Dear Sup Forums

Stop the transphobia or face the consequences.

Sincerely yours,
The "fist"

whats a terf? tell me here i dont want to google it right now

whats a "terfs"?

Trans exclusionary radical feminist. Essentially the only feminists who make a little sense, despite being feminists.

Their whole beef is that trannies aren't real women and they get in the way of positions real women can take, ie men oppressing women, again.



Spooney is looking like shit these days

>want to be feminine
>go around punching people
Are they trying to fit in on a Friday night in Manchester or something???


Her/his(?) Fist would brake on my face

Shockingly, some feminists don't think men who castrate themselves and do the old cock fliparoo have any idea what actual women experience.


Don't be talking shit about Manchester, we have drunken scraps on Saturday nights; Fridays are usually civil.

that's actuallyy true.. lol


decelerate rapidly? yeah, probably.

Fucking AUTOCORRECT *break

why use a picture of a dead fish for this?

I'm by far not a machine, but I'd break this creature's arm in a second

So i cant wear a shirt saying 'i punch feminists' but a man pretending to be a woman can.
Almonds and all that.

I love that this is a thing


>Stop the transphobia or face the consequences.

oh fuck off... we aren't scared of you.


Because the epitome of lady-like behavior is threatening violence.


why radicals in particular
radical feminists are purportedly despised by as sides, so it really goes without saying


Are you threatening me? Doesn't that mean I should be afraid of you? Pic related. How do I know you don't have one of these in a purse?

thats bullshit


A Trans Exclusionary Reactionary Feminist is a feminist who hates trannies, because they are mentally ill men taking the piss out of feminism by pushing women out of their own sports by claiming to be women on the inside and then beating the (sometimes literal) shite out of the real women in the boxing ring, sports field, board room, and anywhere else.

I swear to god soon some savvy tech start-up will employ only men but keep a register of which ones have signed a document to say that they internally identify as a woman, black, lesbian, disabled or whatever, in order to meet diversity requirements.

It's intersectionality gone mad!

>pushing women out of their own sports

oh, the fucking irony.

>have signed a document to say that they internally identify as a woman, black, lesbian, disabled or whatever,
Thats actually brilliant.

Why am I just now hearing about TERFs? This one person I know brought it up in passing a couple weeks back and now I'm seeing it everywhere.

To be fair, it’s essentially a more modern take on the old "Why can't I just be a Rick and Morty fan" argument. They want to pick and choose episodes that they like while just rejecting the very high IQ to understand it. Its a pretty bad precedent to set because their own feeble grasp of theoretical physics is always going to go over a typical viewers head. What of Rick’s nihilistic ouotlook, deftly woven into his characterization, what of his personal philosophy which draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya, could they cherrypick to see it’s not just funny, it’s something deep about DISPOSITIONS AND LIFESTYLES. This sort of view is a consequence of people who attack and attempt to invalidate the basis of Rick and Morty, idiots, its not much different from Critical Theory in appreciation of, for instance, Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” at large. Undermine the base premise of Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons and slowly dismantle it. II’m smirking right now to see addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion about Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfold itself on their television screens, then essentially applies Critical Theory to Rick and Morty as genuine. What fools... how I pity them.

UV9fe8y (discord)

Join for anti gay stuff (new server expect changes)

Rick and Marty is fucking gay

90% of everyone here faps to more tranny porn than you libtards could even imagine

Trannies get the brass knuckles.

I cannot imagine the isolation and loneliness of being a feminist with even a tiny amount of sense.


I think you're mistaking satire for something genuine.

Fuck off faggot

Put these fucking transfags out of their misery

Reminder that less than 1% of tranny porn is post-ops, and absolutely no one would even be attracted to the pre-ops if futas were a real thing. Just like there would be no furries if bestiality were suddenly legal.

Why isn’t this “person” in a gulag?

Fucking lost hard, 8/10

I fixed it.


So Canada no longer has furries?

We now have men punching women in the name of feminist leftism.


it is the ultimate misogyny and objectification of women, a sick fetish of not only seeing a woman as a sex object but wanting to become that sex object


We should be using our meme power to instigate conflict between Marxist special interest groups. That is the left's Achilles' heel. A war between delusional faggots and man-hating bulldykes is a reason to break out the popcorn and enjoy the show.