Can anybody explain why the West is so adamant on painting Russia as the enemy again?

Can anybody explain why the West is so adamant on painting Russia as the enemy again?

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Loxism / Jews

A mixture of fear, stupidity and greed.

The Eternal Slav is the enemy of the free peoples of Finland and the Baltics.

Remember the plot from Canadian Bacon? Hillary knew she would need a new war to get reelected so she wanted to start a new cold war with Russia and now the Democrats refuse to give up their anti-Russia talking points.

I is the Jew's other stronghold besides America. If America revolts Russia will save them if Russians revolt we will be over there. It's like you dont let your right hand know what the left is doing.

Perceived enemies make money. Since only boomers still watch and believe MSM, they're maxing out the Russia red scare thing to boost military spending and turn the attention away from the real problem (our own governments - yes even Trump) to mysterious fables and relying on projection.

Right but leftists of all ages are eating this up, its like a complete role reversal from the Cold War. It's so fabricated it boggles my mind

It was a hastily put together dead man's switch for the rare chance that Shillary did not become President. Luckily for them a lot of Americans are still pretty hesistant towrds acting chummy with Russia. The next few months are going to be a new Golden Age of Salt when the IG's report comes out and dozens of high ranking people are going to be up for indictment.

You mean the left are seeing Russia as an enemy?

Russia broke free of the IMF control once they discovered oil, and pumped the fuck out of it to escape the debt hell they were sliding into. Remember. If the International Monetary Fund is just another way for globalists to have nations in debt to them.

Because the Russians understand that Socialism and Communism don't work and aren't dumb enough to try it again. The left in the West is lead by people trying as hard as they can to push that agenda and the Russians aren't buying into it. The Russians are painted as evil by the media, but they don't ever try to explain WHY they're evil, because they can't think of a real reason.

You need an enemy to effectively divide and distract the people.
Also, MIC might need war at some point to keep their (money) coffins full, and it's a tough job to start war propaganda from zero.


They banned the rothschilds and paid off their national debt

Yes. Largely because of trump.

Sorry, my pup is suddenly getting nippy so I can't reply as fast as I'd like.

That being said, is this true?

Doggo a cute. A cute!
Yes it's true

He's a handful but he's alright :) 6 mo pure German Shepard - his parents are from the fatherland.

Vladimir Putin: Traitor to the NWO





Communism benefits (((them))) much moreso than the "middle class" (if there really is such a thing in communism).

Jews created both communist Russia and infiltrated United States, when one starting sinking they wanted to jump ship and concentrate on the other, and alas, we're where we are today.

Soviet Jews were prevented from leaving once the ship started sinking but once the USSR fell they were free to come.

Russia is our enemy because:
1. they interfered with our democratic process
2. they invaded a sovereign nation (Ukraine)
3. they illegally annexed Crimea
4. they cheat on North Korean sanctions
5. they constantly try to hack our industries and government offices
6. they have a state-owned media, that censors anything that the Kremlin does not like
7. they are run by a dictator and a group of about 30 oligarches, who steal from the russian people
8. they routinely buzz and torment our peaceful mission in the black sea
9. their subs harass norway and finland routinely, like a bully on a school playground.
10. they use psyops and propaganda and bribery to try to buy off the politicians of surrounding states.
11.. and many, many more things....

Lmao bro tell me the US doesn't do/hasn't done every single one of those things as well (to different countries, obviously)

yeah, i think they do even worse things. Like causing wars around the globe and killing innocent people.

Ask me again after you've watched all of these:

russia has the biggest natural gas reserves. most of the united states electricity comes from natty gas. you do the math.
guess who number 2 is? if you guessed iran you'd be right lol what a (((COINCIDENCE)))

1. Really, you're still hanging onto this bollocks
2 + 3. Yes, though Crimea had a referendum and the people voted to join Russia.
4. North Korea is their ally, the US/Israel and their controlled UN is not.
5. The west does this also, everyone does this it's called information gathering/espionage
6. This is true
7. Probably true but irrelevant, the US is run by Israel and wealthy bankers
8. They have a right to protect their waters.
9. True, it's power projection.
10. Probably true, though Israel does the exact same thing in the US and Europe and they are our 'greatest ally'


>Actually believing that (((America))) wants to conquer Iran and Russia for gas

Sup Forums can you make you stupid too.

Im considering getting one, how are they when they are a pup and being raised?

well it's not as simple as all that but afghanistan was invaded not to get osama (who was in pakistan) but to head off an impending russian re-invasion to set up their own natural gas pipeline. russia's plan B is through syria hence the current situation. every move being made is largely in part due to natural gas and pipelines.
thank you for the opportunity to clarify and reinforce my point i couldn't have done it withoutcha!

Honestly he was a little shit for the first 4 months. Constant biting, pissing, that kind of thing. The bathroom training went so smoothly though, that was one thing. And he's been really agreeable with riding in the crate in the car from the beginning. But I couldn't even walk without slippers because he'd constantly try to bite my feet. They require a lot of attention and you have to be really patient with them,but I can tell he's starting to turn into something special. If you get one take them to a one on one class. That seems to be helping to curb his destructive behaviors. And be prepared to spend a good amount if you want a German Shepard, not an American mutt - mine was 25k

I've wanted to see Russia nuked into oblivion since I was a boy. All former CCCP states are populated with "white" nigger subhuman trash and don't deserve to exist.

The West wants Russia and it's periphery to become part of the Western system. The more countries that are a part of it the more products you can sell (Think Ukraine that has like 55 million people).

Russian rulers don't want to be a part of it because they profit more from running their oligarchy as a separate thing. The moment the EU appears is the moment they lose their status.

This is the crux of the conflict. It's not about Russian "values" or whatever, Russia used to be a leftist hellhole anyway. It's a ploy to cover what it's actually about, money.

>2. they invaded a sovereign nation (Ukraine)

Who's in? Who's out? Who needs to do their homework?

>3. they illegally annexed Crimea

Seems to me they voted.

>5. they constantly try to hack our industries and government offices

We would nevah do sumphing liek dat!

6. they have a state-owned media, that censors anything that the Kremlin does not like

Huhuhuhuhuh, see the video above, remember the important bit is Nuland saying "fuck the E.U" according to our MSM.

You misspelled Liberals.

They instantly befriend any enemy of ours.

I wouldn't trust a Russian referendum. Anything that's over 95% on one side seems untrustworthy.

That being said about a third of Ukraine should be Russian anyway. They even speak Russian in those parts.

>That being said about a third of Ukraine should be Russian anyway. They even speak Russian in those parts.

Exactly and the vast majority of those people would vote to go that way.

Yeah, but not 95%. I'm just saying the referendum they did was garbage.




they hate us, they're just passive aggressive about it and we need to see it before they stab us in the back

he was being serious? hahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahah really hahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahah

What's with the samefagging?

>Click here

It's not a false statement, but do please continue being an ignorant dumbass.

Cause putin has a high standard of /fit and that makes other leaders look more flap.
“Hurr durr russja use roids :/“

Actually its the boomer fox news viewers who are now supporters of Russia and millennial leftists on reddit who hate them.

In case you didn't notice it, the swamp has been doing this for many years. But it escalated to a different level in 2013-2014: Russia defended Syria from Obama's red line, didn't give Snowden (I bet pissing off intel agencies), then when they thought they'd get Crimea and have Russia's Black Sea fleet out of there, Putin grabs it from their hands. This is what pissed of the west, there were many things that Russia was pissed off, though. But in short, everything has to do with Russia having an independent foreign policy, Russia being in important areas such as Europe and Middle East, the nuclear triad that of US, etc. Then there are other factors like military companies that need an enemy and justify NATO's existence for other countries to by their arms.

Russia invaded several countries just to fuck them for seeking better relations with the West because people wanted better lives after decades of Russian occupation

>The West
>Zionist occupied Government and media

Pick one.

I know this is a troll because of some questions and this not being reddit, but here goes:

1. What they are accusing Russia of doing essentially is leaking emails from Democrats that exposed some of their corruption. If Democrats weren't as corrupt as they are, Russia wouldn't have anything on them. So, Americans should be thanking Russia.

2, 3: USSR's Black Sea Fleet was station in Crimea. After USSR, Russia was allowed to have their base there and up to 25k soldiers. So, Russian army was already there. If you take a look objectively, at the history, at the population, Crimea was just a correction of the mistake. Unless you think ethnic Russians, who are the majority there, didn't vote to reunite with Russia during referendum ;)
In short, Russian army wasn't used in other parts of Ukraine (unless you think Ukrainian army has been successfully fighting Russian army for years), but it's a bit a complicated. How complicated? This video called "8 months in Ukraine" is 5 hours long, and it doesn't even paint the whole picture:

4. You impose sanctions on Russia, make coups around Russia and do a great deal of provocations and you want Russia to completely sanction NK? This is hilarious.

5. If Russia does it, then I'm sure everybody who can does it, too, including US to Russia, because it can be very difficult to find the genuine source of the attack.

6. There is a state media, but there's a number of independent media, including foreign media: Dozdh, RBC, Vedomosti, Lenta, BBC in Russian, Euronews in Russian, Novaya Gazeta, Charter 97, Radio Svoboda, Ukrainian media in Russian, RTVi - and many of these are not your average right-wing blogs, they are relatively popular. But what's happening in US? The president calls most of US MSM Fake News! And this Fake News are going against the president, often making up facts.

7. Merkel has been holding key post for practically the same number of years as Putin.



i cant believe this is what they're trying to get into the history books

russia, funny way to spell seth rich.

How many Russian brides in the USA are there I wonder?

Russians. Oooooh Nooooo

Democrats tried to play dirty for kickbacks. Russia gladly accepted then threw them under the bus. Now they’re desperately trying (and failing) to point the finger away from their own wrongdoing. The amount of damage that Russia is doing to their NWO is hilarious and is still happening. They’re using their own tactics against them and some of the government, especially on the left, does not like getting trolled. But they brought it on to themselves.

plenty of russians, few stay brides, they divorce the day they get that citizenship

1. Cold war legacy

2. When people lost religion and focus on themselves, then they look around at others and make idols of others

simple as that
