wont. that kid has blue eyes which is reccessive. if you fuck happa your kid will have brown eyes but if they breed with white thier kid could have blue eyes

based sminem

Long skull = alpha

Mininister U Sminem.
Disregard these fucking heretics, only begotten Son of Bog.

looks TUrkic russian

nigga looks like he just crawled out of chernobyl reactor #4.

That dude is hideous fuck my eyes

doesn't matter cause that's their problem, you had a great looking wife and that's what matters.

That guy can lift all he wants . . . Still gonna be beta. No escape.

Is that Putin's grade school photo?

A lot of them are tho... Are you a jew hiding behind a meme flag?

You notice all 5 are rape babies, their mother having been raped with a Vienna sausage no wonder they hate asian "men"


bogs fear him

So many insecure yerrow boys lately

this is a typical creature from the land of hapas (uzbek/tajik/kazak) courtesy of ghengis khan

he has russian syndrome

He looks like a Russian
Light hair/blue eyes is exceedingly rare on a HAPA. I've only ever met one

Oof. Hapa Chad could breed my daughter anyday

>Australian Woman


>caring how another man looks like

I have bad news for you, you gynormous faggot



you are a madman! that would depopulate the entirety of vancouver, toronto, sydney, melbourne, california, moscow, NY, londonistan, india, asia...

Russian oblivion character