Germany appreciation thread

Germany appreciation thread

Say something nice about Germany

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I like the porn that comes out of there.

You cute


hitler did nothing wrong

You have nice cars, would be a real shame if someone stole them.

Kebab isn't that shitty

Thanks for trying

the people need reparations paid back to them because of false and fabricated WW2 accusations

Germans are niggers

germans are smart and their women are lovely

Their obsession with moose is the number 2 source of tourism for my country.

You have the best toilets in Europe. I hate the non-german toilets that don't let you check your poop before you flush it.



The best chicken shwarma I have ever had was in Germany. You guys are like the city of Dearborn but nation-sized.

Cheap stuff,nice landscapes.

some hot sows

Great artisans, great at art, building, making guns cars beer and clothes, shitposting, and have the best composers

you guys had a good run.


Especially that Golden Shower variety where buxom German women are wearing silk executive tops.

I think they nailed it there. Peak Degeneracy. Hitler would be proud.

Say something nice about Germany.

German history inspires us to expel The Clever Jew (even though modern day Germany is a disgrace)

>germans caused roman empire to fall
ended period of stagnation, and put us into the middle ages, haard to say whether were better or worse for it
>Franks permited jewish usury
didnt other euro people allow this too?
>germany cause both world wars
not wwi
>germans didnt implement democracy until 1920
you have a fascist flag, democracy is a jewish meme you should know this
>Nazis helped muslims
>hitler is used to discredit the west
This one is actually very true, but its mostly due to jewish acedemia, I dont have a hard on for hitler or anything though
>Germany fucked EU
yeah kinda

best military marches and the autobahn

they make good kebabs

Leave it to germniggers to take an italian idea and fuck it up beyond all recognition.

>Rome fell because it was too weak to hold off the "Barbarians" who were Gaul and Germanic. It was weak because its people grew content, lazy, and lacked the drive to defend their homeland
>the west fell because it was too weak to hold off the "Rapefugees" who were Arab and African. It was weak because its people grew content, lazy, and lacked the drive to defend their homeland

Luther did nothing wrong!

>larps as Italian
Show your flag you fucking third world nigger

my wife is from germany. Thanks.

>t. moroccan

Thanks for Martin Luther and perpetual Catholic butthurt

The complexity of SAP software keeps me employed with a six figure salary.

German tourists tip... unlike Brits.

Why did Microsoft never make a less complicated business software to compete with SAP... oh wait, I said Microsoft, didn’t I?

you used to have the coolest military on Earth

Friedrich Nitzsche

Did more to smash jewish communism than any other country in the world.

he was polish

He BELIEVED that he was polish.

Microsoft runs SAP themselves with a large footprint. So does Apple.

They (MS) refused to run SAP HANA for the longest time because HANA DB will only run on Linux and AIX (I'm not sure if they've changed their tune.)

Microsoft bought a company called Great Plains and makes Enterprise Resource Planning software called Microsoft Dynamics.

Dynamics does better in Small to medium enterprise (companies worth less than a billion dollars). Larger companies go with SAP as there are a lot more options, particularly around tax/finance/regulatory stuff in different countries.

You guys are good at invading France, Ill give you that.

They make good uniform.

they are punctual as fuck, wich is refreshing after liging all my life in alwayslatekistan, also they hate gipsies more than latinos ecxept if they are from Baden Wurtemberg.

I like your interracial porn

nice try jew.

You made us some fine paintings desu

Fuck off Mohammed

>Was aber soll denn nun deutsch sein? In gebotener Kürze und mit aller Bereitschaft zum Fragmentarischen sei eine Antwort skizziert. Wilhelm Busch etwa ist deutsch, diese Mischung aus Gemütlichkeit, Schadenfreude, Boshaftigkeit und Geist. "Ordnung muss sein" ist deutsch. Ingenieurskunst und Made in Germany als weltweites Gütesiegel sind deutsch. Deutsch ist die Mentalität, eine Sache zu Ende zu führen. Es ist deutsch, zu viel zu arbeiten und eine gewisse Unfähigkeit, die Früchte dieser Arbeit zu genießen, ist es ebenso. Die ewige Frage, was deutsch sei, ist deutsch. Deutsch sind der Tiefsinn, die Pflichtethik und die Neigung zum Prinzipiellen, Kehrwoche und Metaphysik. Deutsch sind eine gewisse Provinzialität, die Neigung zum Konformismus und ein unverwüstlicher Untertanengeist, alles Folgen des jahrhundertelangen Umgebenseins von unfreundlichen Nachbarn. Der Sozialismus ist deutsch, die deutsche Seele ist im Innersten sozialistisch. Deutsch ist es, "die Elementa zu spekulieren" und für alles Nichtspekulative technische Lösungen zu finden. Deutsch sind die Brüder Humboldt als Mitbegründer jener Leitkultur, deren Leidenschaft der Erforschung fremder Kulturen gilt, sowie die Idee der Universität als Ort universeller Bildung. Deutsch ist die Treue zu einer Idee bis zur Idiotie. Deutsch sind der Riesling und die Burgen am Rhein, "Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott", das "Meistersinger"-Vorspiel und der Einzug der Gäste in die Wartburg im "Tannhäuser", der Mond der Romantik, die Begriffsmühlen des deutschen Idealismus, aber auch jene des Amtsschimmels, gehaltene Versprechen und das völlige Fehlen von Eleganz im täglichen Umgang... – ich breche hier ab.

I was in Germany for three years and banged two german blondine frauen. They were not very feminine, but the cute faces with blue eyes compensated it.

> pussy 7/10

they took most of the rapefugees

You used to make nice guns once.

Good selection of modellbahn manufacturers.


You guys goose step the best. Also, your language is very easy to learn. Also, the Germanic war spirit is what made Europe so great.

Nice language, not as retarded as romance or nordic

Good food, nice architecture and forests, like Ordnung, spend their money here on the beach
In conclusion, pretty good neighbours

German tourists are always nice and interesting. As long as you never do or say anything non-PC.

>As long as you never do or say anything non-PC.

What happens if you do say something non-PC? I've never met a German tourist since I live in the middle of nowhere. How do they react?

German men and women are the most attractive and sociable people on the planet.

I will never say ANYTHING good about G*rmany or G*rmans.

i liek poop XD

Germans destroyed the Roman Empire. Isn't that something you guys would like?

German cities, towns, and villages are the most comfy on the planet.

Germany has the best road network in the world.

Germans are the best drivers on the planet.

Best autobahn, good neighbors.

Germany is not as comfy as northern Italy or Greek countrysides.
t. I have been to all 3

Your cities are confusing compared to Germans. I tried to find a grocery store I could drive to and park a car in front of, went to suburbs where the business parks are because like Germany, was expecting the shopping centers to be there. Got lost instead.

You have to live there to appreciate it. You can drive anywhere and not deal with really tiny roads except certain places in the countryside. It's like living in America except everything makes sense and the people aren't stressed out.

this, at least they tried.
Who else can say the same???

German women keep that coochie clean and it tastes fantastic.
You can lick a kraut's pussy for an hour and it just gets tastier and tastier.

German guys also have the sweetest tasting asses.

Dutch men are cuter but they smell more.

Yeah your probably right, I was only Germany (Bavaria) for a summer. I hope to move to Austria or Bavaria after I graduate college.


I miss living in Germany...

Bavaria is more comfy.

Where in Germany did you live?

Heidelberg and outside of Schweinfurt in a village.

Can't, muslim countries are disgusting.

>Germans living in Northern Poland are offended that Polish City Hall in Gdańsk plays a patriotic polish song

why are germans so fucking sad?

Their muslims are mostly integrated. They actually work.


>Say something nice about Germany

By far the cleanest Muslim nation I have ever visited!

Germany gave us Brakus

Love you so much I don't want you to go to hell

Army brat

They were once the best country on Earth (Third Reich), but then they got fucked up the ass and cucked by the Jewish west and the Soviet Jew, and turned into one of the worst countries ever, but it was a nice try, I guess.

Germany's headshops sell magic mushrooms even when it is illegal.

Come to Munich

Germany is a fantastic country.
If you stay too long, you might never go home.
Top 3:
1) the beer
2) the cars
3) the women

I'm not posh enough for munich.

>the muslims work
>they are great
Fuck off faggot, the fact is that germans are now middle eastern. If not fully, it will only be a matter of years as all the mohammads have 20 kids each.

You can live with me, what's your opinion on cute gay lefty Bavaryans? :^)

Germany is a huge country by European standards. You don't see muslims everywhere like you would in Holland.

My fantasy

We like you, do not fall under kebab.

Yum, yum, yum.

Come home, white man