When is it acceptable for a grown man to cry?

When is it acceptable for a grown man to cry?

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when his child dies

Every day in this post modern world

When he gets kicked in the balls

When he feels like it.

when he reads this shitty thread

I've seen my dad cry way too many times
Sometimes I feel bad for him but he's such a goy toy that it's honestly kind of satisfying to see him break down and not know why

When he breaks he can cry.
Some things will break you in this life. Try your best to be strong though. A weak man is detested according to natural law.
Once you break do what you must to get back up and fight. It doesn't matter if you piss yourself and cry a bit during a firefight so long as you get back up to fight again. You'll be stronger for it afterwards.

Loss of a parent, child, maybe wife. Perhaps certain other extremely strenuous situations. Keep crying to a minimum. Men should always strive to set an example of stoicism, strength, and courage for those around them.


>american fathers break down crying for no reason

no wonder you're on Sup Forums


only ever seen my dad cry when his dad died

when a close one dies.

>American having a father in the first place

It’s a start at least

When he falls on his bike and gets a booboo. Then he can get kisses from his wife to make all better

No shit man, he's part of that generation that completely failed their sons over here. I don't think he's self-aware enough to understand why he's so miserable. I just hope I never make the same mistakes when I have kids.

Never seen my dad cry, the only time I've seen a male relative cry was when my mom's brothers cried during my grandmother's funeral.

When he is alone



A man can cry whenever he wants, he is a man.
Except that a man doesn't *just* cry. A man takes action. He cries when his parents die, yes, but at the same time prepares to bury them. He cries when he is in agony, but at the same time he plans to solve and remove whatever is causing it. A man stays in control of his destiny, even if he can not control his tears.

That is the difference with when women and children cry, because they do it to get *others* (a man) to solve things for them.

>be a good man
>cry that my son got shot my easily accessible arms
>take action and go full retard trying to ban weapons
Sometimes it's just better to talk and get off your chest why you feel bad than to "take action".


only pussies cry

I just had to put my dog of fourteen years down. I cried like a little girl.

"Acceptable", as it is not an inherent quality of anything, is a red herring. A relevant question would be, "are men who cry pussies, crybabies, etc.? My answer: depends on what they're crying about.


When family members, close friends or pets die.

You're a pussy if you cry for fictional characters like Andy in Toy Story 3 or the Abuela in Coco

When he's under significant stress and realizes that indeed, something terrible has or is going to happen. It's a necessary step before he can resolve himself, wipe his tears, stand up, and face the problem head on... or at least try and soften the blow.


Did your mom, dad, brother, close friend, dog or cat or pet die? You can cry. Those people were important to you and part of you and that pain is real.

Did your football or sports team lose? Did your candidate lose an election? Are you crying because your friend just got married and it was so beautiful? YOU ARE A FAGGOT

Men can cry away from women, but with women it's a rather dangerous thing because it hits women instinctively "the shit has hit the fan" and they're mainly attracted to men who are composed under great duress.

Men can cry around blood related women and around other men, but they should not cry in front of women they are not related to.

Do not cry in front of your wife, she is not your mom.

>That flag.
Of course not, muzzies and niggers don't feel emotions.

only right answer


she won't see you any different if you cry when your parents die stop being a dumbass

or any close relative, really
wife, parent, you name it

Death of a child, parent or wife. One manly tear for the national anthem.

Women do --NOT-- like male weakness AT ALL.

Once again, your wife is not your mom. If you want to cry, cry to your father, sister, aunt or mother.

She might not say that she see's you differently but once you expose weakness to non blood-related women, it hits them on an intrinsic level. Why do you think that human males have this tendency (of holding it in) to begin with? That's because women have been selecting for it for quite some time.


she will see you very differently if you do not cry after someone died, trust me
obviously she will not think highly of you if you cry everytime you lose a game or whenever it fits you, but if you do not open up in front of your wife every once in a while at least, she will not like that either
contrary to what you're saying, she is actually the replacement for your mum

What about allegorical characters?

this is where i shed a tear, wouldn't call it crying though
guess it's acceptable as long as it's in private, this is one of the things your wife should not see though, unless you yourself went to war maybe, which I didn't

Yeah once someone dies not during a sad movie. People could write her off as a cunt if she says "yeah so his sister and dog died in a car crash and he started bawling lol what a loser"

When Desmond calls Penny from the ship.

When he see’s an american woman

dude, marley and me was depressing.

When a heroic doggo dies.

I can support this one

Crying is for homosexual Southern Europeans. The stiff upper lip created the modern world.

When his mother, wife or child dies.But then again i cried when my grandfather died two years ago. we were close.

Every when a poor Refugee dies I release a single tear with a smile.

How many tears do I need to genocide all shitskins?

my nigga!

>human males have this tendency (of holding it in) to begin with?
Because a man in control of his emotions is in control of his surroundings and his destiny. It's about strength. Of course there are things that break a man, and that's what makes him human and not a savage. You are allowed to lose your strength and composure to mourn your loved ones. Your wife wants you to cry if you lose her or any of your children. It means she is worth breaking for. Being the reason a strong man cries is the ultimate compliment. So you are allowed to cry for your family and only your family. That is the only thing worth breaking for.


Whenever he feels the need.

child, spouse, best friend, dog.

Fuck off pastanigger, i’m aware of your tricks!

Parents too


dwbs of truth!

>not parents
end your life you fucking nigger

When the leftovers from the night before end up spoiled.

Whenever the fuck he needs to.

>The loss of a close family member
>while in pain from a catastrophic injury
>being diagnosed with a severe illness that will fuck your shit up

I can’t really think of any other good reasons

When a friend or realtive dies.
A single tear is acceptable during patriotic pride or loss, but no face flushing.

My mums already dead :'(


at Divine Liturgy


Carina of trachea

This 100%

When his brother dies

> take action
> fap to 2d furries while your civilization burns
Pick exactly one