In 100 years, South Korea will be dead, drowned in degeneracy, cultural rot, low-birth rates and racemixing

In 100 years, South Korea will be dead, drowned in degeneracy, cultural rot, low-birth rates and racemixing.

In 100 years, North Korea will still be there, keeping the same customs, being the same people and guarding the Korean traditions.

>In 100 years, North Korea will still be there
Not if I can help it!

neither will be in 100 years

Thank God east Asia is keeping alive the idea of girls in skirts

didnt know growing parasites and being malnourished to the point of physical deformation were korean traditions, just thought that was a norkie thing

in south korea, the coolest kids are the ones who do the best in school. sure they might put on a sexy skirt, but they do their calculus homework too.

north korea sent some of its athletes to pyeongchang on a ship and the ship showed up completely out of fuel, they had to break the embargo to refuel the nork ship

south korea
>generally tries to be entertaining
North Korea
>Spreading lies to get some mo money fo dem programs

Seems about right.

South Korea is infected with the terminal illness known only as (((American Culture))). It will rot away slowly, eventually unify with North Korea, and be overtaken by their ideology in response to the overwhelming degeneracy.

It's almost as if I've heard this story before

earl of gray more like EARL OF GAY

Smart way to score some extra fuel

Clever Norks

this is why it's so important to ensure all nations are subverted before (((western))) nations, themselves, collapse

>north korea sent some of its athletes to pyeongchang on a ship
Fucking why, couldn't they have literally just drove em out on a bus?

Those South Korean harlots will never beat 200 synchronized cuties singing heavenly songs of peace and unity.

Is South Korea like Weimar Republic levels of degradation, or what? How bad are typical lifestyles and social values there?

Agreed but I wouldn’t want to see our lardarse women in skirts.

for being so red pilled you guys sure are suckers for cheap visuals

Yea if the people don't starve to death first.
I'm convinced you commies hate food.
A lot.
Because if you got what you want? You won't be eating much. I promise. Commies never do.

Mines and shit

>There are people here to unironically support North Korea

Id rather watch qt Korean girls in skirts dance to music than see some emaciated ugly red slant eyed North Koreans cheer in unison about how small their leaders cock is.


It's a kike, isn't it, Sup Forums?

>qt Korean girls
why you americans all like the women who act like men.
corean girls are not feminine.

>ugly red slant eyed North Koreans
south coreans look worse without surgery. dont fool your dick.

better learn who your friends are you fucking retarded bogan

the jew is your enemy. independent countries standing against the jew are better friends to you than most of your own people

(((((( CAPITALISM )))))))

I spent two years in SK nip. Im about to spend 3 in Japan. Ill make that decision myself.

Fuck Asian girls are hot!!!!!

>Ill make that decision myself.
what decision?

Shut up jap your just as fucking shit looking as the rest of them

Why communists even shill for NK? It's probably most racially pure state on Earth and intends to remain so. We all know that in the end mongrelization means more for (((communists))) than any change of economic regime, and national-socialist is much more hated enemy of communist than a capitalist.

Whether im fooling my dick or not.

>Shut up jap
>your just as fucking shit looking as the rest of them

>Whether im fooling my dick or not.
how do you know if you ever fooled your dick or not?
you wash her face with cleansing water or something after you are done?

whoa, why doesn't some one reference these events in the mainstream news and post a new image?

North Koreans are starving you fucking tit

>the mainstream news
because its the mainstream news?
you dont hear about white farmers being killed in niggerland. who would they show coreans getting cucked by their crazy feminist women.
might be a language/culture barrier but its common knowledge that korean is heavily lefist. i dont know how they managed to have a conservative image.

That was alright

>Its really funny how the Mutts will buy every piece of propaganda that fits their narrative but at the same time cry about their corrupt media
The Korean tradition is to fight against yankee imperialism and they keep it alive
First you embargo countries (see Cuba,North Korea, Iraq, etc) and then you start propagandize about the malevolence of their system and that thats the reason their economies tank
One reminder Mutt, every empire eventually falls and then the citizens pay the bill,dont think your Muttstate is gonna be an exception

Kikes have completely subverted it, talmud was a bestselling book

Thanks for the tip, we know greeks are the expert on societal collapse. You must have it down to a science at this point.

It is really bad.
They are hyper-materialistic and it has been pretty much completely normalized for Korean girls to sleep around as much as they want and take on sugar daddies and such.

Excellent, if we go to hell the gooks must follow

>Sup Forums wants to preserve the worlds cultured and fight the globalist plot to destroy every culture on the planet
>cant even unironically tell if north korea is a beacon standing up against globalism, nwo, the jews, and the money kike cartel
>daily "lets nuke the norks" threads
>daily "norks are based" threads

I prefer sexy chinks shaking their ass over some commiefaggots singing about being a commiefaggot, commiefaggot. Now kys

Get your slurs correct, buddy.

DRPK is the only national-socialist state that still exists.

>sexually repressed on one end of the spectrum vs sexually repressed on the at the other side

actually pretty cool science experiment

much better than your country, men don't get raped in family courts, women don't dress like sluts and take care of their appearance.

Yeah, "Juche" girls are from an elite group of North Korean families who actually have access to enough nutrition not to be underweight and dangerously malnourished unlike the majority of the population of muh glorious Juche nation.

>"take care" of their appearance.

>women don't dress like sluts

>women don't dress like sluts

You're kidding right? Koreans literally dress sluttier than women in any country I've ever been, and that says a lot considering my flag for example.

Also Worst Korea is unironically the Asian country most cucked by feminism. Possibly the country period most cucked, given how serious they are about le stare rape, kek

>he needs a gubment to provide nutrition
>snownigger having no concept of living off land

I'd rather root the ones on the left desu

Ugh I hate how fucking fake and bug like they all look after surgery

What a fucking disgraceful country

I hop you're joking, m8. The before is a train wreck

gtfo fedora abo

Woah someone who gets it.

Short of nuclear genocide, the DPRK will outlast the USA with 100% certainty.

there are people here who believe ((western)) propaganda

Did you actually miss the opportunity for a bong teeth meme comment?

Australia what has happend to you?

#1 shill identifier: they love the enemies of america.

gook in korea even the men dress like sluts

The problem with our women is that they wear too much makeup (fake) and their general bug looks from being inbred, not their teeth

Both sides are a train wreck

I hate to agree with a person using that flag but you’re right. Them and Iran are the only nations successfully resisting the Jews. Russia and Belarus are to an extent also, but I digress.

Worst Korea has AIDS.

>Jewtin banned "anti-Semitic" "interpretations" of the bible
>"Russian" mafia traffics Slavic sex slaves
Fuck Russia

>praising absolute slavery

you cant go lower than this

Heh, Sup Forums forgot about the Seven Goddesses feminism experiment already.
Remember when that president got removed from office two years ago? They found out a small cabal of (((extremely liberated women))) was telling the president how to run the country (((or else))).