Fuck me Sup Forums!

Fuck me Sup Forums!
I have a million dollar idea!
What do you think about me coming to USA and creating a conservative University that focuses on Science instead of SJW bullshit?
Why is nobody doing this atm?
How much money do I need to start this venture?

Hard to teach science with all the god stuff.

says the illiterate burger.
secondary. causation.
kys mutt.

What does Science has to do with god?
You don't teach about god in temples of Science.

I'm not even a yank and I'd fund this shit.

Maybe you can come to the UK next eh?

>polish University of science and technology


I'm all for it, but where are you going to get $200,000,000?


It wouldn't get accreditation.

ITT: Sup Forums now supports immigration

I don't have money, but I do have a degree in Industrial Engineering. I could help design the curriculum to maximize "red pulled" subjects/ Masculine tradition. I can also organize an the business model if you need help on that too.
If you're serious I'm willing to participate.

You mutts could use a few based polacks so idk what you're bitching about.

Why do I need so much money when students will pay for the entire operation? Why 200 mil?
You need to rent a building, buy computers and furniture plus pay your teachers at the start.. Isn't tuition going to pay for the rest once the semester starts?


liberals think that the word "conservative" in american politics means "traditional catholic red neck". the fact that conservatives pivot around conservation of rights and conservation of the patriarchal post enlightenment dialectic goes over their heads. so when OP wrote 'conservative university' the reader thought the author meant a catholic school, because the reader is ignorant.

You can believe whatever the fuck you want but you will be graded based on your knowledge and not based on faith. No protests on campus. They will have to fuck off and let people do science in peace.

closest thing we have is Prague University
so get fucked

If you're going to do it ,you're going to do it right.(I'm thinking in CND$ by the way, it's all I know)
150Mill for the facilities. The rest will be for paying for things like professors, advertisement, this and that.
Plus you'll need stockpile of money put away until you can get ROI.

Welp, murricans will have to fund it. No normal person outside of mafia has so much money to blow.

Wouldn't work. The point of universities is that they have to be accredited. You are better off getting a team of conservatives to become professors at different universities so we can try to counterbalance the lefties. There ARE conservative colleges in America, well conservative Christian ones, and they are looked down by most people for being "too extreme".

I know. It's a pretty bleak situation.
Good luck based polack.

to be a legit school in the us, you pretty much have to be regionally accredited. if you can get that accreditation, it should work.

>conservative Christian
Surely they must be retarded.
There is no place for god in science. Science deals with topics that can be proven experimentally. Keep the church outside of campus or you will never gain academic respect. Nobody in real science gives a fuck about your beliefs.
What is the benefit of inserting religion into science? I'm all ears.

This will only cause tensions and shitshows on campus.

you need enough for 2 years operation. thats 2 years of school food, 730 meals times 500 students. you need fryers, ovens, walkin coolers, deli slicers, short order cooks, a chef for meal planning and organizational labor, a steam cleaner, a dishwasher, a sandwhich cart, dining tables, janitor and supplies including dust mops, wet mops, buckets, sanitizers, degreasers. you will have a huge water & electric bill too, will need a plumber and electrician on commission plus cash for two years of industrial electric supply and industrial water supply billed quarterly. you need a nurses office for liability, a nurse, a first aid kit per class, a direct EMS line, and 1 (one) hospital bed. youll also need liability insurance for your assets, your staff, your students, your capital goods, and your building. youll need lease money up front too, and payroll for 2 years.

teachers and books are easy. the kids in college buy their own shit like adults, and the teachers develop their curriculums. the rest is madness.

You should consider a degree in Sociology.
That's the only way you can do any brainwashing.
I'm in a Sociology course rn. I came in thinking "holy shit time for some liberal brainwashing" but it's actually gone fairly well. The real demon to look out for is US history.

I actually learned today that Sociology is supposedly an empirical science, valuing accuracy and precision over just "muh feels".

>hurr durr shill
s-shut up quit memeing about racial generalization. It's culture and opportunity that's the real beast. Modern white men have nothing to do with it currently. Whites had a hand in the past that led up to here, but whites now have no reason to pay for it.

I'm trying to say we should focus less on "who's to blame" and more on "how can we improve". Liberals will always focus on "who's to blame", though, and THEY'RE the ones with a tighter grip on information.

Haven't mentioned god once where i'm at. Even in US history, mass genocide wasn't for "muh god". According to me hard liberal, pear shaped, bulldyke professor, it's because "muh different skin color" and "muh gold".

I personally don't know. I learned in philosophy class today that modern metaphysics separates themselves from proving or disproving god. This is apparently due to Kant's defense of the subject during the Enlightenment, where empiricists tried to disprove nonmaterial things (god, immortal soul, free will). Ofc, I could be misinterpreting; Kant is literally the worst thing I've read. I currently understand the reading I'm reading as "here's a new stance on metaphysics that cuts out rationalism in a bid to stop empiricists from either proving or disproving things that cannot be measured".

Eh. I'm fine with controlled immigration. I'm not okay with the whole "no borders everyone go where they want :^))))". If anything, global markets ruined American agriculture. I'm skeptical as to what unchecked immigration can do to the nation.

>school food
What kurwa?
I will let business to provide food in exchange of money. No University outside of US provides food in tuition cost. That's idiotic.

>nurses office
No? Call 911 in case of danger. No nurse offices in here on Unis. You pay for being a student, attending lectures, take exams and getting a diploma. That's it.
You pay extra if you fail and want to take a course again next semester.

We didn't pay for food at the uni I was at.

We had healthcare that was an optional payment, but the nurse's office was still openly available. Our number one visit reason was squirrel bites.

>Why is nobody doing this atm?

Because the board of directors that would open such a university would all be murdered.

No need to start one. We know there's a ton of discontentment with our current academic climate, and some administrator is going to capitalize on this soon.

Many universities in the US are barely solvent. I guarantee that in the next couple years at least one US university in dire straits is going to rebrand as a free speech haven, and they're going to rake in tons of money. They'll shut down the whole humanities department to circumvent their inability to fire tenured Marxists.

One can hope it'll even trigger then end of the college bubble.

For what?
Even if I make my board cosist of Conservative Blacks and work behind the scenes? The Police should protect us from terrorism, no?

MIT brah

No University of Science and Technology in Poland has humanities departments and it just werks. I ask why aren't all these youtube professors and media conservatives get their shit together and create something branded with their names? Even fucking Trump managed to open a University and he is no science guy.

The hard left own and control America. Americans love to drone on about 'muh guns and muh freedom' but it doesn't really mean shit when you have sjws, niggers, spics and literal fucking communists running amok in your country and going unchallenged with their claim as the moral authority

You fags told me that you will make America Great again. Trump won't help Sup Forums University grow?

What exactly is your university trying to teach? I can't imagine a college that doesn't teach about religion being very traditional. I'm guessing what you mean is more of a race realism school?

>I can't imagine a college that doesn't teach about religion being very traditional.
CompSci, Chemisry, Architecture, Physics etc. Real science + optional courses in general Philosophy, Eristics and Rhetoric. You can have traditional values without bringing god into the fucking University. Name one faculty that deals with hard science and needs to teach about any god. You come to the University to learn how to think and do your fucking dream job.

How would your school be different from others?

No ideology allowed. Treat University as your apprenticeship. You come there to learn skills, not be taught on how to deal with casual problems of adult life. It will be organised like a business.

Commie attitudes come mainly from the feudal system present in Universities. It's time to replace that.

What is a tech college

I think of ways of how to exterminate the blacks all day and night, How hard and controlled some of them are will give You a good idea of how to spread micro organisms.

as a Child I woke up and went to sleep thinking and building miniature models of flying Machines, and I see much more then almost all people when I read News about Missiles and airplanes, I can read into numbers and understand where technology is going to be 10-15- 50 years from now.

We are moving backwards, the F-35 is the perfect mainstream representation, its all Nostalgic and profitable mainstream bullshit, the 70's where when Russia and USA went clooked regarding Missile and Aerodynamic development.

Good idea, user. Better survey the competition first just to be sure.

Allegedly this is what Wash U and CMU were doing. Harvard and all the traditional elite schools were focusing more on gibs and diversity and bragging about rejecting students with perfect scores. So the other schools started giving out great scholarships to the smart kids. Dunno if it's still going on. This was 15years ago.

We have one. They call it "Caltech".

Why not an online school instead?

Can online schools give legal degrees?

There are plenty of fine, conservative schools. You just don't hear about them because it's not sensational.

hows that infinite regress treating you? ;)


((( Caltech )))


Jews are underrepresented at Caltech compared to the Ivy Leauge, dude.

I'm Disappointed In You /Pol

Yeah because caltech almost judges Asians fairly.

Can you stop calling us "Yanks". It's not fucking 1785 anymore.

Sociology is the fakest of all fake degrees. They have this bullshit called "critical race theory" which basically starts from the premise that whites are evil and are out to get everyone, and evaluates everything through that "critical lens". They also came up with the idea that (((there are more than two genders))) and transgenderism isn't a mental illness, without any medical or psychiatric research.

Sounds like a great system. I'd rather spend money on utilities myself than have absurdly high tuition because my college thinks it's my mom or something.

I've been fantasizing about that since I started college. I just wish there existed a school that was as right wing as UC Berkeley is communist.

If i had 100 million, i would do this without a thought

Why does it have to be a conservative university? Why don't you just leave politics out of science entirely?

Cut the social science programs that push anti-white anti-west ideology that's fine, but conservatives have their own track record of interfering with science.

Grand Canyon University

also basically all christian universities.

I also went to mesa community college and my gender studies class involved the differences between men and women and the history of womens sufferage and such. very objective. Also said that trans was a mental illness.

I went to university here in the US and food was never included in tuition. what is this, a gradeschool? Most colleges in the US dont offer housing or food.

wtf is wrong with your college. sounds like a libtard school.

whoops wrong person I replied to. aw well..

meme university sign me up plees.
I don't wanna end up like Lashonda and Tyrone.

i don't read much comic books but this looks like something Garth Ennis would've wrote for DC

Yanky yank yank yank

Are you rich?

If so, your school will be a huge success. Hell, you could be the Pollack who saved the Western World.

Brick and mortar universities are obsolete. Start an online university.

Everybody wants their own version of the truth.

Sorry CMU is a liberal shithole as bad as the Ivys unless that changed from 17 years ago. I really doubt it.


pick one

They've already tried this anyway desu. It's called Liberty University, and it's a fucking abomination.

Most conservatives today deny humanity's impact on global warming, employ dated race/sex statistics, "question" evolution by natural selection, and refuse to accept that a two week old fetus is less sentient than a pet store pat.

dude this is just like that one marxist school except based
you yanking your wank in there you wanker yanking yankie?