Hunter X Hunter 366

Shitty translation dump begins now.


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Togashi finally remembered that there were other bodyguards besides Kurapika?

btw honestly, there's way too many bodyguards to keep track of.




do they really need to have a fucking counter for Sup Forums pass users?



Biscuit is CUTE


Fuck nigga stream.


You can't put your arms around a memory

Hail shitty translation user.


N-No Togashi


>It knows we can see it
Ruh roh.


short on time tonight..or it would be better. oh well..





Can someone post the megachart for referencing prince numbers

>even when translation user is late as fuck he's still earlier than Niggersteam
My nigga.

Thank you based user, have these two beautiful girls in compensation.


notes: yes the names are inconsistent. was too short on time to care

the timing on this is wretched. korean scans are released roughly 5am my time. even this shitty translation took 3 hours.

so no time to do it early because of work

anyway i did this run to see if i could actually finish it in 2 hours before work..answer is , no way.

i would prob need another 1.5 hrs to get this to a level of quality where i actually shill it.

anyway, hope this tides you over until MS / Viz

also I'm banned on the subred so can't even post it there lolz.

imgr link is Sup ForumsqxtEh

I want to protect her.

thank you for the translation based user

heres something i made.

my video on it is here:


thank you very much user

Oh shit. An asspull incoming.

thanks based user finally someone translated this amazing chapter.

how is this an asspull?

there geniuses at nen, and not everyone has been made one.

So Hisoka killed all spiders off-screen?

come on pika who would have guessed your ability would back fire this badly. all because there are no bugs on the ship.

Your voice makes me want to kill myself

Imagine Komugi with battle nen abilities.

Everyone and their grandma knows they are going to use it on the 13th prince's hamster or whatever rodent is in the cage.

You drooling retards couldn't have turned asspull into a more meaningless word if you tried.

He's the only one trying to learn nen. Maybe the nen beasts make it easier to learn nen too or something?

How is he like Komugi?

Kurapika is so absolutely fucked

>Banned when reddit were proposing to do their on translition out of anger
jesus fuck user how that even happen?

Relatively tame romanisation Togashi.

She's nen genius without nen training.

Based translation, excellent work. Danchou's sad face breaks my heart.

Now how to get Oito alone in a room with him.

thanks user.

She´s going to die first, right?

I love the skulls Togashi draws.

God kill that Face pls Togashi

When Nen was first introduced, it was said that Nen was the actual source of any talent. If you're good at art, your aura will go to your art. If you're a successfull politician, your words would convey aura to the people listening to you. The poor guy that made the fakes back in Yorkshin was pretty good at making fakes, and that's why his aura was into the fakes, but he still had no Nen power. Komugi never used Nen, the King was just able to see her aura which showed off her talent at the game.

>She finally train him in nen
>bastard is a nen genius

What a surprise Togashi.


I feel like she would have the most annoying voic if this was animated

so Basho is a dude weed lmao dealer?

Is Chrollo the edgyest shit in this manga?

There's no indication he's as genius as she was at gungi.
From what we've seen he's probably around Hisoka, Gon, and Killua in term of nen talent. With Ging being above them.

We all knew that psycho prince was going to learn Nen, and if he's going to fastidiate Kurapika in any way he has to learn fast. He still might be limited to hatsu since he doesn't have physical training, but his hatsu wil be fucked up. I still hope he gouges Pairo's eyes out of his head and puts them on himself to get Emperor Time.

H-how's mine user?

Thank you, user.

It's possible he could have been using nen in very small amounts like how Zepairu did.

Easiest explanation is to just accept he's a genius at manipulating nen. It obviously doesn't mean he will have the aura reserves of a pro.

I wonder what was with Halkenburg's nightmare.
Perhaps his nen beast can warn him about the near future.

i get the feeling halkenburg is going to experieince a ton of body horror and be mentally broken

None of them went through nen training.
Tserriednich may be first.

Is there a song that perfectly describes what Chrollo is feeling?

I feel like it'll either be her, Halkenburg, Weed dude or Cammy that's going to win.

By now I think the hamster is too obvious, not only for the audience, but for the characters as well. A hamster acting weird will instantly call attention of anyone half as paranoid as every bodyguard is right now.

Kid.. I can see an asspull a mile away. Le genius maniac main antagonist will be topping Meruem easy. Just you wait several years.


thank you based user

Hello darkness, my old friend...

Not when Feitan exists.

Can someone give me the run down on this guy?

>Depressed that two of his friends were done in by a clown


I mean, what isn't nowadays?

It would be great if this happened.

How long has he been in Emperor Time now? It still hasn't been a day, but surely a couple hours, right?

I wish Alluka's outfit stayed those colors, it looks more like those Shinto priestesses that way

Fuck him and his eyebrows


>out of all princes, the one mc is after turns out to be a genius of geniuses that will learn everything in a week or less
>not an asspull
fuck off

pls live

did this drankon eat halkenburgs guards?

That would be cool, but Togashi said in an interview that the Spiders were going to prepare themselves for Hisoka. That means they're most likely on the boat with Chrollo.

>He introduce tons and tons of new guards
>We all now that less than 1% of them is going to survive if lucky

Why even care?

>learns some nen fast
>anons think he is now strongest character

Why is Togashi such a fucking hack?


there is a fable in here somewhere

Is this your first shonen manga?

Quite definitively not an asspull.

Understand alot of them are kids easily led by the nose at yet another meme

Be prepared for another O MY RUBBER moment

Everything is an asspull to you guys isn't it?

No, you dumb shit. I literally said it's not an asspull.