I want to learn more about the Order of the Black Sun and possibly join. Where do I start?

I want to learn more about the Order of the Black Sun and possibly join. Where do I start?

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Wrong place to ask.

You don't.

Where do I ask?

probably not here... try the free masons for a start

you don't, you get selected

This. Also, age plays a role.

Thanks all.

Where are folks usually selected from?

And which qualities are sought out?


Have you had an initiatory experience? If so, there is no need to ask about joining. This knowledge is for anyone with the will and ability to understand it. You are 'chosen' in a sense, not by a secret group of people, but by something inside that calls to you. If you hear it calling you, just listen

Michael Tsarion has a really good series on jewtube about them.

Potential members are 'recruited' from NatSoc circles, but not the type of circles that you see on TV with skinheads and tattoos... these circles I'm talking about consist of well-educated, upstanding members of society. Not hooligans. You can say that finding members of these other 'social circles' can be equally difficult. OBS is just the cream of the cream.

The meaning of the Black Sun symbol goes beyond Natsoc/Nazism. It is the Toa by another name. There is no need to be selected by any LARPERS as part of some secret group. You understand and possess the knowledge, or you don't

What you describe sounds more like Serranism. While it is true what you say, it's not complete... the 'revelation' itself is necessary, as OBS is closely related to Hermeticism, but there are 'clubs' out there as well. Trust me.

I hear something inside calling me to investigate certain ideas. I've just gotten through reading a chunk of Evola, and either Eliade or Guenon are next on my list. From the shreds of information I've been able to glean, it seems that the OBS is right up my alley.

I have not had an initiatory experience. Are you referring to a particular category of initiation?

Thanks for the rec.

Are there non-white NatSoc circles that aren't full of shit?

I see what you're saying, but how do I identify others that also have arrived at that knowledge and seek to leverage it?

Why do people LARP like this?

I don't believe I would be welcome at such clubs, due to my status in society. I will admit, the concept of the Black Sun is new to me, I have mostly studied other concepts such as Toaism, Zen, Gnosticism, Hermetism, etc. So I come at this from the point of view that they are talking about the same 'thing' - by which ever name you wish to call it - with varying 'flavors'. The Black Sun (in my opinion) brings with it the flavor of European tradition, tied to ideas of Aryans and such, as well as being historically linked to Hitler and the occult beliefs within the Nazi party. For this reason it conjures ideas of action, violence and righteous fury.

What interests me is the association of the Black Sun with Saturn/ black cube/ Satan/Lucifer. Obviously different Gnostic schools have different ideas about the nature of Lucifer; either hero and deliverer of mankind from imprisonment by the Demiurge, or as the Demiurge itself. Can anyone here educate me further on this?

I have no idea

it's fun give it a whirl some day, fucking rake in the (you)s from anons who just want to believe.

Read The Coming Race & Revolt Against the Modern World.

>but how do I identify others that also have arrived at that knowledge and seek to leverage it?

If i understand this correctly, you mean how do you identify people that may have 'awakened' and may be seeking to bullshit you or con you in some way to further their own agenda?
If this is what you mean, its a good question. I just trust my intuition when it comes to this. For sure, there are those that 'know', but use it for their own gain, using this knowledge to manipulate the will of others ('black magic'). This is precisely what (((they))) do. You will learn to identify (((them))) with your own instinct. Once you awaken, you will know for yourself when somebody's information doesn't resonate with your own understanding. By this I don't mean to say you should automatically reject what someone else tells you just because it doesn't sit well with what you think you know, either. It's hard to explain, but its an internal bullshit detector that you will learn to dial in

Great answer, thank you. I'll take any more breadcrumbs you or others are willing to leave for a Fellow Traveller.

I'm not a very good teacher, but I would like to try to help I guess. Let me ask you something. Which religion/philosophy/occult branch appeals to you most? Which one resonates and makes you feel as though there is some truth to it?

It died with Himmler user, you don't join it, it hasn't existed for nearly a hundred years.

I guess National Socialism died with the Reich, according to you, then.

I'm going to answer honestly, even though it might not be well received here: Traditional Judaism and Tantric Buddhism.

The former for its daily ritual, room to dive deeply into doctrine, and theme of continual renewal. The latter for its monism, the affirmation of the Divine spark within each and every thing, and for clarifying the duty each of us has to emulate/become God as much as we can.

I don't think these are the only two ways to access the Truth that underlie existence, but they are the two that resonate with me most for personal reasons.

What exactly is this Black Cube business?

I saw it gain traction in two VERY different spheres of the internet at almost the same time, and I became suspicious about possible human manipulation of how 'deep esoteric thought' is developing. I saw it mentioned here on Sup Forums and on a couple of WE WUZ Youtube channels within a day of one another.

> Demiurge
Dealing with the Gnostic understanding of the Demiurge has been the most difficult spiritual things I've had to deal with, and I think it has made me stronger. I had long differentiated between the petty gods of the Pentateuch and what God was eventually and rightfully seen as, and I've been making sure to address my prayers appropriately.

Ok, good, nice an exotic. Unfortunately, I'm far from an expert on all things Jewish. I would suggest getting into Kabbalah then.
As far as Tantric Buddhism goes, again I'm not an expert so I don't have any direct advice, as I have mainly focused the terminology of Zen. You should find that both Kabbalah and Tantric Buddhism will correspond directly with each other, you will begin to see that while there are different words/terms used, they will be referring to the same thing and should compliment each other very well.
The fact that you mention you resonate with these ideas already, that you feel something inside that calls you, 'Devine spark within each and every thing', the important thing would be to not get overly attached to the system you study. They are systems that use symbol and metaphor to point to the truth, not the Truth itself. You already know this I believe. You may already be 'awake' (well, everyone is really) but you are experiencing doubt and want to clarify 100% that what you feel to be the truth IS the truth. So go for it, I wish I could give a more useful little anecdote or allegory here but these are not my schools of expertise

it has something to do with the poles of saturn depicting a tesseract "the Black Cub", which is representative of the matrix or prison in which the Demiurge imprisons us, the Demiurge then being related to Saturn or Satan and the numerology/astrology involved. Again this is not my area of expertise and is confusing to me, as the 'Black Sun' as explained to me is also related to Saturn, whence more confusion here. The person that explained this to me ensured me that (((they))) do not use or associate with the Black Sun symbology, and that it was not related to (((their))) dark cult. I need further clarification about this

What you're describing about the connection between Tantric Buddhism and Kabbalah is exactly spot on, and eerily so. I grew frustrated with Kabbalah after studying it for some time. I felt that it was a (intentionally?) convoluted system that didn't do much to help humans apprehend the nature of Divinity. While reading about Tantra and talking to active practitioners, I was astonished to see the similarities between the systems. Not only that -- it seemed that Tantra was much better able to describe the Unity of God, the primordial division of masculine and feminine forces, and what that means for humans. Given the timeines, I wouldn't at all be surprised if Kabbalah or more-or-less directly influenced by Tantric Hinduism or Buddhism. If through nothing else, then at least through Sufism.

I've had someone, who I believe was initiated into *something*, tell me that "we are all Gods" and that my journey should explore that. Does that resonate with you and your search at all?

What my gut tells me is this; the black cube, saturn, 8 pointed star, Ouroboros, Black Sun, Tai Chi etc - all represent the same thing - the nameless force and source of all. The holiest of holies. Those that know the truth and use it for (((their))) own gain, to continue perpetuating the suffering off beings in order to grant (((themselves))) power over others and serve (((their))) ego are the enemy. (((They))) know of the Buddha nature within all things and turn (((their))) back on it. (((They))) serve the 'demiurge' or super ego. Like the empire minions in Star Wars serve the sith lord or whatever. (((They))) are granted the power of 'black magic' - the power to impose their will over others - through their use of ritual magic - human sacrifice, sex with children 'spirit cooking' and worse. So though we may use the same same symbol, ultimately, its what we do with the knowledge that differentiates us. I could be horribly, horribly wrong, I stand ready to be corrected

Honestly, a lot of this sacred geometry stuff seems super contrived and without much benefit. Could you explain more?

To offer someting in return, here's a copy of "The Ring Makers of Saturn", which seems to be getting more light these days. I don't buy into it, but it might prove useful to you.


>free masons
The free masons are the enemies of the black sun

lol LARP faggot

leave your moms basement

You don't find them, they find you.

Well this is up for debate. yes we give out the information but for those that want to serve we are always looking for good people

Send me 19 bitcoin and I’ll give you a hint.

>I've had someone, who I believe was initiated into *something*, tell me that "we are all Gods" and that my journey should explore that. Does that resonate with you and your search at all?

Basically, yes. I could try to sum it up as simply that, deep down, on the most fundemental level, 'you' are 'it'. Not your ego, but 'true self' 'no self' or pure 'emptiness' (magic, 'holy spirit', god, the source, the Black Sun, Allfather/Odin.) Furthermore, there is literally no separation between inner/outer, self/other, that seperation is a kind of illusion as everything is interconnected- 'one' - though the perception of duality remains and is a prerequisite for any 'stuff' 'appearing' to 'exist' at all. Duality then, once seen through, is not to be seen as an enemy or evil thing, but as somewhat playful, as part of an agreement for there to be anything at all. Tweedle dum and Tweedle dee AGREED to have a battle. So nothing really matters, in the end.

BUT, on a more 'human' level, as I said previously, I believe (((they))) know all this and use it to empower themselves and keep us down. While ultimately it may not matter, I am driven by compassion for other beings to oppose (((them))). It doesn't have to the way it is, with earth under (((their))) control. It may be futile, but I haven't lost all hope

>What interests me is the association of the Black Sun with Saturn/ black cube/ Satan/Lucifer. Obviously different Gnostic schools have different ideas about the nature of Lucifer; either hero and deliverer of mankind from imprisonment by the Demiurge, or as the Demiurge itself. Can anyone here educate me further on this?
Sure shoot try to be more specific, the things you mentioned are not really related at least not int he way you think they are

Check out Bodhi Mantras YouTube channel. Loads of great content on obs.

While I don't necessarily see how all of those symbols tie together, I agree with the rest of your statement.

What is the proper use of this kind of knowledge? My current stance is that those with the knowledge should be doing their damned best to help other realize their Divine spark and express it in the world in a healthy way.

What is 'our' counterpart to their ritual magic? Not necessarily to counteract them, but to bolster ourselves. Through my Judaism I already have a set of rituals, but over the past year it has become clear that I'm going to need to create new rituals to incorporate these new realizations.

I'd post a quick run down but I'm at work. And anyway it's the sort of knowledge one must seek out, rather than be spoon fed.

close but you have to dig much deeper

If there are 'groups' that one could join, I would be concerned that I wouldn't be accepted.

I'm going to be honest. There is a part of me that has been conditioned to hate and fear Hitler, Nazis and all things associated. Over time, from the things I have learned, I have begun to see that perhaps hitler had a point - though part of me can't accept that 'Hitler was right/a good guy'. I feel a deep sense of shame when I allow myself to speculate that perhaps he was a genius that knew the truth (as is implicated by some). Is this result of kike brainwashing, or my own intuition? I am not ready to fully let go of this and embrace NatSoc political ideals

The info only works if you learn it for yourself. Otherwise you're just reading what other people have learned. You miss out on all those juicy epiphanies, those "a-ha!" moments when you slip a new piece of the puzzle into place.

Is it realistic for me to expect to connect to people who are aligned with us that *DONT* want to GTKRWN?

I'm a Jew that's already asking the 'Zionist Question', and that can see why people are asking the JQ. In the past I've seen myself as working to 'rehabilitate Judaism' from its fallen state, but more and more it seems like a lost fight. Maybe I should just forge ahead without it, but I feel internal resistance to that idea.

Exactly this. And I'm not convinced that NatSoc is the correct destination. Fascism (a la Evola, Codreneau) is on the path, but I firmly believe that there is something beyond that affirms the deep connectedness of existence. THAT is what I'm exploring most fervently now.

When you refer to "power", what are you refering to?

Having an intuition of how this world work, how it helps to enslave others?

We are basically talking about memes and social engineering?
Using the "magical thinking" of humanity to manipulate it through religion, social justice, mass media, etc?

Oh my friend if you only knew the truth, if you only knew how amazing our Fuhrer was a truly beautiful and selfless man. Once you find the truth you will be heartbroken how he has been slandered. Go to channel run by the black sun called impartial truth watch some of the videos. This is a very deep rabbit hole however that requires a lot of background knowledge for you to fully understand, since you seem to have some understanding of occult knowledge it may be quicker for you than others but you have to ask the right questions for me to gauge your level of understanding to answer you in ways you will understand. Start with thee two videos to get a general understanding about our fuhrer

I am warning you when you know the full truth you will be heart broken and furious and you will want blood for the crimes committed against our Fuhrer and our people.

>What is the proper use of this kind of knowledge? My current stance is that those with the knowledge should be doing their damned best to help other realize their Divine spark and express it in the world in a healthy way.

100% spot-on, I believe

>What is 'our' counterpart to their ritual magic? Not necessarily to counteract them, but to bolster ourselves. Through my Judaism I already have a set of rituals, but over the past year it has become clear that I'm going to need to create new rituals to incorporate these new realizations.

I guess it depends how daring you are. Some would just say exercise, eat well and meditate.
the creation and propagation of 'memes' with the intention of awakening others would be something you could do, if you had the talent to do so. I believe discussions like this, that lead to others connecting, validating and supporting each (on /pol of all places) is a step in the right direction. This is a form of organisation while maintaining some anonymity, whilst we gather the strength and memes to fight (((them))).
Others would encourage your own 'magical' practice. I occasionally employ 'chaos magic' techniques, as the whole idea behind chaos magic resonates with everything I have discovered and comes easily to me. Some would warn strongly against this, but I believe that, so long as you don't seek to impose your will on others, you should be fine. You could design rituals to deepen your connection with the Divine, sharpen your focus and realize your potential, for example. I guess you could call this 'white magic' and I see no problem with it.

National Socialism had very little to do with politics that was more of an afterthought or kind of outcome not the goal. What do you know of true history and ancient "mythology" do you know what the golden age was? Our Fuhrer's only crime was fighting the Illuminati for his folk, a true Christ figure, I would follow to the gates of hell desu and so would all of you if you only knew the truth

I believe that Evola was right in criticizing Hitler for his racial mania. I'm not neutering Evola and trying to assert that race is immaterial, but the Nazi monomania was unhealthy and strayed from Truth.

Tradition cannot be shackled to the past. Find your heroes but do not be shackled by them.

Ausbro, is there a way I can contact you outside of this thread? I feel like we're on the same page in an important and very rare way.

What is the truth?

>When you refer to "power", what are you refering to?

The Power of the Will. 'Magical'-like power if you could believe it. In a sense, and at the very least, the ability to manipulate through social engineering and memes as you mentioned. The knowledge of human psychology acquired through occult understanding. So exactly what you were describing.

>I believe that Evola was right in criticizing Hitler for his racial mania.
Well this is complex again desu you have to understand what the Reich was really doing. What the "racial mania" was about. It is not about what people think it was. This Aryan race was a race of people, but they were the descendants of Atlantis. The Furher was only looking for the truth and this has been terribly skewed by (((them))) by design. he was a not racial fanatic or any of that nonsense, he was searching for the truth and we never stopped and we found it

The truth? Nearly of mainstream history is fabricated since Rome

yes, I will just think of something real quick so I can remain anonymous

The Aryans were pale blue giants the Vedas are right


not trying to argue against you boddhi, I'm just not a expert in this area yet remember. I am learning this side of history now

You gotta murder someone and a representative shows up the next time you sleep

As I said before you will have to ask very specific questions because you will not understand the answers. Start with this playlist

Ignore any ebil Nazi bits, you will see the truth later just pay attention to to the information

Yah I know brother, just trying to help. Have we spoken before?

If you didn't go to an ivy league school you can forget about getting into any high tier secret society.

I will post my email address as a comment on this video then delete it later

All of those high tier groups are just puppet houses, the formless shapes them all.

'tis me, ausbro

Sorry re-reading my post I see how you you may have interpreted it wasn't meant to be antagonizing sorry, I was asking honest questions. Do you know what these things are? What Aryan supermen are, the aryan golden age etc? Do you know what yugas are in Vedic scriptures?

Oh hey bro. What the heck is this crap about our fuhrer then! You should already know the Fuhrer was a vegetarian, a Buddhist. Crap you are supposed to know all of this kek. If you know what principles of the Black Sun and what we stand for how can you not know how amazing the Fuhrer was? He was the embodiment of the principles of which we teach and live to strive for, the folk law

I haven't read Vedic scripture beyond occasional bits and pieces. I know a little of the various mythologies of Giants, Nephilim and such. To be honest, I've only considered them as metaphor and have remained agnostic about them being real, I always leaned more towards them being just a myth. Is this where you are telling me is worth looking into

You're going to have to give me more of an explanation than that.

And echoing my previous assertion, Evola was right in criticizing Nazis for being manically obsessed with Race and Genetics when there is a whole metaphysical realm that individuals and communities need to be judged on.

And why shouldn't I treat that pic just like I treat contrived Hebrew Israelite theories? This is literally 'We were pale blue giants, Herr'.

This might be relevant to your interests: I was talking to a Hindu scholar and she said that in nearly all cases when a figure is depicted as blue in Hindu art, that means in 'reality/imagination' they are actually jet Black. (not african american, literally the color Black).

All of this is on the channel bruvna start with the playlists. I thought you had been watching the videos, they are there for you what are you waiting for?

It's hard to explain... I have grown past seeing Hitler as the 'bad guy' and see that he tried to fight (((them))) and admire this somewhat, but as I said, there is a very deep shame that comes with this admiration. I don't know from where this comes, and it scares me a bit

Does it come from you? If not, you might do well to mull it over some more.

It represents enlightenment, moral enlightenment.

I am lol there is a lot to watch!

If your not part of their bloodlines your not acsending in rank

10-4. I sent you an email -- feel free to confirm the address here if there's doubt.


>Evola was right in criticizing Nazis for being manically obsessed with Race and Genetics when there is a whole metaphysical realm that individuals and communities need to be judged on.
This is false though there was no obsession with race only finding the truth and morale of course. He gave the people back their pride when they were facing what we are now, are you saying you don't think it;s ok to be white?

>And why shouldn't I treat that pic just like I treat contrived Hebrew Israelite theories? This is literally 'We were pale blue giants, Herr'.
First this is not what that is. Second I gave you the conclusive proof it is true. Third you are very confused what do you mean "we wuz". These are the ancient Aryans our ancestors, we are not Aryan, no one alive is they are gone and this misuse of the term Aryan done purposefully by them is to confuse you on this issue. Aryan is simply a title now not a race.
> I was talking to a Hindu scholar and she said that in nearly all cases when a figure is depicted as blue in Hindu art, that means in 'reality/imagination' they are actually jet Black. (not african american, literally the color Black).
Well there are other records they were blue so I will say she is mistaken. There are many groups always trying to rewrite history and the Buddhists and Hindus are targeted now because of their knowledge

/x/ cuz it's fucking fake

Well spend time learning about it is all you can do. Did you watch the ancient knowledge playlist at the very least? I think once you start on it you will want to consume as much as possible. But of course who you admire is up to you

kek indeed take your time you will find the answers to everything there. Just find your own answers

quiet you daft cunt we all know who you are and you are not with us

Its not fake, its really just about using "occult" (occult is just a term for esoteric knowledge about the human condition) knowledge to manipulate humans. Think psychology. Much of this is done by studying the various faiths and religions of humanities history to unlock the "secrets" of human manipulation

I went to a school ranked in the top 5 nationally and top 10 internationally. If I can use that my advantage let me know how.

I'm definitely not a part of *their* bloodlines.

Well that is one thing to say. But it is about transcendence being your best self and finding God. It is about knowledge and wisdom just because some use it for evil and manipulation does not mean that is what it is anymore than science, which occult knowledge is really just science anyway, but a different science then what they teach you in school this is done by design

Another science? Say more?

>the Black Cube
Cube was/is an important cosmological model in Babylonian religion.

Epic of Gilgameš - Babylonian version of The Great Flood:

"....Enki has sworn not to betray the secret to mankind, and therefore, he tells it to a house, and the wall speaks to Ut-napištim. We also read about the dimensions of the Ark, which is not a ship in our sense of the word, but a large cube, with a roof like the firmament that had once divided the primordial waters. In other words, the Ark is to be a copy of the universe."

Babylonian ark had six decks + floor level, so seven levels total.
Tower of Babel (gate of God) or Etemenanki (temple of the foundation of heaven and earth) was made up of seven terraces and it gives the height of the seven stocks - 91 meters all in all. The ground floor measured 91 x 91 meters.

"The Etemenanki was next to the Esagila, and this means that the temple tower was erected at the center of the world, as the axis of the universe. Here, a straight line connected earth and heaven."

A six-pointed - trigrams symbolize heaven and earth, 6 outer triangles and 7th is hexagon - unification of the Cosmos (of Heaven and Earth)

There is no way to explain it other than to say occult science I guess normies would call it paranormal. But this is misnomer because it is just as scientific as any other science. All labels they give things is to confuse people. You can call it spirit science I guess, noetics, time, metaphysical, sonic resonance, telekinesis, astral surfing what most would call magical pracitices I suppose

The we are gods idea has truth in that we all have the ability to

I guess you can call it the governing dynamics of reality

Who am i

the same faggot from the thread last night using the same queer namefag

its much more than that, see my post

You might be, you never know. Not many are pure Nordic anymore. Plenty of Germans in WWII weren't, even in the SS.

I rekt OP in last thread

I'm sure you really believe that and everyone does too moron people are here that were in that thread jackass. I am in the order of the black sun you half wit


Enjoy your fake modern order.

While I stay true to it's original meaning.