Charged $39.35 to hold your own baby

>Charged $39.35 to hold your own baby.


Other urls found in this thread: Palveluhinnasto 2018.pdf

Pay everything but that and tell them to fuck themselves, they wont go after you most likely.

What a faggot thread OP. sage

Just came to sage this weak bait.
>meme flag


C Section QTY 79.

You can hold your baby for free if you have family and friends help you deliver, as has been done for millions of years. Want someone else to do all the work for you? Pay them.

I think the point is why isn’t it included in the C Section fees. It’s not like they have to get another specialist to give the baby to mom.

they probably had to scrub him and other stuff.

Was it a girl, or did they mutilate the newborn for free this time?

They have to prepare the baby for holding. They don't just hand the mother the juice-covered kid, it needs to be cleaned.

>Total charges: $13280.49
Lol, that's over twice as much as a C-sec delivery costs to the tax-payer here.

You live in a homogeneous society with only a few million people

Must suck to be stuck working in Finland.

I'm pretty sure that doesn't bring the C-sec price down that much.

Fuck off, liberal kike puppet


please kill yourself


Can't believe a cereal maker convinced people this would stop masturbation. What a load of shit. All they did was pay to have much foreskin taken away that is worth a fortune.

I pay that much to have my dog groomed. $40 isn't expensive for a baby washing.


If someone came to take my foreskin right now one of us will die.

>wake up early
>non-american threads still up

every time. your inferiority complex is sad.

It's actually quite nice to have a nation state to be stuck working in.


Does your glorious socialist society teach you to read? They adjusted down the price by $6k. That means the price is the same as Finland.

The difference is these people only have to pay the 1600 when they use the service. You pay it every month.

Who has the better deal?

>be part of EU
>be a nation state
pick one and only one

Don't have to give birth in a hospital.

left meme flag on by accident

You better be trolling you piece of shit.

Shut up kike

They have to clean the baby regardless.

>not conforming to kike tricks makes you a liberal kike puppet

Yeah, let's exit the EU and shove some markka's up our asses while foreign trade which Finland is entirely dependent on shuts down and we become Putin's newest oblast
t. Maanviljelijä oves takana ku viet tuet

No they don't, they just wipe it down. Babies don't actually need to be washed for a week or two.

the purpose of EU is (and has been for a long time) to effectively erase nation states, that's just a fact

I'm thinking about restoring mine. I know it won't be anything close to the real thing but it's better than nothing. They've convinced generations of women that a circumcised penis is better when in reality it causes reduces sexual pleasure for a woman. The evil, twisted and insane capitalist greed ruins something so everything related to it loses function with it. Now you have men obsessed with increasing the size of their penis, women buying toys to sexually please themselves, therapy, foreskin restoration etc.

The world is sick. SICK!

>here is your beautiful baby girl and two large cokes! would you like fries with that?

After the adjustment you're still paying 1,5k more out of your own pocket with pretty much the same amount coming from the insurance(your private insurance paying more than our public insurance though). But I guess the insurance bit doesn't count since you don't pay taxes for it.

You can choose both for now though. The sovereignty of Finland has not yet been broken, even though our politicians have aligned themselves with the EU.

I hope they remembered to pay the tip

Im with you on circumcision but calling people that disagree with it kikes is confused, bud

the EU will never change about its dogma of total integration, just remember that

Yeah, the system is so broken...

I know that. But if the leadership here in Finland stops buying into the dogma there's not much the EU can do about it.

since your speaking so matter of factly do you have any proof of these numbers or are you just making them up and hoping no one calls you out on it?

If you have insurance it literally doesn't matter once you hit the deductible which they did. The hospitals do this because they know you'll have insurance and they are getting more money from the insurance company, not you.

so what i should not be paid for my time why u love on your kid i have to stand here for free? then i have to clean your child cus your hands are dirty af costing me supplys and u freak when i wanna be paid? you dumb af yo.

>pay for birth


I have the prices for pretty much everything available in Finnish, for one district at least(greater Helsinki and a bit more) Palveluhinnasto 2018.pdf
370 Keisarileikkaus, komplisoitunut 5 209
371 Keisarileikkaus, ei komplisoitunut 4 165
372 Alatiesynnytys, ongelmia 3 340
373 Alatiesynnytys, ongelmaton 2 120

So C-sec with complications 5209€, without complications 4165€, vaginal delivery with problems 3340€ and without problems 2120€. Prices are averages over all patients and include all costs.

Ok so did you bring a button down shirt so that you could do skin to skin or did you forget so the hospital had to provide you a shirt or gown?

>insurance is free

>what are premiums?

are you purposely being retarded?

Also I forgot to add that the price is what the health care provider bills from the county, so I'm not sure if the patient fee for food etc. is included in this, but it's like 40€ a day so it won't change much anyway.

so this is the power of superior american education?

I'll buy the one without complications please.

He's saying that insurance reduces the incentive for hospitals to compete on price. This is correct.

At the end of the day it's my money and my decisions. I'm a man and I get to own those. You're apparently OK with trading that for a little bit of savings (not sure why you would brag about someone else paying for you, but that's on you)

Oh sayyyy can you seeeeeeeeeeeee

Ironic kikery is still kikery, Schlomo.

You're paying for the doctor's "supervision." Go to bed yuros, you're obsessed.

Fact -most Americans want universal healthcare, despite the endless and changing propaganda against it


The welfare state is mostly about the middle class just circulating money through the state in order to provide insurance against sickness and redistribute its own income over time. The savings that the cheaper health care provide are actually net savings for the majority, not so much other peoples money. Of course freeloading is a problem, but it isn't the ideological problem you try to make it into, only a cost that should be evaluated as any other cost and taken into account when comparing the alternatives.