How many other shitlibs feel this way? Can we exploit this over time and use it to our advantage? Also, ITT post insane shitlibs and neocons doing what they do best.

Other urls found in this thread:

I grew up in a poor white rural town. I'd dare any libfag to go there and tell those people they're privileged living in their trailers and houses falling apart with shit all over the place. It'd be like me going to the shittiest ghetto in Baltimore and telling all the niggers they're all privileged negroids

>and secular jewish ones

my reaction was a strange combination of anger at absurdity and keking at absurdity

I mean jesus, what an out of place statement.

But seriously though, when is jewish privelege gonna be a thing? If anything given their representation for their population in high paying/high-influence jobs, they should absolutely be considered the most privileged class


I do this daily
you gotta be subtle with it though, the idea is to wake up sleeping whites

>and secular jewish ones

the reactions from Leftists at the words 'Jewish privilege' are invariably hilarious



Posts are nothing but virtue signaling.

I've never actually seen it, what happens?

I mean there's no way to argue that they don't if you use the same parameters they define white privilege by. I mean I know they'll probably just mention the 6 gorillion and kvech, but its actually absurd and shows how deep zogwashing goes that these people can't work their way through the similarities

I wish there was some way to effectively popularize a twitter tag like #jewishprivilege, but that shit would get shut down so fast

>and secular jewish ones

I am willing to bet that most white leftists, liberals, whatever would be ok (and in fact maybe a bit relieved) if they woke up tomorrow in a completely white country

They get assmad and start calling you an anti-semite for pointing out facts.

The only one's who say "Fellow whites" are Jews.

>aclu says they want white babies to embrace faggotry
>anti-whites are so blinded by this, they take offense


>Dated a smoking hot, borderline Stacey in HS
>Broke up after we graduated
>Haven't spoken to her in many years
>Look her up on Twitter
>White privilege, BLM, feel the Bern, feminism, etc.

I fucking hate Western universities with a passion

there is no understanding, they're probably beyond redemption the zogwashing has gone so deep

Cultural marxism factories writ large. Fucking disgraceful.

Bernie needs to leave...he is cancer

Sounds like you dodged a bullet there user

this one is from today



wow a predominantly white country is most represented by whites!


(yeah yeah, get your 56% memes out)


Get the gas, boys

Thanks, it's kind of rewarding knowing that I was the first guy to pop her cherry. But I still feel so disgusted that she got brainwashed. I can't imagine what her parents think. They're good people.

anti white by alt right

Go for asian women

>fellow white people

>secular jewish

Asians are fine.
They don't complain about being a different race, don't buy into media telling them they are disadvantaged, and they support strong family and education and pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps.



Peak degeneracy.

Never, that's the whole point of the holohoax. If you acknowledge Jews you're a nazi

oh totally every lib shithead i know PRETENDS to give two fucks about blacks but they avoid them like the plague. i actually dated a black chick once in PDX youd have thought i grew a second head

All the people that can smell he is a pushover nerd are the cancer.

Just the amount of swarming of gullible idiots by people lookin' fressh we have seen during the election...