For a board of so-called "white nationalists", you seem to be very retarded

For a board of so-called "white nationalists", you seem to be very retarded.
Why do you worship picrelated?

Could you please never post again

I never understood why people would attempt to troll in the natural habitat of the troll with such shitty bait. Also saged.

worshipping is for reddit u stupid goatfucker.

no one gets worshipped on Sup Forums they just get shit on less than others.

SAGE eceleb character assassination threads

All three of you prove that those who live in North America are fucking retarded. It must be all the e-numbers in your food and the ritalin your doctors put you fat, dumb fucks on.

darkie stop posting here, nobody cares about your sid the sloth looking ass.

I think it brings up the wider issue of United Statian (and to a lesser degree, Canadian) "Identity".
The joke is that you have no identity, this is why you cling so hard to your beloved "white nationalism". White nationalist who fantasize and dream about fucking a girl who is one-third African.

Do you ever look at yourselves in the mirror and realize what a joke you are?

>Resorting to insults to try to keep people in the thread
Heres a you
And a sage

She may be a mutt and a thot, but she's our mutt thot.

man. inbreeding is really bad.all muslim shithole country posters are over-emotional idiots who argue like fucking women and have no self control mechanism.the quran sure makes sense now

Cuz she’s white enough to have kids with

Lol, you're a joke.
You have Andrew Anglin who goes on pussy holidays to east asia. You have Richard Spencer who is quite clearly a closeted homosexual. You have Andrew Warski who I believe is laughing under his breath at the money he's making from you retards.

And too add, the current poster girl of you retards is a spergy troll who is one-third black.

you couldn't make it up

Her children would be white with blue eyes

Better than fucking blood reatives you inbred animal lol.
Fuck you and the whore that shit you out. I’m burning a koran this weekend just for this.

I would unironically have sex with her in the missionary position with the sole intent of procreation

dem tiddies tho

sorry, I'm saving myself for pic related

What leaders? These are my leaders

I don’t worship cam whores, Ahmed.

La Creatura...

Because she is a quadroon goddess with HAITIAN MILKERS

Gib milkers

Hey now, she ain't no cam whore. She a compoota ho. She black mah nigga

We don't worship her. We just wouldn't pull out.

This is smart. It shows how magnanimous the far-right is.

The left tries to fracture the far-right by claiming that there is no clear definition of "white" and the far-right will destroy itself in a purity spiral. But the right responds by venerating a quadroon as one of its champions.

The far-right is trying to stop america from becoming non-white. It's not tryi ng to execute all non swedes. Swedes are snow niggers anyway.

Brittany Venti is mostly white and has big smooshy boobs. That is enough for us.



Bitch I'm not a white nationalist. I come here for the most hilarious lulz on the internet. And news.

Suck my dick faggot

Actually Sup Forums worships asian thots now

faggot JIDF get the fuck

You are thinking of Sup Forums you stupid nigger.

She's cute and I wand to eat her ass.

Fag detected