What is the IQ of God ?

What is the IQ of God ?

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Idk I just wanna know how he was created

>Rabi enters a room
>I need a volunteer

over 9000

Infinity obviously. No matter what IQ test you give him, he will get all the answers right, so there’s no way to know his exact IQ.


God knows

Like 120 at least

Zero, cause he doesn't exist.

Can god make a stone so hard he couldn't smash?

What a stupid fuckin question.
God created IQ.

>sunday morning after a binge

Well considering god is omniscient and omnipotent, I would say at least 200

if the system set up in this world were to give God an IQ test, the score would be low for God would leave a lot of questions blank for the true and correct response would not be offerred

God the Father would get every question right on the test so I guess 300. Jesus didn't have absolute knowledge due to the limited capacity of the human brain, but he had a direct connection to the Father unlike us, so he could pray and always get the answer he needed. The Holy Spirit would peck at the keyboard and just win.

Infinitely Genius


You don't have a direct connection with God? How sad.

>atheists think this is an actual argument that hasn't long been put to bed


If I pray to Jesus I get results, but the Father ignores me for some reason.

Stable genius.

This thread have low quality topic to discuss, the problem stated above
does not require much critical thinking. It is probably a derail/sliding
thread and bear little value or even none to the community.


DO NOT RESPOND, ITS TOXIC, GO TO >>>/catalog/ and find better topic, yehaa
SEIG HEIL, This [Make Pol Great Again] activity sponsored by Hitler.

Couldn't be that great, after all he created niggers.

where x is the number of correct answers - number of incorrect answers

this thread is garbage and OP is a faggot

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.


>What is the IQ of God ?



7 million years in MS paint.


That's a good question. Gonna ask a Christian that next time I see one.

Is that really the belief?

Well, can he?

6 gorillion

Of course not. Words have meanings. An object that is unbreakable logically cannot be broken by definition. "Omnipotent" is understood by theologists and philosophers to by bounded by logic. Even atheist philosophers who have bothered to read up on their opponents don't bother with this argument because it's just a strawman. So to be fair, I should fix my earlier post
>some atheists think
Since I've had plenty of fruitful conversations with atheist friends who are not retarded.

Given how IQ is defined, it might be fairer to say it's zero.

IQ is roughly defined as being the amount of knowledge divided by time existing, times a constant (to set the average at 100).

The universe is finite and there is only so many things to know about it, but God existed before time.

So, X divided by infinity times k equals zero.

He wasn't created, he is the definition of being and that from which all things come forth

So God is the big bang

The same as Peterson's IQ, above goyim.


Jesus was an agent of Lucifer

Fuck off Zizek

how did he become a thinking mind tho? im ok with the concept of something having always existed, i just dont get how it can be a thinking entity with high level intelligence

pi to the power of pi


fuck off, naziautist


After spending so much time on the internet it's hard to tell if you're trying to convince me Jesus is evil or Lucifer is good.

When you ask questions like that of a truly omnipotent being you get weird answers. God could both make a rock so large it couldn't lift the rock, and then subsequently lift the rock.

What's the IQ of the Internet?

>uh idk it's impossible to tell

Well, there's your answer.


Round about 90.

He may be powerful, but if you read that book and you don't see how dumb he is...
Then I understand why you like him so much.


Shooting happening now
This thread have low quality topic to discuss, the problem stated
does not require much critical thinking. It is probably a derail/sliding
thread and bear little value or even none to the community.


GO TO >>catalog and find better topic, yehaa

SEIG HEIL KAMARUD, This Make Pol Great Again activity is fully sponsored
by Hitler. JIDF How are you doing ? Shekels good ? Mkayyy, love ya

>What is the IQ of God ?
It's probably an imaginary number.


Infinity divided by zero times infinity + 1


I’m not going to claim I have a definitive answer. For context’s sake I will add that I am a christian and I think about it this way: a being who is eternal would have an eternity to develope and evolve and therefore would develope an enhanced intelligence out of necessity.
Also, assuming God exists, has always existed, and exists of his own will, then it would stand to reason that his willpower is enough to develope an enhanced intelligence.

This is a huge metaphysical question, one I could never hope to fully explain/understand and won’t until actually encountering God in the afterlife (assuming there is such a thing).

Who? Me?
Or God?

About tree fiddy, senpai.


have fun in sixth grade billy

According to you, God gave me my sense of humour, so...

We don't fully understand the nature of 0.

>Thinking that Christians think God literally gave you your sense of humor
>Not thinking that God created humans with a brain that is complex enough to be able to develope and understand humor
The state of fedoras these days

Over 9000, obviously.

God's IQ is 9999
Like an old snes game at maxed out code!!!

If anyone wants some real discussion and topics, happenings and trending come here ..

This episode
>the juden is named
>beast grid system
>the nwo deepstate worships this entity
>manifesting through AI
God and the technocratic elite

Me and you... We think alike.

>God created humans with a brain that is complex enough to be able to develope and understand humor
Soooo...God gave me a sense of humour then?

The absolute state of grovelling knee scrapers these days

Or he triggered big bang

the same as a nigger, nobody makes that shitty of a book unless being a nigger

Fun fact

If you truly believe & have a righteous connection to God you are in a good place.

Combining your true faith with authentic occult practices will literally give you superpowers.

Those two things combined is why Sup Forums literally got Trump into office by worshipping an ancient Egyptian frog god.

That’s not an argument.
All you did was make an oversimplified assertion about the nature of God and when faced with an explaination that shows your understanding of the philosophy surrounding God to be lacking, you just repeated the same statement. This is a weak tactic that is HEAVILY used by atheists to appear more intelligent than they really are.

Which books have authentic occult practices?

What! 9000!

>That’s not an argument
Neither is your wishful thinking nonsense.
You don't actually know what an imaginary number is, do you?
Get back to your homework, kiddo.


Lucifer is good
He rebelled against the tyranny of God.

You can't even start to imagine

How did we become thinking minds?

Gods IQ is infinite. Satans IQ is one point less then infinite. Haha fuck satan.

He exists outside of the realm of IQ


Your response in a nutshell:
>no you
>you are stupid
Now you lash out because you have nothing of value to add. You’ve dismissed my position as “wishful thinking” without actually confronting my assertion. If you want to take apart my argument, you need to at least be willing to confront it as if it could potentially be true. I WOULD do the same for you, but you have yet to add any profound thoughts to this exchange. So far, the only thing I know about your opinion is you think believing in a God is stupid.

YOU made the assumption I'm an atheist
YOU assumed you are right by default
YOU took offense at me poking fun at your speshul klub (that even your chief mugwump says not everyone has to join, or even agree with)
YOU didn't even understand the joke
You are the one not "turning the other cheek"
YOU are the one spouting shit like "The state of fedoras these days"
YOU are the one who can't even find the spell check function
And you call ME stupid?

All you did was make an oversimplified assertion about the nature of doubt and when faced with an explaination that shows your understanding of the philosophy surrounding scientific proof to be lacking, you just repeated the same statement. This is a weak tactic that is HEAVILY used by God-botherers to appear more intelligent than they really are.
Honestly, trolling Christians is so easy it's not even fun anymore. I can almost taste the tears.

he created niggers to test you user
you failed
but luckily god is merciful and is giving you plenty of chances every day

you're responding to a jew

By himself.
>create a race to be basically humanoid animals
>user thinks it’s gods fault that he’s a cuck

Try & think more about your thinking, how you think, what you think towards, & why. Understand that thoughts are energy, & that energy has to go somewhere. Also, try & understand "the spirit oif the thing itself." What is IT? What is THE THING ITSELF? Consider the ancient Chinese truth that "every thing has a spirit." Everything does, down to the consciously observed molecule. The spirit of the thing itself. Take it very seriously & you will then understand what the "astral plane" is. Also, keep all this in mind & then consider the "noosphere."

Now bear in mind that the timeless principle called the Law of Attraction is real. It has to do with the fact that the universe is powerfully governed by electromagnetic force.

Further, challenge your thoughts, when you get mad ask if you are actually angry. If you see a logical fallacy from there, ask yourself "why am I angry?" Keep an open mind to foreign influence, & you may suddenly have a feeling that it is. Dispel the bad energy & find your own voice thereafter.

Those are a few truths from which you can begin compiling your own understanding of reality & reality control. Yes, we control reality. We make food enter our stomachs, we can also control reality as exquisitely as beikng able to levitate (research qi gong & african shamanism). These are all Simple truths that, if viewed seriously in a spiritual lens, make sense.

Also, avoid danger! Anything On the other side that tries to complicate what you are trying to understand is not your friend. Ignore him.
God wants you to be an Oracle, he wants as many of us to be as capable as can be.

It was infinite but dropped to 20 temporarily just before he created nonwhites.

fuck off faggot

>YOU made the assumption I’m an atheist
You are right, I’m sorry. I’m interested to know what it is you actually think about this topic
>YOU assumed you are right by default
Two parties enter into a conversation with differing opinions, both believe themselves to be correct. In order to have a productive exchange they BOTH must be willing to entertain the other’s ideas. I am fully willing to do this, your combative demeanor signaled otherwise. Again, I’m actually curious to know what it is you think about this topic.
>YOU took offense . . .
There you go again with the oversimplification. I’m not offended that you think this way. I find it funny and pointing it out with memes is even funnier.
>YOU didn’t understand the joke
I understood the joke. I just didn’t find it very funny. Too obvious.
>YOU are not turning the other cheek
You’re making an appeal to a doctrine you don’t believe in and can’t stand? Are you sure? Ok
>YOU are the one . . . fedora
Remove the log from your eye . . . >YOU . . . spellcheck function
What can I say, I’m a faggot phone poster and this window is really small.

I didn’t call you stupid or mean for you to think that. I was simply calling you out. I know the nature of doubt. I face it every day. However, you have given me no proof to a claim I have yet to fully hear. If I sound repetitive, it’s only because you’re giving me nothing to work with other than rhetoric.

>trolling Christians is so easy
And you say I shouldn’t post fedora memes


>I'll post the Mandelbrot set and ask condescending questions about basic algebra to appear as an intellectual.

The absolute state of bongs

Careful, he might spirg out on you like he did me God bless user!
