I go to the most liberal school in America. It's in west coast and you can guess which one it is. Let me ask Sup Forums

I go to the most liberal school in America. It's in west coast and you can guess which one it is. Let me ask Sup Forums
How do you guys cope with the fact that liberals are more successful, more intelligent, and more outgoing than you guys?

None of your art will ever be as successful as the memes cooked up in paint on this board.

Doesn't your predefined views of this place, negate your question? It shows your complete lack of success, intelligence, and shows you to be a recluse.

How do I cope with the fact that liberals are more outgoing? Fyi I'm a guy stuck in his room playing games for almost 24hrs per day with not much social interactions. But I don't really stand with the liberal ideas but I'm not leaning right either.

I go to the best school in America. It's on the east coast and you can guess which one it is. Let me ask OP
How do you cope with the fact that liberals have an incoherent worldview that can be completely destroyed with a single image?

If they're so intelligent, why are they paying $120K for a degree that will net them a $25K/yr job at best?

I should have said this: I'm not a liberal. I'm here to ask yall how to cope with successful & outgoing liberals here at this school :( They are all god damn smart and have a great life.

Also, it's not a single image if it has like hard-to-read small paragraphs and texts and images inside the image. Just saying.

It's a state university. I don't pay that much and grants almost cover it :P

>everybody has the same set-up I have
Please ponder this one for a second.

>liberals are more successful, more intelligent, and more outgoing than you guys?
All three of these have been refuted by analytical evidence.

Like 140k if you are international. $120k if you are out of state I think.
Idk much about tuition detail but most in-state students don't pay that much :P

> (OP)
>>liberals are more successful, more intelligent, and more outgoing than you guys?
>All three of these have been refuted by analytical evidence

I just see liberals everywhere. More intelligent, has hot gf, more friends and more successful (got a job at SV or family is rich etc.)

Then you refuted because...?

Yep, this is shaping up to be classic slide thread material. Saged.

I would suggest that you get ahold of your handler/manager and ask them to help you along with shill protocols, because you seem pretty inexperienced. I'm sure the manual they hand you guys has some advice for making your next slide thread better.

>inb4 no im serious this is a normal thread about libs being smarter lol im alt right too

Not Princeton.
If you want to beat liberals in a debate and have the moral high ground you have to criticize them on relativism and the refusal to set a standard by which society can be improved. That doesn't mean asserting whiteness or intelligence as primary; you can come to your own standard.
It's a single image. I saved it as one file on my computer. Nice try with semantics ;)

>anecdotes are evidence
reddit is just around the corner, you know

How do I cope with demonstrably untrue horseshit...? Quite easily, in fact.

Question, do they take STEM courses?

Dude. Berkeley sucks. BTW, you smell like chink.

Somewhat sidelining this topic, why are certain schools in US prestigous when they’re effectively pay to enter? If you look at average sat score ivy league is nothing special.

Furthermore ivy league gradutes don’t actually earn more when compared to other colleges. Is this another scam to which young people fall?

There is literally no value in going to an ivy league university these days compared to a regular public school. There's actually a grand hubbub right now about how ideologically driven """elite""" universities are. They're ideologically driven and also run on a corporate scheme.

Essentially there's no point in going anymore except to treat it as a vocational school. One cannot receive a "liberal education" in a classical sense.

Still one wonders how the fuck do these institutions maintain their reputation when it’s all hot air? You pay atleast 160 000 dollars for what amounts to nothing when you could have gone to a cheaper uni, truly insane!

Btw it seems like OP is the sore loser in this thread. :D How’s that student debt going?

Fucking Ready

You shitlords are the most retarded bunch of babby sized beta males on the planet

You probably posted this just to trigger Sup Forums but I'll give you a (you) anyway, because it's an interesting topic.
>more intelligent
>more successful
>more outgoing
Outgoing is the only thing you can claim that Liberals have over conservatives, because they are "open" by temperament. Intelligence and success can be debated, but I'd hazard a guess that conservatives are more successful while liberals are more book-smart. It doesn't matter if you have a high IQ if your work ethic is shit. Conservatives have the work ethic, liberals typically struggle with it.
One thing is for sure though: liberals are not happy. I'm a former liberal and I know full well that we're some of the most depressed, anxious and jealous creatures on this planet. It's self-evident that leftists are hideously depressed and pitiful people, just look at their social media timelines.
Swinging to be more center-right has actually helped my mood, in part because I've abandoned nihilistic happy-chasing and I'm working to better myself. I'm also a lot less in denial about degeneracy, which probably causes a lot of internal conflict with the average liberal. Imagine having to tell yourself that "trans people are validly whatever gender they say they are," every time reality confronts you with the fact that that's not the case.

All that being said, conservatives need to make the choice of either letting the universities crash and burn, or regaining a foothold and changing things from within. I lean toward the latter, because if conservatives aren't getting university credentials, they are setting up themselves and their children to be economic untermench, while the liberals stay elite. I don't think that the system will crash as soon as people predict. The thing I worry about is conservatives making themselves and their children economically uncompetitive, just because they're unwilling to fight the cultural Marxists in their stronghold.

Just go to lesser known but good unis. As we discussed in this thread these ”elite” institutions are ridiclously overrated.

>playing vidya instead of studying/going to class
It's okay OP, you're not going to be there long. Jokes aside, the conservatives that I know who are similarly hermetic tend to be either disgusted with everyone around them, or themselves. Not sure what your problem is OP. But be thankful that you're not ruining your life with drugs and AIDS while you dig a deeper and deeper hole to hell.

Drop the vidya for at least 2 hours a day, go to class, and do your homework though, Jesus man.

Is trade school just a meme or can you really make 60k+ on a day-job? I'm at cc now but I'm thinking about trade school because 1) easy training and money, 2) practical skills in case SHTF, and 3) I can still have time for art on the side. Yes I fell for the art meme, but there's no way out of it now.

>successful, more intelligent, and more outgoing

I console myself with the knowledge that their success is a function of political bullshit and the known universe will be vastly improved by exterminating them all with hammers.

Cc? I don’t know much about trade schools but some professions pay quite well like underwater welding. I am personally an engie student which I recommend for anybody.

Yes 30k+ Debt sounds like a remarkable achievement
Subjective at best. Worst you just memorised enough to pass a test.
Don't even know what this refers to. Might be that OP is a faggot.

>if it has like hard-to-read small paragraphs and texts and images inside the image. Just saying.
>if it has like
are you retarded?


cc is community college. Which by the way is much less infested with leftist bs than universities. Still infested though. Global awareness and diversity classes are mandatory for general education, but you still have a men's leadership group on campus and regular visits from Mormons.

UW or Evergreen college

I'll have a mocha french press espresso with 2 sugar and a shot of 2% milk.

>How do you guys cope with the fact that liberals are more successful, more intelligent, and more outgoing than you guys?
While it is certainly the case that they are given a huge social advantage in academia, it isn't true in real life.

I remember a study that found conservatives were significantly more happy than liberals, and pic related we're definitely richer.