Is tech making us dumber?

Is tech making us dumber?

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Damn the ol' trusty casio got it wrong unless itits photoshop or something

Yes. My grandfather used to work with NASA. He used to write all these crazy equations by hand before there were even calculators, equations so intense that you or I wouldn't even dream of it without a calculator. Now? We have devices that do all the heavy lifting, but can we do the equations by hand?

I think technically the one on the left is correct, though



Wait why does the phone get it wrong?

division and multiplication are on the same level and therefore go left-to-right

>Trusting a calculator app which can be made by any fucking random low IQ faggot over an actual calculator
You would deserve the coming low grades.

this, they need to stop teaching pemdas.

this is what I was taught even though I would naturally multiply first

division and multiplication are on the same level and therefore ARE INTERCHANGEABLE you feckin brainlet


oh user... you're so dumb lol.

Division only takes one term as the dividend unless otherwise specified. it's 6/2, otherwise it would need to be specified as 6/(2(2+1)) and therefor 6/(4+2)

Does that pemdas bullshit even apply to any real world application or does it only work for theories and on paper shit?

>had to write down equations

If you can't do it in your head then you might as well be brain dead.

How the calculator sees it:


How the phone sees it

_ (2+1)

> cuckulators
numberlets itt can't even into mutt level math

It's 1, isn't it?



Why did the calculator get it wrong?

Do I need to show you exactly everything that a hammer can hit or can I give you a hammer and you'll figure out what you can or should use it on?

That's the same with math.


>Hand writing equations
>Probably using a slide ruler
>actually using logs
oh my.


google gives 9 too

It’s about how you type it in. 6/(2(2+1)) the calculator does this. The other does (6/2)(2+1)


I thought fins were smart? PEDMAS Parenthesis first then it's all multiplication/divison so priority is determined from left to right.

PEMDAS is all that matters and if you don't realize that then you likely didn't pass 8th grade.

Its been one since Pythagoras.

phone is doing bedmas, calculator is calculating it directly, but can do both bedmas and non.

that's a standard calc app vs a scientific calc, use a fucking scientific calc app and it'll get 1 you monkey

What makes you say that?

There is no parenthesis around 2(2+1) stupid fucks and lazy fucks always fucked this up in high school. I guess calculator companies are going to make create a rift in generations just so Jamal can score higher.

Pretty sure phone is correct though. PEMDAS is actually P, E, MD, AS with each section being done left to right. That’s how I was taught in the 90s, anyways

>OP does 2-1 in calculator
>doesn't clear it and enters the other equation before hitting solve so it still says 1

Or hurr durr its fotoshawpt xD

the correct answer is 9 morons

My calculator gives 9 like it should. Photoshop confirmed.

Damn, I remember our High School forcing all students to buy a TI89 calculator for like 150 dollars. We used it probably only once during the entire duration of high school. I am so glad that we have phones and computers now.

>Is tech making us dumber?
more dumb, also you posted two pictures of two pieces of tech, so im not sure what you mean

>Using the casio brick
Buy a proper calculator or get out of maths.

Solve inside the parentheses first.

>used it once
>didn’t have the god-tier gaming system that is TI-89

this. clear out.

>using display style/pretty print calculator
This problem wouldn't exist if brainlets could actually understand the rules of arithmetic

Here is what you missed out on.

Just use numbers to assign the order of equasions.
You want to get the right answer or do you want to confuse people? Why are you wasting your time on such shit? I thought you were supposed to be smart.

What's wrong with using logarithms???

Thank you for actually understanding this.

For those that crutch themselves on it, yeah. Also that programmer for the phone's calculator should be hung.

Your multiplying the number next to the parenthesis by the numbers inside, your obviously stupid

Contrary to popular belief a number to the left of parenthesis with no operator is not synonymous with multiplication. It's actually the distribution operator and it has higher precedence than division and multiplication. IT actually has even higher precedence than the parenthesis themselves.

So starting with 6/2(2+1) the first operation turns it into 6/(2*2 + 1*2) which of course evaluates to 1.

>that programmer for the phone's calculator should be hung
naw, it was probably an asian

holy shit i cant believe im in the same country as this shit-for-brains

I hate these threads because all the bait actually makes me feel retarded. But then I realize I'm not.

After you do the parentheses it's 6 divided by 2 multiplied by 3. Which becomes 3 multiplied by 3. Which is 9.

But of course this is "wrong" and I'm a retard and hurdurdurdurdurdurdur. Piss off.

thers nothing wrong with PEMDAS. at least for me! i was taught PE(MD)(AS)
Multiplication & Division (left to right)
Addition & Subtraction (left to right).
anyone who doesn't get this has nigger brains!!

Should shown as

(6/2)(2+1) = 9
6 / 2(2+1) = 1

yes you are wrong because you forgot the proper order of operations

Google vs Casio

>Google assumes parenthesis that arent there.
>Casio respect Xer gender identity.

We were always dumb, the internet just equalized stupid with smart ideas. So stupid things, like fucking Trump of all people become president and various extremist groups like ISIS can gain an audience. The world is obviously getting hotter and everyone knows it, but Americans buy climate denial because it’s on the internet.

A lot of people are just weak minded and don’t know who they can trust in this crazy world and evil people are happy to exploit it, which is what the internet exploits. If the internet was just Wikipedia, college, and government sites for education and reference, Facebook for small business marketing and socializing, and YouTube for culture and fun, it would be a good thing. But it’s not and people die because of it.
I don’t think news should be allowed on the internet

This is a loaded question.
Mainly due to the issue that we have more information than ever before.
However we are indeed dumber because the actual pursuit of knowledge makes you have more experience and in general could be healthier.
Learning skills from trial and error, studying to try and understand. All of these things can help creativity and logic skills.
Googling something gives you the answer, but through no experience or learning.

Effectively we are like the bratty 10 year old who is held back a grade. We know all the answers, because we were given them.
Opposed to the 9 year old who studied to move ahead to get into the next grade.

Phone is right because multiplication and division are done from left to right.


Name me a time in my life I will ever need to solve an equation like that.

Calculator is correct. Parenthesis first but then since you’re left with multiplication and division, which are equal in the order of operations, you calculate from the left to the right giving you 9. Multiplying the 2 by 3 first just because of the parenthesis is an incorrect mistake from a 1970s teacher edition math book that became stupidly influential and apparently even made it into calculators

what practical use does shit like this have?
why would anyone in real life use 6/2(2+1)

Nop i felps smurtar tecmonopoly iz da bezp:

>equations so intense that you or I wouldn't even dream of it without a calculator


> 6/2(2+1)
> 6/2(3)
> 3(3)
> 9

How did Casio get it wrong?

The iphone is right nigger

>the proper order of operations


2 + 1 = 3

>Multiplication & Division (left to right)
6 / 2 = 3
3 * 3 = 9

Imagine my shock

How is that 9 or 1?

por fucking qué?

Nope, this is a mistake from an incorrect 1970s teacher’s guide math book. It’s the same reason why some people believe dilemma is spelled dilemna


The phone's right: BIDMAS

= 6÷2(3)
= 3(3)
= 9

If you want to do the distributive property you'd go left to right.

6 divided by 2 = 3. Then distribute the 3. 3 x 2 + 3 x 1. Which equals 6 + 3. Which still equals 9.

You can solve this equation either with, or without, the distributive property and both ways come out with 9.

Oh, good. He worked with Germans who knew their Craft and helped Americans build a Rocket to race the Commie to Space.

God bless Werner von Braun.

t. brainlet

now what?

A lot.

>he believes man went to the moon
>he believes USSR and NASA were in a “race”
Why were bitter enemies helping each other build rockets in the height of the Cold War, user?

2(2+1) is not equal to 2 x (2+1)

Tech definitely is retarding our mental expansiveness. But more than tech, memes becoming a forefront instead of the tertiary curtain/net holding paradigms and ideals codified is messing us up big time.

This is why i went ti86 and ti89 instead of some nigger tier cheap piece of shit casio

You entered it as a fraction retard, so it's reading it as (6/2)(2+1)


> Production planning.
> Unit conversions.

If you want to tally up total units needed produced and how long it will take and how many batches it needs to be broken down into, you'll need something like 6/2(2+1) to figure that out, otherwise you will get destroyed by a competitor who knows basic math.

You put the P(enis) in the D(uke)
and multiplied your problems...
ya fooking jamook.

My math haiku.
whatchu gon du.

>tfw i don't know if you are trolling, or you are a mudslim.


Anyone who says the answer is anything but 9 is a complete and utter brainlet that needs to kill themselves so they don't pass on their fucktard brainlet genes.

We should have all just learned RPN.

This and only this. Distribution > order of operations.

This is 4th-5th grade math (here in Romania at least).

This is literally the most retarded premise for a post I have ever seen.
>literally who flag
oh that explains it

what kind of retard writes this into calculator. Is (2+1) under line or above, this is all there us to it. Only 8 year olds use ÷



>a and b are interchangeable
>yet they yield two different results