Explain to me why we worship an instrument of death, and call it a symbol of salvation...

Explain to me why we worship an instrument of death, and call it a symbol of salvation. Had Jesus been born in modern times, would we put guns on our churches? Would we hang a little electric chair around our necks? Would we do the sign of the reloading rifle with our hands?

If Jesus spoke the truth, and I believe he did; then we've all been deceived by Christianity - which is the "wide road to destruction" he warned us about.

The "Christianity" we have today came from Paul, and he was a fucking liar and a murderer.

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Because Jesus showed that through death there can be life

Didn't read most of your post, OP.
I assumed it was because he let himself be crucified for everyone's sins and the cross was a reminder.

Post Modernist UK is asscendant

God isn't real.

*obligatory "tips fedora" comment*

Through the cross, salvation was given to the world.

God is real

Because the cross was the atonement. It's where our sin died. I think you are misconstruing the symbolism.


>Would we hang a little electric chair around our necks?
t. Lenny Bruce

Good comedian, faggot OP

because that cross is the template of the black cube and mainstream christianity is satanic
you literally eat jesus's flesh and drink his blood

Shit, nigga, I'd hang a little 3-d electric chair around my neck, that'd be rad. It'd have a bigger appeal for children as well, as it could be used for a toy chair.

Paul was a murder and a liar. He was a Jew also, a very proud one indeed, until he came face to face with the true God. He was humbled then blinded and broken. The man who preached the gospel named Paul was not the man he was when he met the Lord when he was Saul.

>Lenny Bruce
Literally, who?


lenny bruce is the most influential stand-up comedian of all times
he also was a degenerate who ODed on H


Guys check out my ultimate spiritual playlist (You have to copy manually in bar)


>manually copy

I'm just messing with you, user. God bless.

Yep. The image reminds his believers that Jesus knew what would happen to him, yet it was only through his painful death that salvation could be. He didn't want it spirit is willing but flesh is weak, but the will was known.

> why we worship an instrument of death
We do not worship the instrument of the cross.
The Cross is empty because the savior has risen.

>The "Christianity" we have today came from Paul, and he was a fucking liar and a murderer.
Are you a gnostic or what? How was he a liar?

He saw the jewish lies himself, was convicted, accepted Jesus as his Lord and fought for the church of God.

He says this to the Judaizers, who teach that you need to act jewish and get circumcised:
"I wish that those who are troubling you [by teaching that circumcision is necessary for salvation] would even [go all the way and] castrate themselves!" Gal 5:12 (Amplified translation)

>Jesus knew what would happen to him, yet it was only through his painful death that salvation could be.
i honestly dont understand this.
not trolling here, i really dont get why jesus had to die and how i'm any freer or saved because of his brutal murder.
enlighten a heathen, please

We don’t worship and instrument of death we worship Jesus Christ for through him we are saved and in him we will have eternal life with our father in heaven.

Then explain to me why energy is internal. There is no beginning nor is there an end to it.

*eternal you fucking idiot. and so typical of a christian to throw out random words out of context that he doesn't understand. what the fuck do you know about """energy""" dipshit? can you even explain what you meant?

You had me there for a second. Idk how to link whole playlist when i link the first video of playlist if jsut stops there

If Paul was lying then there's no gentile church. You'd better be circumsized, you'd better eat kosher, keep the sabbath, and the 2000 other laws.

Explain Aristotele's "unmoved mover" if you want a intellectual explantation based in logic and reason check out ((R.C Sproul)) sometime. Google is lectures on the existence of God.

the cross is meant to signal death. There's nothing happy about Christ's return to this material plane. Through Christ's judgement we find salvation in heaven

>Would we do the sign of the reloading rifle with our hands?
Lmao, but in all seriousness, what the cross represents his sacrifice for humanity and how he died for our sins. It's not about the device itself, but good observation though.

Christ died so our sins will be absolved and wrong doing committed within free will is forgiven so long as we believe in His sacrifice and repent.

Only a person truly blinded can say that there is no God, or anything relating to a God

I can't answer it properly. The idea at the time was folks were diverging into constantly rival tribes with no hope for peace unless one tribe ruled the whole globe. But, that filled God with wrath so he sent Jesus to knock some sense into them. If Jesus were not mortal, he would become the dictator of the world. Pretty pointless. So, obviously, he had to die.

Life only has meaning through death you little faggot

The cross became a symbol of Christ's sacrifice for the sins of Humanity when he was crucified. That's why it's so prevalent in Christian religion.

It's meant as a reminder of what the Son of God gave so we could be born without sin.


Literally the opposite of Christ. Nice category error schizo

The guy on the left is a faggot artist's interpretation of a random guy from the times and place of historical Jesus. How can someone just throw a random face and say that this Jesus. Jesus was not a random man.

>The idea at the time was folks were diverging into constantly rival tribes with no hope for peace unless one tribe ruled the whole globe. But, that filled God with wrath so he sent Jesus to knock some sense into them. If Jesus were not mortal, he would become the dictator of the world.
never heard that before. seems to make sense but we're basically still fighting tribes and we all know that j00z want world dominance... so yeah... his death was kinda pointless

True, but the guy on the right is also fake. If you read the bible, it clearly says Jesus "was not comely (good looking)" - but the Catholics beautified him anyway. His appearance in rennesance paintings is based on a guy from the 15th century called Cesare Borgia.

I highly doubt this is the place to reveal the truth about this.

Wow this is incredibly ignorant - literally nothing you stated is even close to being true. Thanks for another living example of digression. I think the internet is actually making some of you more dumb.

An instrument of brutal death was turned into one of salvation and love and a religion that was pursued by the most powerful empire on Earth ended up cinquering it. You cam way what you like about Christianity, but that's really almond activating.

You first have to understand that God is absolutely perfect and just. If we disobey God's will there must be a just punishment. That punishment according to Christianity is the absence of God or a place more famously known as hell. God, of course, loves us more than any of us can imagine, so he sent his Son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for our sins. Because only a perfect and just God can stand in our defiance of such a God, and still be accepted into heaven. The cross is just where Jesus Christ died. It's a powerful symbol because it represents the unimaginable love God has for us.

The end times prophecy has yet to be filled.

It's funny cause St.Paul said exactly the opposite.

Christianity is a universalist cult, which originates out of accepting a covenant with the semitic tribal god Yah, a privilege formerly only enjoyed by the jews, so that all the goys from the entire earth can all become heirs of (((Abraham))) through the blood sacrifice of Yeshua al Massiach.
This ofcourse is rationalized and covered with neoplatonic, aristotelian, natural law teachings and local paganic customs, because the religion, when reduced to its actual core, is a disgusting semitic globalist cult.

The cross is the instrument with which yeshua was offerred up to god as a blood sacrifice, and as such is important to christians because it symbolizes their covenant with Yah

>Parroting this nonsense in 2018

There is nothing wrong with paul's teachings its literally jesus teaching , Paul never said to use the symbol of the cross for christianity even the name christianity is not from paul , christians is . Christianity is from one of the church fathers.

Its true though. Saint Paul says that all gentiles can become heirs of Abraham.

From Abraham to yeshua al massiach the worship of Yah was exclusively for the members of the jewish tribe. Yeshua was the blood offering with which all goys are now allowed to worship YHWH

Abraham pimped out his wife, and sacrificed his sol and cut up his dick because "god told him to do so".

This is all factual. You have not presented a counter argument.

Answer this: Are there any crosses in heaven?

>symbol of salvation
The symbol of the cross represents a man sacrificing himself for the sake of humanity. salvation is the outcome of living a godly life. it is not symbolized by the cross. I wouldn't expect a bong to understand.

The cross to me is a symbol to remember to make self sacrifices, love eveyone, try not to judge and to try to be like Jesus was.

>Christianity is a universalist cult
> neoplatonic, aristotelian, natural law teachings and local paganic customs
> disgusting semitic globalist cult.

You're second message was a serious step back

It is all a dress up for the hideous semitic core of the religion. You are a dishonest person with a soul colonized by spiritual semitism.

> hideous semitic core of the religion

Pick one

>Had Jesus been born in modern times, would we put guns on our churches?
I mean mozambique put an ak on their flag
