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Sup Forums humor thread
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What is this?
Some guy in Turkey assassinated a politician in an art museum. It was an IRL kino moment.
Fun fact: Some cop posted this exact meme and got fired from his job
Forgot his name and can’t remember when it was though. But people were pissed at him lol.
It's me promising not to get political but being unable to contain myself after consuming a set amount of alcoholic beverages, and I shoot my obease liberal aunt.
hahahaha i like how the artist casually removed """"""""""""""""""her"""""""""""""""""""""""""" protruding ape mouth and gave """""""""""""""""""""""""""""Michelle"""""""""""""""""""""" white facial features
And the coveted soft, flowing tresses of a Caucasian woman that blacks try and fail to replicate without scalping Asian and Indian women.
Holy shit my sides
Top fucking kek, that was quick.
Also, a fucking joke of a painting for a fucking joke of a first lady.
>numbers are imaginary
>2+2 doesn't actually exist IRL
>i shouldn't have to answer this question
The replies were beautiful
Hahahahahahahahaha racism!!!! Hahahahaha nigger xDxDxD comedy """"""gold""""""
Why did the chickin cross the road?
Cuz he wuz deported
gr8 larp m8 i r8 it b8/8
delete this now
I am so lucky I didn’t post this I had the same idea and would have lost my job if i posted it
>when this is normal in america now
>"Local chef mistakes slab of ham for a woman"
but is the bedrock immune to nuclear mines?
this but unironically
That must be the bravest man alive.
>this is the cruel life in eastern europe
i like this image, it reminds me of the analogy of life as different rope materials melted seamlessly together, and the a knot is tied on one end and run all of the way to the other end
I'm going to start calling it the holobunga.
well she is only a woman
Dis thread be lackin dat real guud belly laugh nowat imsayyyinnnn
wtf is going on here?
i can't even
it could literally happen to anyone. except a man named Muhammed.
>totally haram my nigger.
I edit comics and post them to normie friends, they love anything to do with jews.
And now it's gone, like tears in the rain.