How long before the Holocaust Narrative collapses?

In the near future, people will laugh at the Holocaust Legend, and everyone will claim they never believed it. Just like the Iraq War, everyone bought into beforehand, and now deny they ever supported it.

Will it be 50 years? 100 years? At some point, only the most poorly educated people will believe in the 6 million lie, but how soon?

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(((They're))) illegalizing questioning or criticism.
It is the source of their power.

When the last depression era generation and boomer dies so that fresh people take their place who haven't fcked and killed a kid to get into positions of power, like judges and government positions

Never. Want to know why? Because it happened.
Holocaust deniers are refuted and destroyed.
I can guarantee you, not a single denier can refute the Holocaust. In fact, not a single denier can provide a point that I haven't seen already. You guys are repeating shit that was refuted even few decades ago.

Only the most poorly educated people & the ones with a political agenda don't believe in the Holocaust.

Well I think right now Poland is fighting, basically delegalising accusing them of having anything to do with holohoax and both USA and their greatest ally are REEEEEING

Thanx for the bump.

Kek blessed triples of truth

I'd say in about 30/40 years. Though I wouldna be surprised if they kept pushin' it fer about 50 more years. That o' course if we be still under complete ZOG rule th' next 50 years.

20 years tops. Things like this creep up slowly then happen all at once. The fact we are discussing it so brazenly is telling.

It already did. It's slowly crumbling
never forget!

You're welcome. I'm waiting for the deniers to start making their claims so I can destroy them until they get so angry they have to spam me off the thread like the last few times.

Fake news. That's a shill, anyone with an IQ above 100 can tell that's not Himmler speaking

three trips of truth
I'd say that's a really good sign and must save this thread for posterity

You know the UN says Jerusalem doesn't belong to Israel?

Proof? Not a single holocaust denier has proven that it's not Himmler. The denier's narrative is that he meant evacuation of Jews - that "ausrotten" doesn't mean exterminate (even though he says in the speech - it's our duty to kill them).

If you're trying to refute it by comparing his voice a OPEN location and a CLOSED location with different recording devices, you're stupid.

Also to refute your claim, here's the original transcript of his speech in Posen. See? Same text he says on audio.


And that's my concern why exactly?

in an open*

>But can you prove it's NOT him?

Oy vey! it's not like kikes like you have any sort of agenda either. Too ashamed too even show your flag. Fuck you.

The sooner , the better.
Every fucking thread I have visited on Sup Forums talks about wooden doors at the gas chambers,
Zyklon B was for delousing inmates,
The numbers keep changing.
None of that shit makes any sense.
I see fake unfounded sources, blah blah, blah.
Fuck! Forget cognitive dissonance, these people are mildy retarded!

So no refutation?
So I gave an audio recording of the 2nd most powerful person in the Reich saying they're exterminating the Jews, yet you didn't refute it - but you'll still believe Holocaust didn't happen - because deniers are stupid. (not to mention Holocaust has a mountain full of proof already..)

I have no political agenda. I just love history and dislike people who distort it.

>Forget cognitive dissonance, these people are mildy retarded!


You post here a lot. Most have make at least one full shekel at this stage. Minds changed: 0.

You love history but fail to provide sources? You my Jewish friend should probably do some actual reading. Tell me this, do you actually believe the six million figure?

>meme flag
>authored 6 of 21 current posts


stop underestimating your enemy. these faggots got expelled 300+ times instead of killed

Nah. I'm doing it out of fun. Money is not a problem for me. I'm pretty rich.

Now, I failed to provide a source? Are you blind?

I should do some reading? Really? How so? The main reason why deniers still exist today is because uneducated masses get drawn to it through memes. Those memes only work on weak minds. The mainstream big deniers are not even deniers anymore. They lost. Mark Webber said holocaust denial is pointless as it provides no results.

I don't staunchly believe the 6 million figure, I believe in an estimation of at least 5.1 million (Hilberg) to 6 million, 5.8 million being an average estimation.

there will be holocaust survivors even in the year 3000

>can't refute me

I've dedicated my last few years of life to learning everything I can about them and disseminating as much as I can before the end
So far they've been kicked out of 359 places and this last time will make it a full revolution, but, the funny part is we're in a new epoch of peace and they're not going to be a part of it.

Drop the memeflag, and I'll be more than happy to engage you full-on.

maybe we should all do like poland, just to rattle the shekelbag
hehehe ( ^..^)-c|_|

yea, the english mistranslation

nice try shlomo

Why does the flag bother you? You need those Ad Hominems right so you can have the feeling of being right?

Refute the work, not the person.

I'm native German speaker.
When you say "ausrotten" in a context with living beings, it means exterminate.

Also he later says "it's our duty to kill those people".

there weren't even that much jews here in europe and untill it was too late for them to flee europe before the war started atleast 1/3 if not half of them where gone.
my grandparents and their peers told me the jewish absence it was verry noticable before the war, including around the borders around german clay, they mostly fled to coastal cities and paris was kind of a transit city for them, since here in belgium they where not welcome at all, alot of them never left the train in belgian stop cities, only hopping up to leave to amsterdam and paris

You see, I am right... you are already negotiating down. Remember, what you just typed could put you in prison in Germany.

>won't play without his mask

Thought so.

those who remained where mostly halfbreeds, jews married to germans, jews and their "obnoxious laiser fair it won't be that bad for us here" those who carried a ww1 medal and those with a questionmark according to the nuremberg laws

Source that at least 1/3 of them were gone, please? You also committed the anecdote fallacy.

The 1938 estimation of Jews in Europe is ~9,5 million. German estimation of Jews during Wannseekonferenz in Europe is 11 million (even though the German estimation is a bit too much).

But when we compare the number of Jews from 1939 and 1945 (the WORLDWIDE JEWISH POPULATION) you can see a drop of around 5,5 million Jews. The migration variable is excluded. However, the variable that is still present in the positive birth rate - indicating that more than 5,5 million Jews perished between 1939 and 1945.

Zionists have played everybody as the fool and won, but lies always will be exposed because the truth can not remain silenced for long

I haven't granted you an inch, since the burden of proof is always on the person making the claim that Schindler's list was in fact a true story.

See cearly pro-Jewish pic related. Despite not showing how they checked for duplicates, (which will happen a lot when you have to actually merge different sources). they're still short 1.5 million. That's supposing we grant you this fairy tale actually happened. That's why you can't even be taken seriously.

Not negotiating. I don't deny the Holocaust. I'm providing the most credible estimations. 5.1 million being the conservative number, 5,8 million being the most likely number.

You're just too afraid to get into a discussion with me because you know you'll lose. I BTFO every Holocaust denier with ease.


germans obviously suck at being efficient exterminators 200-300k dead kikes..shame
kikes on the other hand proved to do extraordinary job at soviet russia, literal marvel.

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

I'd say 20 years. After a whole century, it becomes kind of silly to clutch pearls over a few dead kikes, especially when the event was so exaggerated to begin with.

I have deep-seated bad feeling in the pit of my stomach because I do not think what you say is true.
It will be like it is now; fragmented, some people know the truth, but they have to be silent. I just don't see that changing.
The holocaust is not just a historical event, it's a ground-zero for ideology and politics. It's fundamental, if that goes, it all goes.

Source on the 200-300k number?
Source for your second claim as well please.

Auschwitz - 52,389
Bergen-Belsen - 6,507
Buchenwald - 20,501
Dachau - 17,842
Flossenburg - 18,259
Gross-Rosen - 7,925
Neuengamme - 5,570
Mauthausen - 77,727
Majdanek - 6,920
Dora-Mittelbau - 7,187
Natzweiler-Struthof - 3,944
Sachsenhausen - 4,785
Abteilung 'I' - 41,748

Total of these labor camp deaths: 271,304

>won't debate a perfectly willing opponent without his mask
>"y-y-you're the one who's afraid"

My offer stands. Drop the memeflag and let's dance.

you should check your sources
the almanac shows not a decline but an augmentation of jews
or they made 300k babies during the war or they made 6.300.000 durng the war.
either way in that timespan it's fucking like rabbits when people are bombed to death.

>You also committed the anecdote fallacy
if believing your ancestors who actually lived and fought during that period is a crime then i guess i commited it yes.
put me in jail for believing them

This is already refuted 4 decades ago. Rofl.

he keeps showing the meme someone created for pol, i love it

you're missing the point, deniers don't have to prove it didn't happen, the people making the claim have to prove it happened.

Lets quit whining about the past please guys. Lets fucking wake up and figure out how to fix what is happening now. If you dont like jews and want to kill them again then by all means do what thou wilt and see what happens. Whining about the past is a negative thing about a negative time, If you want to further yourself and other like you do something positive like build a free energy generator or plant some corn.

Wrong. The Almanac shows a drop of 5,5 million Jews.
I guess you refering to the 1948 and previous editions, their SOURCE IS FROM 1938, literally says on them.

Picture related is World Almanac edition 1948, look it's source. The Edition 1949 has new fresh source, and shows a decrease of 5,5 million Jews.

Personal anecdotes are irrelevant to discussions such as this. Show statistics or I don't care.

Ok, so you're afraid.

And it's proven it happened. Deniers failed to refute it even today.

>"n-no, you"

Still waiting, still willing.

maybe never, that's sad, see, a lot of people still believe dark ages narrative, with all mighty church, stupid peasants, cruel lords and all that bullshit.
So, the holocaust tale will be taught and pushed, by law, by force, by social pressurre, etc...

>he thinks we can fix what is happening now without doing something about the Jewish Question

You can't understand the present without understanding the past, everything is really one continuous stream, the human mind just compartmentalizes things.

I am not going to call them jews, i will call them bullshit artists because that's all they are
Start a restaurant and call it Kikeway where people pinch loves of shit into loves of bread and call it the Holocaust Remembrance Sub

Does it even change anything?
60 million people were killed in the war.

Y u cry?

It has collapsed already, otherwise they wouldn't have to forbid it by law.

One day there will be a point where we young Americans view it the way that 9/11 is viewed. OP is right. This will be the point in America when shit really hits the fan.

I don't cry. Nobody denies the deaths of all the dead during the war. Only the Jews are being denied. I'm just defending history.

Nazis murdered 3 million Soviet PoWs, that's a fact that at least 90% of neo-nazis in this thread didn't even know. Although if I start bringing up all the other murders (such as the aforementioned PoW murder), or the statistics such as 6-10 million raped committed in the Eastern Front by the Germans, or forced starvation that was supposed to murder 30 million Soviets, or the 2,5 million rapes on the West, they'll deny it all as well because they still (or you) believe in the clean Wehrmacht myth perpetrated by the Allies to combat USSR.


Holocaust happened, but it was not Jews who were exterminated but Polaks.

Ausrotten means eradication, as in the uprooting. Aus = out rotte = herd, tribe.

Vernichtigung means extermination, as in mass murder. For accurate translations, get your hands on a 1930's dictionary.

... the more you know.

And, anyone can pull up a speech of Himmler and compare it to yours. These are different voices. But it doesn't matter because ausrotten is exactly what the Germans did and it did not involve mass executions of innocents.

will germany pay reparations?

would this explain heavy lobbying against time travel

It only works because a lot of people still get their information from the (((mainstream media))). The internet has at least provided an alternative to those who actually want to inform themselves.

Honestly, I think the laws against having a point of view only really hurt them in the long run. I think it's a bit like with the SJW/Far left stuff. In public the leftist likes to talk about his stupid shit because he thinks he has the "consensus" on his side... when in reality, there are at least several people who are at the table quietly ignoring his nonsense and who will only express their views in private. You don't hear much about those people and because they're quiet it seems like they're in the minority.... until it's time to vote.

Every time I see this flag all I can imagine is Merkel's replacement furiously typing whatever is beneath it while some kind of Machiavellian European child rape/Holocaust guilt indoctrination conveyor full off peaceful muhammads defiling little goyim runs in the background. It makes it hard to focus on the bullshit that you actually type out. Just thought I'd let you know. You should probably proxy someone less hateable like Canada or turkey.

>Jewish Question
unfortunately it always goes back to this...

ofcourse they already knew about their 6.000.000 profecy number missing jews after the war, like they always do, wright?
even though there is no drop, you do know jews are known to change names to the countries they infiltrate wright?

i'm not a denier, because what is there to deny what never happenend?
send them all to the east? sure.
ukraine was already disposing and rooting out their jews even before the germans got there
so what?
Poles where questionning their jews untill their prime minister "died" and went downhill between germany and poland

where are the bodies? the "burned paperwork when drawing your armies back" all the transitpapers of goods, coal and people to these "extermination" camps needed to do all this?

if you want, i still have the equipment to make a Dr. Goebbels speech explaining smurfs are green and not blue

I'm going to move to your country.

How long will it totally collapse? Probably not within our lifetimes, but I predict that academics will seriously be questioning it by the time gen Z are in their early 30s.

Depends on how things go, I guess. The Holocau$t money making industry is still going strong and it's probably the strongest thing keeping the goy down. Once it disappears, jews and other subhumans would no longer be protected, so it's their last defense and they'll try their damndest to keep the lie going. We're slowly making progress though, more and more people every day are starting to see through the obvious jewish lie in regards to the holohoax.

>An American teaching me German

"Ausrotten" in the context with LIVING BEINGS means EXTERMINATION. Every German will tell you the same.

Also doesn't change the fact that Himmler later in the speech said it's their moral duty to kill Jews.

There is a transcript of the speech with his sigil on, the speech that is taped - the one I linked. So it's 100% him.

Remember goyim, that it's important to remember the 6 gorillian not only because of the shekels to be made but because Israel repeatedly uses it as an excuse for war crimes. The Jews need their Lebensraum too you know.

They pay the downtrodden to be their army, that's the real power so the answer would be to take care of the prisoners and bums so bullshit artists no longer have a mercenary army

There was no uniform census of Jews either before nor after the war. These numbers were literally estimates by rabbis and government officials and in some cases referred to religious Jews and in other cases to genetic Jews. Even within those categories there was huge margins of error because is someone who never goes to synagogue still a religious Jew? Where is the cutoff for being a Jew, full, maternal or 1/16th?

Several other almanacs showed wildly varying estimates, the Jewish World Almanac showed growth.

Can you explain why your filthy race was universally hated throughout history?
Can you explain the jewish led revolution of 1918-19?

Can you give me one reason as to why you should exist?


There is no 6 million prophecy. If you're refering to the "numerology", that's fake story.

Ukrainians were disposing and rooting out their Jews? Source? The only even that is as closest to what you claim happened during pogroms, which is like 20 years before Barbarossa. What you actually claim is bullshit.


So what? There is a transcript of the speech that you can hear in the tape, that transcript has HIS SIGIL. Proving it's Himmler on the tape without any doubt. Learn more about Posen speeches, please. Actually learn history overall.

>For accurate translations, get your hands on a 1930's dictionary.
>... the more you know

tempering with the meaning of words over time to make your own story more believable.
up to 20 years ago we could expres ourselfs ,including the common man, with 4.500 words, now it's only 1.200 words and declining.
one of the ways of a genocide is to destroy the abbility of using and understanding their language. it's one of the articles describing cultural genocide

ausrotten actually means removing from the root down untill nothing is left.
could be interpretated as extiction, since the result of ausrotten is mostly death.
to know the meaning of ausrotting der jude, we removed everything related to jews, meaning jews themselves, their art, literature, their culture, their names, their places of worship and so on and on.

Seriously? You don't know about the Jews Yakov Yurovsky and Yagoda who hunted down and killed all the Russian aristocrats and elites and followed it up by Holodomoring the Ukrainians and kulaks?!

n 1993, Robert Wolfe, supervisory archivist for captured German records at the National Archives admitted that a more precise translation of Ausrottung would be extirpation or tearing up by the roots. Wolfe also pointed out that in Himmler's handwritten notes for the speech, that Himmler used the term, Judenevakuierung, or evacuation of the Jews, not extermination.

>Although Himmler's handwritten notes contain only the word "Judenevakuierung," above page 9, line 5, in the transcript of the text of the speech right, page 65, paragraph 2, lines 1-2, he defines 'evacuation' as a euphemism for Ausrottung (extermination). Both speech notes and large- type reading list are included in Nuremberg document PS-1919; the sound recordings of parts of this and other Himmler Speeches are also held by the National Archives, and a contemporary, typed transcription directly from the wax disk recording of the first quarter of the speech is available on microfilm. (NA RG 238, PS-1919 -- text; Record Group 242, 229 -- sound recording.)

Show your flag, kike.

Where are your documents? LMAO

Most of the estimations came from censuses. Even countries like Poland and Romania had censuses.

Being a Jew is self-determination + Jewish group determinated.

Wrong. The previous editions of the Almanac have the source from 1938. The 1949 one has fresh sources.

Jews were the only religious minority in Europe (belonging to an entirely other branch). They took the blame for many superstitions - droughts, crops fail etc.
There is also blood libel. Also the fact that Jews were quite excluded, forced to go into businesses such as the monetary one. Many expulsions were due to royalty or nobility owing money to the Jews. Most of the expulsions happened in Christian realm due to the aforementioned things. Also don't forget the forced conversions.

Jews didn't lead the Bolshevik revolution. That's a myth. Jews were overrepresented, as many other minorities - but they didn't lead it.

Who are you to tell me that I shouldn't exist?

now that would make sense because "evacuation" is what the Havaara Agreement was all about, emigrating the russian, hungarian,german jews to palestine if they were poor or Switzerland if they were rich

>Just like the Iraq War, everyone bought into beforehand
Oh no no no. Listen youngfag, multi-millions of us never bought that war, for a second. The Iraq Occupation and neocons were the first GIANT REDPILL before many of us fully understood (((them))). It depressed me for a decade. Then I found Sup Forums.

It's a disgrace to say Americans bought into Iraq like they do the Holohoax.

>Oh no no no. Listen youngfag, multi-millions of us never bought that war, for a second.
But the wine you were pouring in the gutter when France refused to follow you in your kikery ? What about those freedom fries ?

If you truly are a German, the day of the rope is coming for you, dishonorable sir.

The Germans hold nothing more sacred than ehre. It is why this lie works so well against them - they are deeply ashamed of the allegation that they did not act honorably.

Luckily for western civilization, the same ehre will help Germany avenge our forefathers.

>There is no 6 million prophecy. If you're refering to the "numerology", that's fake story.

Look up Moloch
and bloodsacrifice to their blood god
where do you think stories of vampires originated from?
they are as old as jews are, introduced to us by starting in and around the ukraine and the black sea and spreaded out in europe trough the black forrest.

>Robert Wolfe
the name that was on the tip of my tongue, thanks :)

The censuses did not break down by ethnicity in most cases. Look into it a tiny bit.
please disprove this

[citation needed]

Then why does he say "I want to mention a very difficult subject" , why does he say "we are eliminating the Jews" also WHY DOES HE SAY "IT'S OUR MORAL RIGHT TO KILL JEWS" (he says "It's our moral right to kill the people that wanted to kill us - refering to the Jews)

Sorry, in this whole context Ausrottung means extermination.

Also the thing you quoted debunks you, lol.

I provided the Almanac, and I refuted the 300k number.

I purchased a 1937 dictionary just to be sure. Ausrottung means to uproot, not exterminate -particularly when referring to people.

I know for a fact you are not a native German speaker because you do not realize that the second time he mentions, "killing the Jews" he is just using a different tense of the same verb.

This. This is why they were predicting a Labour landslide here and instead May hung on. If you're young, or live in a city, or are middle class, you are presumed to be a Remain voter, too. So many keep their mouth shut and let the "X" on the voting slip do the talking.

Oh look at this, a namefag.
If a man stumbles up to me and tells me he has been kicked out of 200+ bars due to discrimination, I assume he is an alcoholic.
A group of people who says the same thing about being evicted, ignoring the fact that it was for such shit as kidnapping children and sacrificing them for passover, is also full of shit.

And people are waking up to it, kike.

Your days are numbered, no deportations this time, no camps, you're all going to die.

The holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.
