This is what christfags ACTUALLY believe

This is what christfags ACTUALLY believe.

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Christianity is a demented semitic cult, so no surprises there. They literally worship Yah, the tribal god of the semites. The climax, most holy moment in their religion is remembering that yeshua al massiach was sacrificed as a blood offering to Yah, so that all the goys are allowed to join the jews in worshipping in worshipping Yah.

Ofcourse this is dressed up with all sorts of rationalisations, sophistry, pagan leftovers,.... to hide this semitic core.

Not your sage space christfag, go propagate your jewish filth somewhere else.

You are a spiritual semite, with a circumcized heart as Saul (Paul for the goys) says

I am not a Jew, nor do I follow a jew


you're not the boss of me

The Ark only had one window.
Whoever made that is a retard.
t. christfag

Atheists believe that there nothing and then there was everything.

Believe it or not the 4 gospels give different accounts of the events of Jesus’ life. Okay so think about that: Mathew Mark, Luke, and John all give very different stories and only ONE mentions the trinity or Jesus as divine.

No. Atheists believe there was only everything.

No that is what christians believe cuk

You have entered into a covenant with Yah through the blood offering of Yeshua al massiach

You accept the torah, the prophets, the apostles,... as holy

You are a spiritual semite

Nope. Christians believe in creatio ex nihilo.

When you look at it as symbolic it makes more sense. Granted, a lot of Christians don't know how to read symbolism, but that doesn't mean the writera didn't intend it that way.

Um, what? No they don't, they're pretty much identical. Try reading them before showing how retarded you are.

>◄ Romans 1:16 ►
>For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

Holy heck reddit spacing you nerd

Nope christians believe that god is eternal he always have been he is everything without him there is nothing

If you take the bible literally you are retarded. It's coded so only those with eyes to see understand it.

>christians believe in something
>are shown it is not possible
>duude its an allegory, like, symbolic

Yes so what we believe that at least we don't believe that transgender man is a female at least we're not that crazy

>Romans 1:16
if there are no jews , then first to the Gentile

What are other dimensions

Yes, but they believe the universe/earth was created out of nothing.

T. Butthurt christfag that cant refute anything so tries to divert attention away from the subject

What's next, le epic fedora argument?


Exactly! Praise Yah my brothe! Doos Vult

>not even greentexting
Lmfao how fucking new are you? I swear to God you might actually be from r/athiesm. What a fucking nigger

Literally look up symbolism, allegory and metaphor in the bible. I'm not a Christian but I take value from the bible because it contains universal truths that go beyond the surface text.

>married priest
/sage and kys

>tfw if there ever was a God his true message and purpose for us has been lost to time through thousands of years of Chinese whispers

Go turn the other cheek faggot, and dont forget to pray for those that persecute you.

Mental gymnastics.

>t. larpagan
kys retard




Nope, and again I'm not a Christian so I don't care what you believe, but the bible does in fact contain truths about the world and universe that are conveyed in symbolism that needs to be thought over or explained. Yes, the bible is an outdated text by today's standards and a lot of it seems silly to the modern mind, but if you look at it as a system of expressing the way that the world works, it's actually very useful and illuminating. Look up Manly P. Hall and Carl Jung - both excellent scholars who decoded much of the bible for modern rationalists who wouldn't have understood otherwise.


quite the butthurt image you have there fedora tipping faggot
mad you don't have any friends?



No, it was basically a giant pine box covered in tar with multiple levels and rooms.

It wasn't a boat that could sail and be guided.

It was a floating box.


Crusaders weren't allowed to have sons, though

Nope. I am an infidel, atheist, godless,.
Whatever tou want to call it. If I am a pagan it is only in the world-embracing, vitalistic sense that Nietzsche, Klages, DH Lawrence, Dominique Venner,... meant it.




my bad
kys you godless heathen


>A devoted adoptive father, husband and abortion abolitionist died suddenly on Thursday after emergency rescuers were unable to locate him in time when he went underwater during a family outing at the lake.
>Cody May, 31, had just recently moved his family to Texas after residing in Connecticut for many years, where he and his wife Kimberly opened their home to those needing a place to stay. The couple also took to heart the biblical mandate to care for the fatherless (James 1:27), adopting six children—three from Ethiopia, two from the Congo, and one local to Connecticut.
He was particularly passionate about ending abortion:
>May was an ardent abortion abolitionist, as he sought a complete end to abortion as opposed to the incremental approach embraced by many who identify as pro-life. He often stood outside of abortion facilities preaching the Word of God and pleading with mothers not to kill their children.
Wonder if the embryos were white:
>May and his wife personally adopted two IVF embryos, also known as snowflake adoption, after learning that thousands of frozen embryos from in vitro fertilizations are discarded and destroyed. The pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

Go adopt a nigger, Maybe that will calm your senses


wtf I hate atheists now

>God is real and my religion is the true one

that is literally what atheists believe you complete braindead retard memeflag

I don`t agree with christian fundamentalists but I think they believe it because nothing is impossible for God. Also, this is not the main reason why they even care about Noah`s Ark in the first place.

Lmao That's a photoshop hahaha

The original article is "my wife an I are white evangelicals"

Lmao at being this bad at spamming ngl amusing

Xstcucks after thoroughly emasculating western world send missionary fucks to Asia to spread their faggotry.Desert cult.

There is no god, and I want nothing more than for shitskins to perish from this forsaken space rock.

Wrong Klaas-Jan. Christians believe the universe/earth was created out of nothing by god

Now go back to shilling pacifism, refugees, abusing kids or whatever it is you christfags are doing nowadays

Even pajeet knows what's up

Why would you take two of every adult?

Lmao and here I thought lying was a mortal sin.

Nice pic related. Why u mad tho?

>you must have an iq of at least 200 to understand Noah and Moses

you don't know anything about the Bible or Christianity you ignorant neanderthal
whatever shit you read about Yahweh being even remotely related to pagan deities that preceded belief in the one true God in anything but name is nothing but pseudo-intellectual atheist propaganda that you ofc gobble up like candy because you want to believe whatever confirms your stupid world views
the reality is no one knows where the word originated and all they have is theories with very little to no evidence
so before you walk around spreading your stupid lies just remember that you're parroting baseless theories

What 'even'?We are getting pummeled by Western dollar funded Evangelistic scum.
All Xstcucks in India collaborate with Muslim filth to spread their combined desert degeneracy.

Who gives a fuck about some neocon faggot.

Boring fear-mongering meme.

what can you do?
sometimes even poo in loo
can be right too

I thought Christians in India were mostly Assam chinks

>fedoras don't believe in the big bang
>t retard
try to deny it and I'll make you look like even more of an idiot
guaranteed I know more about big bang theory than you do

What are you rambling on about? You seem very mad.

Read To know what I meant

Better than u people who got cucked by a desert cult.We still retain our religion and still worship gods our ancestors worshiped for 1000s of years.

Not Assam.Nagaland.In 2 decades,2% Xtians became 90% Xtians.And now they have terrorist organisations calling for a separate country under Xst."Nagalim for Christ" is their slogan.Regularly gets buttfcked by Indian Army but will never learn.

>tribal god of the semites
I guess I assumed you were talking about that stupid garbage story about Yahweh being some other pagan god when you said tribal
which is false

either way your an idiot because atheism is blue pilled af
considering all millennials and liberals are atheists and atheism is the root cause of feminism, gay marriage, and the destruction of the nuclear family
literally one of the main cancers destroying western society

The big bang is merely the furthest point we can look back with scientific certainty in the history of the expanding universe. I think.

Even so, who gives a fuck. Christians believe just as mich in creatio ex nihilo, just that they add a divinity. It is a large difference btw between indo european creation myths and the judaic/islamic/christian one, that the universe in the former is pre-existing the Gods, while in the latter god created the universe out of nothing.

Fucking hell, uppity like niggers. Hope this gets sorted out.

It's a cruise shit for tigers and everything is on the menu.

Lmao how can you be this fucking delusional. Atheists think the big bang came from nothing, religious people think God (who is eternal) is the creator of the universe. Now tell me which is more likely mr fedora.

Your problem is that you think my atheism is some sort of identification, some sort of position that implies an ideology, an ethical frame, a political outlook.

Christians import refugees, shill for pacifism and antiracism, adopt negroes, worship and created Israël,... all cancer that destroyd the west just as much.

Once u go Xst,U never come back.Faggotry is an easy life.Like a slave.

>atheism is the root cause of feminism, gay marriage, and the destruction of the nuclear family

Better this than believing in falsehoods

You are one dense motherfucker, god "creating the universe out of nothing" as he did in the biblical creation myth is textbook creatio ex nihilo you retard. That is literally the definition of it.

Too bad. Non-religious master race here, atheism is gay too. Most Christians here are cucks bowing to degeneracy.

Let’s get rid of it all.

according to experts on the subject time and space were both created at the big bang
and before that all matter that is currently in the universe was condensed into a single point known as the Singularity

in other words the universe created itself
kind of like the Egyptian belief that Ra gave birth to himself
pretty idiotic if you ask me

and in my mind the Big Bang can't have existed the way it's said to have been without God to set it off

A floating box? That makes it better somehow? How the fuck would a box not just flip around and kill/injure anything in it when the storm of all storms is slinging it around like a tard with a christmas gift.?

maybe 501c3 churchianity followers.. but true Chrisitans know the flood was not worldwide.

you fucking delusional untermensch. stop fucking strawmanning and ADMIT that atheists believe in creation ex nihilo, which is what you are, which is what you do. Stop talking about christianity and admit the fault in your own beliefs.


Meh, you seem more knowledgeable about it than me. The possibility of an Unmoved Mover as Aristotle thought, may very well be true. Im rather apathetic about it.

jewfags too

Forgot to add; apathetic because it has no bearing on the contemporary, on my ethical choices, on my functioning in society,... and I find it to be the most boring, speculative and irrelevant branch of science. Then again, Im not a scientist

It was wordwide user

Remember that Jesus is lord.

Yea sure, an atheist that believes that there was nothing, and suddenly the universe explodes into being, is a believer in creatio ex nihilo.

I am apathetic and agnostic towards all this. Really not interesting and irrelevant to my worldview, so may as well be true or false, doesn't change a thing.

those people do that BECAUSE of religion

Indeed my brother! Praise Yah! Im very glad I too can worship YHWH through the blood offering of Yeshua al massiach, and not go to hell like my filthy infidel ancestors. Truly a blessing

Do you fucking idiots even realize that Jesus was killed by the ruling kikes of the time?

Then he converted a mega jew, who used to stone weak jews and turned him into a Christard that traveled the world and redpilled other jews into realizing they could eat whatever they wanted.

Read the fucking bible tards (putting this in language you retards will understand, the mega-jew turn christard, paul the apostle said he'd do anything to send the gospel to people...)