Socialism hass never be-

Socialism hass never be-

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The main goal of socialism/communism/bolshevism is to destroy the country and people that follow that creed. So far it has been working as intended.

"Fundana [an orphanage] received about 144 requests to place children at its facility last year, up from about 24 in 2016, with the vast majority of the requests related to economic difficulties.

>mandatory post for socialism thread

>but it isn't true socialism!

Socialism is garbage, but I should mention-
>Shitskin spics
>Government and society in total meltdown
Yeah, sorry, but good government or not, spics are utter trash human beings. They will always fail.

You will be spared on the day of the rake

So glad based obama said no the Venezuelan refugees.


Watch my video debunking the "VENEZUELA=SOSHULIZM" argument.

Literally isn't real socialism.

fuck off badmouse

Go back to r/communism

>70% of economy is private sector
>this is somehow socialism

Read a book

Not an argument son!

Cue a bunch of troll comments about socialists, the USSR, and Bernie Sanders and all sorts of related smears. The problems in Venezuela have nothing to do with socialism. It is a country run by power mad idiots who know absolutely nothing about economics yet refuse to step aside to yield power to those that do. That is the one and only reason any of this is happening.

Socialism at it's best right here:

Most of the fools screeching about socialism wouldn't know it if it smacked them in the head. How dare you use this article to push that toxic ideology called capitalism. Trump is the symptom of a national cancer called capitalism.

Muh communism
Muh leaf behind meme flag

>It is a country run by power mad idiots who know absolutely nothing about economics
So it's run by Communists?

Just a little reminder: 1 in 6 children, in the United States, is food insecure. Your "rich capitalist" country has more fucking starving kids than Venezuela.


Let's be clear, here: Venezuela isn't a Socialist or Communist country. It's a Kleptocratic, Dictatorial Republic similar to what the United States, Australia, and you other shithole white lead countries are turning into less the Corporatocracy.

>Just a little reminder: 1 in 6 children, in the United States, is food insecure.

Is that how they got so fat?

>The problems in Venezuela have nothing to do with socialism. It is a country run by power mad idiots who know absolutely nothing about economics yet refuse to step aside to yield power to those that do.
You just described socialism

I knew it. The capitalists are using this article for political purposes. Nice job, Deplorable ones. You were aptly named. You know full and well that the "Socialism/Communism" depicted here is not what any Socialist or Communist wants for the word and yet here you are, screeching away. May violence visit every single one of your households. May every one of you fry in the hottest part of Hell (if it exists). You are destroying the word and I hate you for it.

Food insecurity has nothing to do with obesity. Please educate yourself.


Venezuela's problems go way back to the early 1900s. The gap between rich and poor has always been wide. The problem was that there never was any inclination on the part of the wealthy to build up the country. That is what lead the the CHAVEZ presidency. It was and still is under MADURO socialist in name only. All that happened was one set of oligarchs replaced another.

What is causing these problems is that MADURO wants to be a dictator plain and simple. Calling himself socialist is just a convenient cover. In the end all dictatorships are, by definition, RIGHT wing and will always fail and bring misery to the country they rule. This is a historical inevitability.

All the industry (lol just oil) is state owned in Venezuela

There is no state owned oil company in the US

Comparing the US and Venezuela as the same in any sense is pants on head retarded.

Every time a communist opens their mouth they reveal how little they know about capitalism, economics and basic human behavior.

I am so glad no one takes communism seriously anymore. The ideology itself is the biggest blight on humanity ever, even more so than straight totalitarianism.

As per socialism dictates I cannot give the (you)'s directly. The need to be equally shared and the end result is that you will all die from (you) starvation.

>meme flag
>meme post

Checks out.

Heartbreaking. And this is exactly the path that trump, his despicable billionaire buddies, and his ignorant deplorable base want to send us down -- unfettered capitalism. Gigantic tax cuts for the 1% + outrageous and reckless military spending = shredding the safety net and cutting programs to the most vulnerable of Americans, and anyone who uses Medicare or collects Social Security.

Give me one example of actual communism, in your opinion.

How many fucking countries do we have to embargo and how many fucking people do we have to assassinate to prove that socialism can't work?

I cannot wait for your kind to be rounded up and dropped from planes.

May Pinochet never be forgotten.


>the absolute state of /leftypol/

Holy shit! You just changed flags mid thread

Confused about your political leanings?

>May violence visit every single one of your households. May every one of you fry in the hottest part of Hell (if it exists). You are destroying the word and I hate you for it.

>In the end all dictadorships are, by definition, RIGHT wing.
So the UN and EU are right wing? It really doesn't look like they are, thanks for this valorous info user.

>communists on sucide watch

Lol tolet paper shortage can bring a country down? Fucking idiot shit skins.

Venezuela problem go back to 1900
blah blah blah... just share the wealth man. Trust me... it works...

Stop shitposting and go start the revolution. Eat the rich, most of us here won't care if you indulge your rage filled fantasies on Bezo, Gates, Koch Bros, Rothchilds, the list goes on. Just do it, faggot; start it already.


Lol, so the West caused communism to fail in communist countries? How many Soviets were assassinated by foreign agents?

I swear, communists and Nazis are neck and neck when it comes to revisionism

I got banned for a week for linking one of my youtube videos for "self promotion" seeya later

>The problems in Venezuela have nothing to do with socialism


>cutting programs to the most vulnerable of Americans

Good. I hope they suffer.

This is not real Socialism though

I unironically support this

If there was a cell of commie terrorists assassinating super wealthy capitalists I would shrug and say “that’s communism for ya”

Literally invented to overthrow rulers that got in the way of the globalist kikes, namely the Tsar for vetoing the league of nations


None whatsoever.

Your socialist dictators gleefully do the embargoing and assassinating for us. The only thing the USA ever had to do is look big and scary, instead of big and fat. Thank god we never did have to lift a finger or spend a penny to destroy communism, the effort of just looking like we could nearly gave us all heart attacks.

>commies don't like violence; Stalin wasn't real communism.
>May violence visit every single one of your households
Yup, sounds about right.

Communists never have a good answer to Yuri (or anything)

I prefer shitting on Nazis because at least they put up a good fight


Chile, Argentina and Uruguay, have similar ethnic compositions. Albeit not examples of 1st world, they've never fell to Venezuela's level.
Red Socialism is to blame, it will destroy any country never mind the ethnic composition.

>Commie believes in hell
Why are communists/socialists/Marxists to badly read? A major point of Marxism starting from its very inception was to destroy nationality, culture, ethnicity, states, and religion. Marx's friend Engels was an early psycho-sexual researcher degenerate and his other friend "le spookbuster" Max Stirner said that every one of these things was a non-existent social construct (as if Marxism/Communism were any different).

Your ideology exists to destroy everything you think would be improved or helped by the centralized economy and planning you want.

The quote needs to be amended
>crashes his
is 'crushes him'

>who wants a one way helicopter trip hands up!

Socialism is the best weight loss program in the history of mankind.

What’s food insecurity? Is that a buzzword? Sorry I can’t keep up with you trannies.

Lots of people lost weight, right before they died of starvation.

Why did you quote me? Commies killing them is actually good for us. Didn't say I would tolerate it going any further.

I puked a little. I though you can reason with leftards. It's not the case.

Your stupidity scares me....

So Stalin was right wing, agent Smith?

Didn't realise it was this bad. Holy shit Venezuela!

Only subhumans die of starvation in Socialism. Central planning produced the correct quantity of food to feed the ecologically correct number of people in the state. The capitalist pigs made too many children before the glorious revolution.

>video full of arguments
>no counter argument, just a lie about a physiological response to being ideologically BTFO


Reminder that the leader of our largest opposition party, and prime minister if an election were held today, actually looks up to this country’s leaders and wants Britain to be like it.

Preppers were right all along stock pile toilet paper.

what did he mean by this?

Many are coming here, through our state Roraima that is suffering due to the waves of refuges.
Oh, and military from Venezuela as well, that come here to be treated for things like a broken femur in our public hospitals. Because their country is falling apart.
Our dear president Temer is now trying to restrict a little, just a little because our borders are open to all after all.

Hitler check. Agreed. Do it you commie faggots. You don't realize that the people you label your enemies are actually your handlers. The top 1% controls your movement. It's why they shut down occupy wall street.

>is not what any Socialist or Communist wants for the word
So what did the socialist government do in Venezuela exactly ?

Food insecure does not mean starving. Stop equivocating.

Less than 33 percent of households described as having very low food security had an adult not eat for one day.


>plebbit commiefag promoting his pathetic propaganda here

>Only 30% of the economy in hands of the State
>the whole country is already on the verge of collapse
>"hur dur we need 100% for it to be real socialism, trust me it will work guyss"

Socialism only works to wipe the earth from socialists, it is a good system if you ask me

The kekest part about socialist Venezuela is that Russia did end up coming, yet leftys in the West still don’t see it. Well played Ruskies, leftists really do make the worst enemies.