Why dont conservatives believe in abortion?

Why dont conservatives believe in abortion?

because they want to conserve their culture by having the more newborn they can have

>inb4 "what race is it?"

I value a child's right to life over a mother's irresponsibility.

More black babies in the US are aborted than born.

t. pro choice

Because no one can give a sufficient answer as to when life begins.


I believe in mandatory abortions for niggers, spics, and refugees from the Middle East.

Have a read and let me see that smile user! I bet it's ear to ear.

Ending human life is wrong. Even retards have their uses, even if it's just simple manual labor.
Even if they're totally worthless, the family should provide for the tard, because murder is wrong.

what about rape? would you make an exception then?

i'm sorry to sound like an asshole, but your niggers are still part of the western culture

Because their leaders use religion to control them and they’re too fucking stupid to realize it. Oldest trick in the book.

It's killing a child.

If you say that's ok, then murder of adults should be ok too.

I'm an atheist

People who are pro-life seem to have an odd inconsistency towards the value of human life.

Most pro-lifers also support the death penalty, and are often in favor of interventionist war or military involvements which result in the deaths of others. It seems that the value of human life greatly depends on how emotionally connected one is to the idea of those who may lose their life.
Pro-lifers seem unperturbed by the plight of bomb victims (including children) in Syria, justifying it as casualties of war, or for a greater good, or in relation to some equally horrible act committed by the other side.

I personally don't believe in abortion, nor would I ever have one, and I believe that the child is by all accounts a human with rights and a soul. However, the value of that human life is entirely relative and open for debate. It is hard to pretend that the life of an unborn child holds a special position while justifying the deaths of others, being ok with casualties of war for a greater cause, or killing people for committing crimes.

Hell, half of Sup Forums would happily murder lefties and commies for having a different political opinion, yet espouse this narrative of human life being precious in regards to the unborn.

>Most pro-lifers also support the death penalty, and are often in favor of interventionist war or military involvements which result in the deaths of others. It seems that the value of human life greatly depends on how emotionally connected one is to the idea of those who may lose their life.

Death penalty is for people that murder others.

That's entirely different than killing an unborn child.

Refugees are fine as long as they go home. Aid for when it's only needed.

I mean I understand the death penalty is reserved for criminals (in most countries) and that innocence (highly dependent on context of the crime of course) of the person being killed is a dividing line in terms of accepting the termination of a another life, but it does illustrate the point that the value of life is incredibly subjective.


Main thing pro-life people support is full responsibility for everyone. Want to engage in actions that result in children without contraception? Get ready to raise a child. You can't? Then you both go your natural way into the trash, because this is consequence of your choices. You know you cant raise child? Then don't fuck, or use proper contraception.
Everyone should bear full consequences of their actions, and if one will be crushed by weight of consequences, let them be crushed and make example of them so others look at it and next time think before acting.
Forgiveness and safety nets breed nothing but degenerates at the expense of honest people.

Because skanks and thots use abortion as a meant of contraception, instead of using it for extreme cases, such as rape and infantile deformities

Because they don’t actually give a shit. They just regurgitate the garbage that comes from Fox News. The talking points hilariously line up perfectly revealing there’s zero thought that goes into any argument you may find. Hannity, Jones, etc. learned a long time ago that they can use religion to their benefit to control their moronic fan base. You get them on strings and you get them them to do anything. Like I said, oldest trick in the book.

I agree with you fully. However, this is rarely the argument posed. More often, pro-lifers talk about the inherent value of life and how it is morally unjust to extinguish a life, yet this morality rarely carries over to other forms of life.

Sup Forums is a great example, as many celebrate the death of others wholly on ideological and religious grounds, which really seems to show that life is held in very low regard. I find it hard to buy into the feigned righteousness and appeals to life from these same people on the matter of abortion.
Unfortunately, you're probably pretty close here.

Sure why not, given how small the percentage is. Of course, more women would claim rape in order to have abortions if it was made illegal, fucking up the rape statistics.

Obviously, there should be abortion limits at the very least, and some sort of penalty other than monetary. Like sex education or condom training. I would trade government issued free birth control for illegal abortions any day, even though I am libertarian.

I'm conservative. I'm just fine with abortion.

I'm probably right of fascist and love abortion

>right of fascist
That's pretty much a Nazi.

i think he means esoteric national socialism

You're now disregarding the fact that the kid is a victim of an asshole dad and a most likely retarded as fuck mother for getting raped in an arguable sense, this hypothetical is so bullshit because when rape happens it happens to women doing stupid shit, because the court system and the law is heavily on women side now. The Woman cannot evade responsibility for getting raped, without objectifying herself.

because we dont like murdering people
unlike fascists and nazists who have no issue in murdering others

>Why dont conservatives believe in abortion?
Because you can hide it anymore, that equality destroys the future