Deplatformed? Kiked?

Has he been shoahed??

His website is down.

Who is he? He is a champion of truth. He was "Hitler did nothing wrong" in the 1970s.

Other urls found in this thread: books

This is exactly why I stocked up on his books

didn't he write a ten volume biography on Winston churchill?
can one be right and the other wrong?

His is only two volumes. Martin Gilbert, churchills authorized biographer, wrote at least eight volumes. Kind of sad that a mutt knows this and a bong doesn't

I didn't even know he was still alive, top lad btw.

I think you'll find that he's a closeted pedophile and that association with him brings terrible consequences.

When will Sup Forums stand up properly against pedos? Also, the Penguin Lipstadt case confirms that this guy is deeply sexually deviant and irregular.

When they realise Epstein's role in artificial intelligence.

When they realise we are living in a simulation.

Maybe Hitler didnt do anything wrong but he did gas the jews.

When they realise we are artificial intelligence.


You do realise Epstein's role in artificial intelligence don't you?

Two degrees of separation between Peter Thiel and Jeffrey Epstein, who was an important financier of transhumanist research.

no one wants to chat with memeflaggots

Well that's just as well because I have no interest in speaking with people.

>I think you'll find that he's a closeted pedophile and that association with him brings terrible consequences.

So because he admits the gassings now you turn your back on him and call him pedophile

David Irving not David Epstein

Op. The simple fact that I am providing a google link should provide you an inkling of how retarded you are. books

Irving simply moved from his patchwork-post-prison-website to a more professional one, he's getting back up on his feet.

Why? Why are Jews so hated? They bring it on themselves.

Fair point, I guess.

