Tell me about National Bolshevism, how does it different from Marxist-Leninism or Stalinism?

Tell me about National Bolshevism, how does it different from Marxist-Leninism or Stalinism?

Stop eating food.

It doesn’t really. You could say that they’re just MLs who are more honest.


MLs defacto are ethno nationalist but don’t want to admit it. The biggest differences between ML and natsoc are economic, socially they’re semi identical.

Because we want a White Socialist ethnostate without niggers, niggerlovers, cucks and other degenerates
Got it now?

Oh right, i'm patriot and believe in races and racial homelands but i'm against racism and if ethno nationalism is taken too far (purity spiraling, forced sterilization or even killing, destruction of minorities who have been part of the country for hundreds of years, supremacist imperialism).

off yourself commy.

They are gang not thought.

>forced sterilization or even killing
No lol just deportation

Citizens of Natsoc Germany were sterilized if they weren't part of the german race (like the Rhineland bastards), not a fan of that really, they should be given opportunity to move another country and live normal lives

They were soyboys


Eric Striker is unironically nazbol

>there are people on this board that think nazbol is more than just a meme

>pretending to be retarded

get fucked shill

it's marxism + race realism.

marxism has been subverted by liberals making marxists today care nothing about class issues but silly PC non issues like gender. The liberals are capitalists. Make no mistake about it. They come from privileged backgrounds and care nothing about class issues, The bourgeois liberals want things like mass immigration because they want to see the american worker displaced. it's a class war and they are killing the proletariat while they wear che gureva shirts and pretend to be marxists.

Mix of populist demagogy, kind-of-working economic theory and philosophy regurgitated by seminary drop-outs.
ISO standard totalitarianism.
>National Bolshevism
Modern art piece by absurdist performance artist and a homo who roleplayed as revolutionary leader.

45% of the 1% are jews
fuckin kike lover
nazbol gang will win

it's all equally evil and should be rooted out of humanity's collective memory

How is that different from Natsoc?

>Tell me about National Bolshevism, how does it different from Marxist-Leninism or Stalinism?
it doesnt, same antifa tier nigger loving cucks
peace, love, sympathy and feminism
100% cringe tier faggotry

natsoc is when the national capitalist class gets rid of the international capitalist class and consolidates power
nazbol is when the proletariat gets rid of the national and international capitalist classes and consolidates power

Trump 2020!

Natsoc was a political movement, nazbol is artpiece. Basically picrelated in reverse.

It involves lots of buttfucking and jerking off to Stalins portrait.

What's wrong with supremacist imperialism? Blacks are unable to govern themselves and are better off under White rule. Decolonialism is a failed experiment based on absurd premises.

Its a meme infinity anons used to troll infinity leftypol

They both don’t have any food and a miserable population with terrible economies