We're black enough
But we aint gay enough
We're black enough
Got when are these people going to shut the fuck up about representation. The gay issue is already over just let me watch my goddamn movie
Ayo hol up. So yall is sayin we wuz gay n' shiet?
rofl, 1/2 aint bad
yeah like Marvel would commit financial suicide by gaying up their black movie
I'm not even your average Sup Forumstard who dislikes those groups, but you can only push the envelope so far at a time when you're trying to make big Marvel/Disney money
plus black people don't want to watch gay shit
someone tell them this is a Sup Forums spoof when really it isn't, that would send them into overdrive, tell them no one can be that dumb and gay people are disgusting. loading up my ghetto nigger twatter right now famalam
Faggots arent welcome in Africa. My ethiopian wife's son told me.
homosexuals being 'accepted' in an african 'nation'? top keks thats not even believable in the fictional kingdom of Wewuzkinganda
are there any trans characters in black panther?
Fuck yes, this is the greatest piece that could be written about this movie
Black people are probably the most homophobic group in America and its all swept under the table by liberals with their heads up their asses. This type of thing will only continue the push towards conservationism. It's one thing when they're making white people gay and effeminate, but it'll be an entirely different bag when they make blacks gay and effeminate.
Nothing is good enough... They will complain about anything. It is what they do.
When you show them what actual repression is.
Maybe io9 has a point... dump it all into one shitshow of a movie, get all the identity politics out of the way so you don't have to trample over any other movies with it.
stay tuned goyim, that's reserved for the sequel
Tranny superhero when Marvel? It's current year.
conservatism damnit
it's funny, because there are some people that believe that pre-colonial africa was more tolerant towards gay people until the british etc showed up
Just a reminder that blacks are the most gay race. (Whites are the least gay race)
>has more likes
explain AIDS then
The chimps was female.
But I don't want to rape any disgusting SJW regardless of their sex or attractiveness. Guess we're stuck with their shitty opinions and articles forever.
blacks will fuck anything that moves
and probably quite a lot of things that don't
>niggers didn't think that the kikes would turn on them too
hahaha we warned you
what would be the perfect movie for these people? Everyone is a black, tranny, muslim?
So guess they missed where they let anyone not wakanda starvw and due of super aids, like they would tolerate degeneracy.
Anthropomorphic animals
So I have read that people who mock gays are subconscious/closet gays, and that people who are racist just feel inferior- so does that mean that Sup Forums are just a bunch of homosexual African American worshippers?
Nobody likes blacks or gays
Marvel may be pandering to the nogs, but they are smart enough to know the majority of blacks fucking loathe gays. If you think Billy Bob is a heliophobe, drop his IQ another 10 points and give him a higher instance of violence and anger issues with a tribalist mentality and see how much he likes fags then.
Nogs wouldn't watch that shit and they fucking know it.
I read that George Washington was actually black. Nice meme flag tho famalam.
A nigger fucked a monkey and then raped women who then got raped by other men who then raped children to cure themselves of AIDs.
>the majority of blacks fucking loathe gays
Blacks have one of the highest rates of faggots out there. A lot of them are just closet homos
Same with white supremacists and nazis
Good morning everyone, my name is Pastor Dr. Martin T'Challa, I'm here in the capacity as the King of the national task force against homosexuality in Wakanda.
Do these bitches in the picture have cancer or smth?
so..... wakanda is gonna be memed as gay inclusive then??
There was meant to be a lesbian scene but Marvel cut it.
Just because they have 3% more fags than everyone else or whatever doesn't mean the rest don't beat the shit out of them for existing. I don't think you have talked to many typical nogs. I used to live around a shitload of them.
I'm not talking about the three that went to your school in the 80% white burbs. I'm talking about Jamalrone.
>I may be black, but at least I'm not gay.
So you be sayin we aint gay enough!
Marvel was never really big on gay scenes in their movies. It's no surprise they're ignoring it.
Now the left can realize how oppressive and homophobic the nogs are
and then as you can see, in the gay community they have lots of closeted retards
Lmao, please. Negroes are EXTREMELY homophobic, almost to the point of absurdity and rivaled only by Islam. Anyone who has had the misfortune of growing up around knows their culture of hyper-masculinity and alphaness means jumping through hoops to prove how “not gay” you are or taking things out of context and accusing people of being gay even if nobody was even thinking about it. Whether it’s their flamboyant brand of Christianity or their macho culture I don’t know, but all of this is extremely curious considering how overrepresented they are in LGBT statistics.
>According to the report, released by Gallup earlier this week, 4.6 percent of African Americans responded “yes” when asked if they identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, along with four percent of Hispanics, 4.3 percent of Asians and 3.2 percent of Caucasians.
a prank where a man pretended to hit on random men to test the reactions.
See the reaction from the african man
min 1.30
>it's real
Holy jeez
Which would you rather have around, Sup Forums? Blacks or gays? And no you can't say "neither"
Blacks never use protection.
Not even if you give them free condoms by the truckload, they don't want to use them.
Gays because they make up so little of the world population.
Bumping with a classic
They basically need to make a movie with a bunch of handicap lesbian niggers, even then they still won’t be happy.
Its because their culture although totally owned and controlled by the jews in America was allowed to be reasonably openly masculine and aggressive. If blacks went and attacked or made fun of gays in the black community liberals would not draw attention to it. If whites did it, the jews would cry. The gay agenda was largely pushed on whites although recently it is being pushed on blacks now.
Yeah right, I think you are forgetting that the "monkey see, monkey do" factor may overpower the negro's apparent hyper-homophobia. Remember these are "people" that do nonsensical retarded shit just because one of his homies did. Examples being: Fucking flat rim baseball caps with price tags still on them, Willfully and purposefully butchering English, Sideways Guns, Pants, Teeth, Cars, the list goes on...
You underestimate the overnight effect it would have if just a few popular rappers started to "drop tracks" talking about how "gangsta" it was to suck dicks
Africans are the most homophobic group imaginable.
gay niggers in space
I can't blame them, have you ever had condom sex? It sucks
get pissed at the mods for not doing there job about off topic post in off topic bullshit all the time i am a dam hippocrite
Why? My race has betrayed me.
I just want to watch two strong niggas kiss. Is that too much for a black kid like me to ask for?
Next movie we need le -1% actors buttfucking each other in at least seven scenes
Gays. Being cat called and waved at is miles better than being murdered and robbed.
dont do it boy
Blame china, to many dicks not enough chicks.
God bless that west african nigger.
you literally look like females
It would make sense because blacks have the highest homosexual rates.
The next remake of spiderman, where he gains his powers from taking his hormone therapy.
The bigots forgot the true Queens of Kawanda.
Why can't all black men be like that based Afrikan?
Gay Green Lantern, I'm calling it now
we should push for black men doing lots of gay stuff on media just for trolling.
Maybe saying black men have a problematic homophobic problem etc
Dey take u in da bush and you do not come back
What the fuck are they doing with a comic book character, what's with all the gay ME ME bullshit.
>See the reaction from the african ma
Fucking OP lol. Best post in memory.
I suspect this picture might be from New Orleans, where the black gay culture is completely different than anywhere in the US. Those niggers are gangster as fuck and will not hesitate to fuck you up.
Between my effeminate Asiatic facial features, love for weightlifting, daily moisturization regimen and long hair, it's no wonder my friend's fag friends thought I was hot as hell.
>black enough
>every character (except 2) is black
gets my noggin joggin
Ladyboys; at least you have the best edition of homos
Look at the other races' "Don't Know/Refuse to Answer" statistics. That should comfort you at night, faggot.
Remember when (((they))) told us one in ten people are gay.
I self identify as a gay faggot.
And a Russian hacker.
tbf answering "don't know" to the question are you gay is pretty fucking gay
Pseudopsychological garbage, which is in itself semitic pseudoscientific garbage
He will did it to America
Why do Africans talk like that? He clearly can talk but he sounds as if he needs a speech therapist
too muchu cocku
shamefur dispray
I read about a study they made in Kenya. Like 99% of men said they hate gays and are not homosexual.
But around 60% or so said they regularly have sex with men.
well yeah I mean black people are violently anti-gay
Hahaha. Nobody hates fags and fag culture more than blacks.
They will never shut up because they would be unemployed at that point. Complaining is literally their job, they went to university for this. They can't let that go to waste. They would have to retrain, go back to school because there's nothing else they are qualified to do. That's why they're going crazy. They will not stop unless they get fired, and at that point they'll still continue on Twitter, write columns for sites without earning money while mooching off friends and family and welfare. This garbage will continue for a lot longer than will make sense.