Debate: Is a Democracy/Republic good?

Is voting good or should we adopt Fascism/Monarchism?

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Only good on the local level. Roman fascism had it figured out.


Democracy by definition is the government of the dumb and the blind. The tyranny of numers. True freedom can only be achieved through a fascist dictatorship

In modern society Roman fascism would work because people would have weapons to stop the dictator from taking permanent power.

Or you could mix all 3 together

>Is a Democracy/Republic good?
No. It gives the Senators a path to royalty at the expense of the country and the people. You would think people would learn from Caeser.

A shit cocktail.

Roman republicanism was great. Too bad they fell because of inner corruption.

We nearly had that back in the 30's

Strong men create good times, good times create week men, weak men creates bad times, and bad times create strong men.

Depends on the population. At this point in time, Franco/Pinochet-style fascism doesn't sound that bad. German/Italian-style fascism that collectivists here seem to prefer embraces socialism and makes people fucking stupid.

The endgame should be to separate the fucking state from the economy, because that's the source of most of the problems we're facing right now.

You mean wouldn't? Like they are stopping the the monarchs or even loving that Lichtenstein guy? Nah, people had more chances of civil war then, now with an centralized army, fat chance of that happening.

You would have a centralised army but all men would be trained as soldiers

>should we adopt Fascism/Monarchism
An AI would make a far better ruler than a human king.

What are you talking about, ancient armies were larger and better suited for pacifying the populace. Nowadays no government is capable of winning a civil war once it loses civvie support because the infrastructure supporting its troops is so fucking complicated.

Only if it's

So? Every single dictatorship has the same stuff and they only get dethroned, when the great powers such as the USA get involved.

Sure, you have that happening in Russia with the Chechens. Those unrests happen no matter what government you have, it's all about keeping the populace happy, which is why censor, works great in both China and Singapore.

I believe there should be short periods of constitutional dictatorships from time to time to cut through the bureaucracy. Maybe like 1 in 10 years or something. We need this because the power of the executive has been eroded now that our monarchs are worthless. america is slightly better in the sense that the president has some teeth as head of the executive branch but by historical standards even the american executive branch is relatively pathetic.

So just like ancient Rome

p.s. no offense CIA, I mean it with all due respect, please don't bomb my house.

>believing in muh singularity

Yeah sort of. It needs more controls so you don't go Sulla then Imperial Rome. Imperial Rome was as much a nightmare as a success.


Voting in its current form, everyone voting, doesn't work. We need to revert back to only property owners voting. Either that or a free market dictatorship. I think the voting would work better though.

>Sure, you have that happening in Russia with the Chechens. Those unrests happen no matter what government you have, it's all about keeping the populace happy, which is why censor, works great in both China and Singapore.

Censorship and generally keeping people from organizing is the only weapon modern governments have. That's why they're fighting tooth and nail against the identitarians and the right wing in general, if they ever lose the normies, they're utterly fucked. Most right wingers are too focused on the current paradigm to even begin grasping how hard they are winning right now. The only issue we have is there will be a couple civil wars to fight at the end of this road, but in the end it's a small price to pay for saving our entire civilization from the corrupt leftist pieces of shit that only care about bribes from large corporations and the people who control our banking system.

Russia vs Chechnya is a very poor example here, as it's essentially a foreign occupation. If anything, it simply proves how screwed a large country is when trying to subjugate a small, but very rebelious region.

I mean imagine like 80% of all Russians revolting against the Kremlin and like 5-10% engaging in open hostilities. It'd be impossible for the government to even start fighting this war, they'd simply run out of supplies within a couple of weeks, and even that is a very generous assumption. And that's assuming there'd be no desertions and all soldiers would act like robots, which wouldn't be possible either because modern soldiers follow a different ethos than ancient or medieval troops - they are supposed to be loyal to the nation, not to a specific leader/monarch/dictator.

Once we let women vote it all went down hill:

Fucking really? This might be the most retarded thing I'll read today.

I think letting women vote could be fine as long as it's restricted to property owners. That would already get rid of most women from the system. The ones remaining would most likely be the outliers that are good.

They can bring down anything and no matter what, often times, radical groups will turn to violence. If you have a disarmed population such as in the EU, open hostility is not going to happen, as even the Red brigades wanted that but couldn't even get armed.

But sure, civil war is probably going to come and they come no matter what, when the population is too unhappy.

You're probably right. In most cases, it'd essentially boil down to 1 vote/family, which would be a very good thing.

You'd also have to get rid of co-ownership for spouses and limit it to one person.

It's like you think a weapon is a magical artifact. People inside the EU have a fuckload of goods to trade for guns, and there's plenty of niggers who'd be willing to supply the rebels with guns in exchange for some cash or goodies. During the Warsaw Uprising, many Polish units were armed with SMGs and handguns built in the cellars in conspiracy conditions. And then there's IEDs and all the other good stuff that goes boom.

In reality, once people start throwing gas-filled bottles at the police and the police starts gunning them down, weapons literally appear out of thin air. Soldiers start selling rifles on the black market to get food because the economy is failing, people start sending hardware from abroad, stockpiles get seized, some portions of the military switch sides and so on. If you think citizens of the EU would have any problems with getting their guns if they really were in the mood to kick this thing off, you're quite deluded.

But it'd have to be a mass movement. The Red Brigades were a joke, they didn't have any significant population support. Most people knew damn well how fucked up life east of the wall was.

Freedom is not the freedom to do whatever you want. True freedom is to break the bonds of degeneracy and live a wholesome life under a benevolent moral authority

democracy is a soyboy scam designed to keep the wealthy/white/old out of power with frequent, unnecessary elections and term limits.

For America at least I believe a Republic could function and prosper. I see the ideal government being a Republic with cultural elements of Fascism to restore and maintain social order.
Voting rights couldn't be egalitarian, and we'd have to solve our demographic problems before we could do anything.
Looking at historic trends white males have always been the conservative majority. Without women and minorities the Democrats of this era would have no voter base.
Though it remains true that ultimately men did support women's suffrage, and that can't be ignored.

Perhaps a supplemental document like a list of Fascist directives could prevent the culture from being subverted by hostile forces and ideologies. I don't see how people could form anything close to a perfect government, but this could restore what the founders intended, and get us back on track to being the undisputed economic world power.

You must be a certified doctor to practice medicine, but any idiot is apperently qualified to have a say in running a country?

Not any idiot, white males of age.
America has no royalty. We don't have a real honorable military tradition. We don't have a respectable aristocratic class, instead we have Hollywood degenerates. Land is owned by mass investment groups, so we can't merely restrict it to land owners.
There is no meaningful stratification of class to weed out those would we vote against the prosperity of the nation. We don't have any cultural or historic traditions to draw from which would produce a respectable and competent Emperor.

Its the downside of being a relatively new country, but this is what we have to work with.