I'm starting to loathe liberals and lefties more every day to the point where i don't even think of them as human...

i'm starting to loathe liberals and lefties more every day to the point where i don't even think of them as human anymore. The same goes for minorities and i'm not even white, i'm a mexican jew mutt, i'm starting to hate my own people too. I don't know why i'm having these feelings when just a couple of years ago i was fine

looks like all the trolling worked on your pea-brain

user, you should let the "Left" do what they do best. LBJ harmed the negro more than the Klan could ever imagine. The "Left" enslaves the negro within it's own mind by reminding us of the racism of white people. Also, the "Left" wants pricing of goods to be at a level PoCs can afford while still keeping them poor because poverty is part of their culture. This means whites can live like royalty even if they are only marginally better off than PoCs.

They keep pushing these identity politics and if they fuck up they double-down. Which means as their numbers dwindle they increase in intensity so probably 2 years or less they will start killing "Nazis".

does that mean they'll just murder everyone they think are nazis?

Dear Niggers... enough said.

does that mean they'll just murder everyone

civil war cannot come soon enough

>asians are filled with yellow melanin

Don't you remember the big awakening back on 12/21/12? Sorry it wasn't the awakening you wanted, senpai. You'll be alright.

well, if you look pol even if you agree with something on here you basically are in a live or death possition

you are fucked, your only sensible option is to work with them

dont get me wrong, i kinda agree
but you are fucked if you act in pols benefit

Do you look white?

i'm a hairy manlet with too much facial hair, you can tell that i'm a jew or a mexican

really oogas my booga

Well, fuck whoever wrote or agrees with this opinion.

Good luck getting me to shut up.

What? Asians typically also have very little melanin kek.

Open borders is best because nations are racist.

Well is your family liberal? If not just take solus in the fact that you won't grow to hate them over time.

my father is a zionist babyboomer conservative

So, no opinion for albinos then?

i wish i lived in an ethnically homogenous aryan state and gave no fucks.

pheomelanin master race

Dear Non-White People: Eat shit and die.

Because you will be next, and you know it. Most Latinos have some form of European blood in them, and outside some real desperate beanners who marry black moslems in the Great Lakes region, most are Catholic, with many 2ed or higher generations going Protestant. Also, unlike black Africa, brown America did have a functioning society before the white man showed up.

Allot of people think they will go after East Asians next, which will happen, but I bet you a taco once they are satisfied with destroying white resistance, Latinos will be next.