The earth is rou-

>The earth is rou-

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Show me some compelling evidence that it's actually flat

Its a torus

>yeeaap i can see from my hick town water tower that the erth is flatt

nd as fuck

wtf I hate NASA now

The words will make you out 'n' out

what the fuck is wrong with you

are you retarded? its curving at the ends of the picture

Am I the only one that can actually see the curve? Even in that picture I see the curve. Do people actually believe this?

it's curved hick

The average passenger flight is at an elevation of 7.39 miles (39000 feet). This picture was probably taken between 1000 and 2000 feet. The ISS orbits at 205 to 270 miles above the surface of the earth (1,082,000 to 1,460,000 feet)

Go take me a picture at 1 million feet above the surface of our planet and show me it is flat. I'll wait.

Why don't we see fucking Japan or New York then ?
Should just need a powerful camera like in the (not) satellites (not) orbiting earth?

Or maybe ships are disappearings on the horizon because earth is not flat ?


Image distortion and dilation due to speed results in a "bulging" perspective the higher off the ground you get. This is why brainlets like you mistake dilation as curvature on a flat fucking surface.

I love flat earth threads


>of course we live on a spinning ball, are you stupid?

443 km photo.

I was expecting a photo from 443 km up

(((iss))) is at 400 km dude