Why is white nationalism not taken seriously as a movement? Why do we have such problems recruiting when we're superior?

Why is white nationalism not taken seriously as a movement? Why do we have such problems recruiting when we're superior?

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People have no incentive to join for the most part. Their life's aren't under immediate threat and they have access to all the bread and circus they want.
This will change in time. We still are recruiting a decent amount.

Because jews have made any political ideology with the word "national" in it mean evil gassing nazi racists. It is now normal for valuing your country to be frowned upon.

It's over. We lost.

You obviously have been infected with liberalism.
This bait is too obvious. Try harder.

Prove to me that ethnonationalism isn't stupid.

public LARPers aren't representative of all those with white nationalist sentiment
the majority are normal everyday working class whites that don't want to be replaced

Israel is doing fine last I checked

because most of us are socially inept retards and mangina simps without street smarts

>not taken seriously
>hasn't seen the hundreds of thousands of news hours devoted to it

Defeatist cuuuuuuuuuucccckkk
>or CIA nigger, likely the latter

>Why is white nationalism not taken seriously as a movement?
Constant vilification and ignoring by the mainstream jewish media.

>Why do we have such problems recruiting when we're superior?
Because the average Conservative and Liberal (aka sheep) believes everything the media tells them.

prove to me you're not in a retarded memeflag slide thread
pro-tip- u can't

lol ok then

Show me where multiculturalism is working, faggot.

The American Patriot Militia has reached it's highest membership number since it began in 1776.

Because mainstream media hit pieces keep normal intelligent professionals far away.

When you learn about media Jews, Holocaust, 9/11, Mossad etc. it’s hard to control your anger and borderline crazy people became neo nazi meme-bros

This isn't like a thesis on why people won't join but please read this advice:

Proper spelling and grammar goes a LONG way in red-pilling normies. It is so easy for someone reading your comment to see your typo and just immediately disregard everything you've said and not read anything you're going to say. For every person who comments on the internet, there are probably 40 people who read but do not comment. You can sway them, and you can sway your opponent by writing eloquently and correctly.

>no typos
>no rage
>no name calling unless Banting with other Sup Forums users

This means on Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, wherever.

Speak well, you represent all of us. Read over your posts before you submit them. Force the opponents and the sidelines to our movement to actually have to consider our argument and fire back at us, even if it's usually weak bants or name-calling anyway.

Outside observer here. That was the dumbest way possible to phrase that point.

They'd might as well be dressed up as wizards and elves. Who in the hell would join these counter productive morons who are doing exactly what the left is accusing everyone of and the right is denying.

Because nobody wants to be seen as the villain. Simply being a Trump supporter is stigmatizing and alienating enough for the average person. The overwhelming majority of people in this country live in densely-packed cities, whether they like it or not. Most of Trumps supporters are closeted about it, because something as simple as a MAGA bumper sticker can get your car vandalized.

Being a white nationalist could completely ruin your life if you accidentally reveal your power level and most people know this, so they won't even entertain the thought of being one.


Because the uniforms are shit.

It has no representation in the Elite Class of society, mainly. Trump is a Corporatist, not a White Nationalist. You know WN's have struck a raw nerve though when you remember how hugely the (((MSM))) overreacted to the Charlottesville LARP. There was one guy who got mob attacked while in his car and ran over some people. Heather Heyer, the fat bitch who died due to improper and fatal use of CPR, not being hit with the Challenger, was the only fatality at Cville that day due to political conflict. Two Cops crashed a junker helicopter and died as well. The (((MSM))) then took the story and played the car crash on a loop and screamed about how evil white men were. You would have thought that all those armed white people shot each other that day. They had 30 shot rifles with them. But they kept their cool and there was only mild skirmishing with pepper spray and blunt weapons. One nigger created a cheap flame thrower and one white guy shot at him to scare him. The white guy was arrested and the niggers was released. Defending your self while white is a no, no.

What happens if future White Nationalists figure out that White Male Democrats should be their first targets? How will the media react to real action that comes with little to no warning?

How about you show me where ethnonationalism is working (or has worked) instead?

You present this as if it's so terrible but every leftist group who faced the police showed up with makeshift shields and shit. Our people showed up to face those same people.

>Why do we have such problems recruiting

many men would rather go mgtow


doing fine leeching on foreign aid and subverting competition


>How about you show me where ethnonationalism is working (or has worked)
Every single European country in existence until 1945.

Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland.

>20% of the population is Arab
not an ethnostate.

Trying to rescue Nazi symbolism is a waste of time. If you see somebody trying to defend swastikas or black suns, they're playing the enemy script.
You need your new, own symbols. All others are poisoned 100%

I know it's going to be hard trying to convince people on an anime fan board that living in Japan isn't great or fun, but seriously, there's something so wrong with Japan that people don't want to procreate in it.

Imagine living in a culture so fucked up that you don't even want to get laid.

Winners are always outnumbered.


Israel, Japan, South Korea, Poland.

You mean the same Europeans that couldn't stop going to war with each other regularly until 1945?

you're a fucking moron
>pic related, origins of the swastika, a symbol shared across the entire planet

black sun is more esoteric and probably better left alone, but reclaiming the swastika is going to be /ourversion/ of the pentagram in metal.

How does that relevant to the question?

>name a Muslim country
>every country in the Middle East

Japan is overpopulated and buying real estate is nearly impossible for an average young Japanese person.
Birth rates has direct correlation with housing prices, when in 1960s the USSR started to mass build cheap homes (aka khrushevka) and give it to people for free it caused a demographic boom.

they aren't citizens

it isn't, but shills gotta shill.

What do you think "America First" entails?
Nationalism is not a bad word, nor a bad concept in normie's mind. Just don't sig hail.

It is taken seriously, just not openly like these tards.

Take the NSM of America for example. It's a fake group deliberately made to look shitty to slander the idea of white nationalism, and coerce people away from forming or joining such, even if the new groups have integrity.

Identity Evuropa
Traditionalist Worker's Party
NSM of America
Free People Against Antifa
Kekistani garbage

All deliberately made to look bad.

1. not an ethnostate
2. a stagnant economy with a hyper-restrictive culture
3. the regular riots and scandals not to mention living next to Best Korea would indicate something other than utopia
4. not sure if you're joking

White birthrates in America and Europe are low. Modern day social order is utter shit for human relations. Everything about it is wrong.

Your enemy has spent the last 50 years poisoning a well.
You insist on keep using that well and spent all your time trying to clean it.
And I'm the moron.
no IQ right wing is a problem

Why is prince Harry holding a silver shield? Does antifa have lasers?

great. wtf is that pic about? why should i care about your faggot watch?

It is rather simple. WW2 is the founding myth of the west and Hitler is the devil. Things like eugenics, nationalism, etc are all of the devil in this myth and are therefore evil. It would be the equivalent of going around Salem and trying to recruit for a witches coven. Thankfully the myths that define our world are starting to lose their power. We must hasten their collapse and invert the myth. Hitler must become not an evil figure but that of a God or saint.

kill nigger culture

My fear is people only "waking up" when white countries are already irreparably ruined, making white nationalism pointless in the first place, because the brown hordes will stop invading when the gibsmedats dry up.

Fine, then if you think Israel is some wonderland of harmony, then I invite you to observe the goings on in the Knesset.

And as always, there are sub-factions that hate each other, for instance, the ultra-orthodox and the liberal Jews.

Fuck off you LARPing tourist

the left's greatest fear is its own reflection.

You're just not inclusive enough

Ethnostate doesn’t mean that a country would have a booming economy or authoritarian regime, you stupid mutt, it does only mean that
1) Country is culturally and ethnically homogenous.
2) It’s government pushing policies which would benefit a ruling ethnos.

Israel is an ethnostate, if you’re a kike repatriant the state would provide you with housing, education, welfare, basically everything you need. And if you’re not jewish, then you can go fuck yourself.

Also, am not joking about Poland.

tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock

because you guys are buffons. you guys arent even "white" to being with

I suppose compared to Ukraine, Poland is amazing.

In order for a movimento to gain traction is needs:
2-Institutional support

There are smart people like Jared Taylor, but almost no institutional support.
The institutions are 100% opposed to white nationalism, and at the end of the day that is what keeps them from growing.

>muh dick
not an argument faggot.

What is Charlottesville like post Unit The Right? Are there a significant number of white self haters in town? How easy would it be to identify such white people in Cville? How likely would they be to put up a fight without the National Guard and Anti Fa there to protect them? These white self haters want white people to just disappear and they will make them disappear by force if they must. They are not owed a thing and probably can't fight without state support.

They can't declare open season on clean cut white men. They can't declare open season on bearded and shaggy white men. This means they can only hit targets that look "like the enemy." The white self hater and his light skinned Jew Masters are weak because their ideology has to blame white people for everything wrong with the world. Such ideologies put men in a fragile emotional state and make them very vulnerable to ambush style tactics. The white self hater and the Jewish Master are simply not going to live around the darkies.

Already happened. Kinda like Rome. When our people stopped caring because their bellies were full of bread it was already lost. That happened in the 60s.

Not really, most view Poland more like Ukraine done right, and immigrate to it because it’s so similar culturally, a Ukrainian can learn polish language in couple of years to the extent of having no accent.
Also, most of their “success” can be attributed to the US and EU giving them literally hundreds billions euro in aid. EU gave them more than 100 billion euro over the two decades. US gave them more than 200 billion usd in nineties. No wonder that Poland is doing good.


Constant shitting on women is majorly hurting the movement. There's nothing a family man would see in a sausage fest. The movement will be DOA as long as only butthurt young single childless men are involved.

>REEEE were superior
No you're not.
Middle class, upper class whites are never going to be attracted to your working class political activism, keep your recruitment aimed towards young working class men and it will continue to grow.

Because you keep LARPing your kike ideology
White nationalism = Freemasonry = the jew


Crime will have to get worse.

In the meantime, we need to run our own businesses so being doxxed doesn't mean financial murder. We need to offer viable alternative education systems

You're the one re-engineering society, the burden of proof is in you, honey.

Uhhhh... you do realize white liberal birth rates are basically at Japan level.

Because they have no power. A nigger was president for two terms. They are doing nothing. They are certainly not winning


You're literally showing examples of mixing of ethnic groups causing problems, dumb dumb

Too ‘diy’. Looks like a bunch of chubby individualist racists rather than a unit of presentable, strong and competent men.

Nordfront got the look right.



Probably because half the white nationalists are mongoloid fucks who would be considered abnormal subhumans by the Nazi's. Yet they want us to rally behind them as the defenders of the white race.

Because you are retarded , instead of creating organizations to defend white rights , you larp as nazis that destroyed western civilization.

On top of that you say that you are superior and your victory is guaranteed which is the opposite of what you need to do if you want to gain recruits as no one reorganizes under prosperity only under threats and you morons say that as master race your victory is guaranteed.

Not to mention that you guys have a hard on for the government when the government is fucking you all.

Nordfront had a very impressive march last summer even though it was stopped. They managed to be the underdog while defending themselves, while antifa fought with police.

I spent some time synchronizing their stream from when they were surrounded by police. They kept themselves in line. I could imagine other northern europe countries having the same discipline but sweden has been the best I have seen.

another vid, better quality, not the same perspectives though


>hated by most of the world
>used as a "strategic ally" by everyone else
>under constant condemn and sanctions
>constant terrorist attacks
>not even close to being homogeneous
>can't defend themselves without worldwide outcry

The perfect ethnostate!!!

Think how annoying it must be to have every third member be an fbi/atf agent.

>White Nationalists defending "muh thin blue line"

Absolute retards.

more from goteborg march, not NMR but antifa making fools of themselves

Holy shit, look at all those mutts.

The Black Sun is aesthetic as fuck, too bad it's associated with radical racism.

Post a pic of yourself faggot.

It doesn't matter what they do they cannot hide the truth stop talking about things pit of your base of knowledge. I know for the average Sup Forumsack that is almost everything but try to lurk more

The minute you show up around anyone using that stupid Nazi shit you end up on a list. A lot of the people using the stupid Nazi shit are probably alphabits.

People who cling to Nazi shit or Thule shit are fucking morons. Or they're on a payrole.

>Why is white nationalism not taken seriously
look at your pic. its full of spergs. these are the people calling you soyboy

Because openly identifying as that makes you lose your career, your job, and often means having niggers violently attack you without warning, without shame, from behind, with a weapon, with a group, any way they can

White nationalism =/= white supremacy
One is the claim that whites have a right to exist as a people.
The other is the claim that whites as a people are superior to any and all other peoples of the earth.

You gonna do something about them? You gonna fight people for being maybe a little too brazen in standing up for the truth?

Gonna sit on Sup Forums and shitpost and get put on a list anyway and do nothing to help the white race besides shit on people who have more balls than you?

Kill yourself

if whites werent superior we wouldnt need white nationalism to stop western civilization from decaying into total chaos as it currently is

alt lite newfags need to get fucked by a rake

> People trained from birth to be repulsed by symbols and displays of whiteness
> Hope to change minds by marching like assholes and allowing (((media))) to pick and choose how to portray it
Have to win hearts and minds one at a time.

The majority of countries in the world are essentially ethnically homogeneous. Only the USA, and more recently the rest of the west (including south america) do this nonsense where we mix 500 different, incompatible, and often hostile groups together.

>inb4 “b-but china has 500 different kinds of chink, they’re diverse!”

because people have jobs you fucking sponge.

What the fuck are you even talking about?