Remove the Boomer safety net

Abolish government funded pensions. Remove Medicare. Remove Social Security. Take responsibility for your future independently, not at the expense of your children. They screwed us, don't let them continue destroying our children's future! Don't follow in their footsteps!

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Nativists have not earned a meaningful way of life!

blame yourself for being a loser!

Salty Boomer detected. Matlock stop playing at the retirement home, Gramps? Get some pooter time to boomerpost?

>steals future generations
>is in complete denial about it

>Abolish government funded pensions. Remove Medicare. Remove Social Security.
The Kremlin must be gleeful when they trick Americans into demoralizing and destabilizing themselves.

your ancestors and parents owe you nothing, orphan scum!

Then why are we paying for their social security?

because these vain, entitled orphans lived a life of comfort they didn't deserve to begin with.

how about You go outside and get work hard whining and complaining about boomers... You go outside and get a job you
When i was young i only made 2$ an hour and i was happy to save money and grow into a successful adult..
You lazy millennials complain about everything instead of working hard, thats why you are still living with mommy and daddy at 30.

Good slave


>implying you wouldn't abuse the system if you had the chance even if you knew you would fuck up future generations

>only $2 per hour
>enough to buy 6 full tanks of gas.

Social security and medicare cost 3x as much as the military and if we abolished them we wouldn't need any personal income tax at all. Unfortunately once you get any kind of socialist policies it's impossible to get rid of them. Fuck FDR.


>Americans into demoralizing and destabilizing themselves.
I can take care of my own grandparents
Why do I need to send the money to DC?

drink your prune juice and shut the fuck up!

these type of changes need to be grandfathered in. you dont just pull the tablecloth out from under a fully set table and expect no chaos.

if the govt wants to give me back the thousands of dollars i have "contributed", fine. otherwise, fuck you and your children.

>these type of changes need to be grandfathered in.
whos going to pay for them?

>Muh Russians...
Neo-con boomer detected. The world is just like a Tom Clancy Novel!

The Social Security Administration has straight up said that all the money is going to be gone by 2034.

By paying taxes. I'm wasting money I could be using to cover my own retirement.

Can we remove you?

OP is 100% right, thats something even Trevor from GTA V knows. The Boomers destroyed everything the generation before them built.

When you were young you could buy a brand new car with 3 months work. You could buy a house with 3 years work.

Did you know like 50% of Americans make like 30k or under per year?

Firm. Otherwise he won't give you that job sonny.

Boomer aged guy here..
Is there ANY group you loser racists don't blame for your personal failures? You would do well to get off your asses and work hard to get what you want, and not whining all the time.

My dad made a similar argument when I said I can't afford to move out on $8/hr. His first job paid him $2/hr in 1970, which is roughly $12.78/hr today, and he got a raise to $4 after a year, so around $24.48. My $8/hr today would have been roughly $1.25/hr in his time. My childhood home was $40k in 1977, my dad landed a construction job paying $12/hr to buy it, and my mother was a waitress making similar after tips. That area became a nigger and beaner filled ghetto with gang wars right after we moved out, and the house recently sold for $145k. My dad's $12/hr would be $51.13/hr today, but it's currently being done by illegals so it's not even accessible to citizens. The cost of living has gone up too- a hamburger, fries, and chocolate malt combo was the $4 special back then and now it's around $15. Purchasing power has plummeted, wages have stagnated, cost of everything has skyrocketed, and somewhere in the past 40 years a shift has happened where companies went from competing with each other with a focus on employees to competing with each other based on net profits, cutting jobs and outsourcing work wherever possible to hit those dollars. The heart and humanity aspect is gone, and a lot of the older generations who have either had secure jobs or have been out of the workforce for years don't realize how shitty things have become unless it's been broken down for them.


>house cost $1000

>Is there ANY group you loser racists don't blame for your personal failures?

How is it a personal failure that a house costs as much as 20 years of the median income?

How is it a personal failure that you need more than a 4 year college degree just to get your foot in the door at a company?

Day of the rope soon, gramps

>>house cost $1000

$2/hour is $4000/ year so it's take only 2.5 years wages to buy one.

Now a house is $900000 and minimum is $15/hour or $30,000. It'd take 30 years wages to buy a house.

yep boomers fucked us they should fry

I have something to say.

Basically, fuck boomer hedonist scumbags. What kind of shitbags would sacrifice future generations for short-term monetary benefit? What kind of pieces of shit would support demographic destruction of what was once the greatest nation on earth? What sort of douchebag mother fuckers would contribute to a national suicide? There needs to be consequences!

Let's start the civil responsibilities movement!

Fight me, boomer faggots!

>wat is inflation :S

Hi dad, I'm 21 now, you ready to give me that sex talk yet? Or y'know, talk to me about girls at all? Or about anything at all? No? You're just gonna drink beer, watch football, wonder why all your sons are emotionally crippled shut-ins and then complain about how things were never this crazy under Bush Sr.?

Fuck you.

Best one

Kill yourself zogbot

I know this is bait, but there is no honor in being a wageslave

but millenials are even shittier boomers

>open borders!
>raise taxes!
>legalize the illegals!
>also i want higher wages!

Yeh, millennials are boomers without the money

All enacted by the Boomer presidents Billy Bob Clinton and George "WMD everywhere" Bush. You voted for them. Your generations greatest success was boycotting South Africa, and that was based on a lie. Boomers deserve a rope and be buried with the debt they left for future generations. Eradicate their history. Boomer never existed

Nigger, russians can barely even hold their country together, why the fuck would they want to do anything other than just stabilizing theirs?

im with you

boomers did all that shit

millennials were babies when Bush did NAFTA

lmao top meme

right, then we get the millennial elected Obama and hes even worse

obviously im not a boomer im just saying millennial are even worse

they cant wait to grant amnesty to 20M illegals and raise taxes for example

NAFTA and free trade are interchangeable, millennials love "free trade"

>be the world in 1972
>Glorious generation is giving the rheims to their kids
>kids are now investing in the oild firelds of the Middle East instead of their parents
>kids decide to sell the oil for real estate in America or not having to work for the rest of their lives
>sell them to the locals cause hey, that means we can get more money
>tfw they sold their oil fields to the Saudi and other Emirs
>tfw Boomers created the OPEP
>tfw boomers created stagflation
>tfw boomers made the situation where Arabs have us by the balls

yes, and who do you think taught the millennial's to be that way?

do you think boomers are sinless?

>Gen-X scammers orchestrate most of the bubbles in the American economy since the 80s
>Durr hurr blame the boomers

>tfw "boomers" are the "cis white males" of the Sup Forums commie faction

honestly gen x are even worse than boomers it's true

i was taught in school that old people are all backward and wrong

Obama won because Bush crashed the economy with no survivors

we blame them for their behavior and actions, not something they can't control, and most of our critiques is that they where so short sighted, and they refuse to take responsibility for the situation they put everyone in

historians and anthropologists will not be kind to them, regardless of how people see them now

>make my own money, get a job, move out
>still have to deal with boomers at work
>mfw old fucks complain how everything is different now and somehow it's my generations fault
>mfw it's literally that they don't want to move past the year 1985

That's because everything went to shit past about 1985-1990. I don't blame those guys..

You disgust me.

>assigning edgy names to differentiate generations
Everyone after the Greatest Generation belongs in one bag labeled "el cáncer de la américa"

being millenial 101

>OPEN BORDERS, i love immigration, dont be racist
>also FREE TRADE is great
2 seconds later
>whoa i hate competing with these educated and uneducated immigrants.... why cant i just walk onto a job and make good money like my parents in 1980??

thats how i see it at least

keep in mind i make 85k a year

What exactly went to shit? im assuming you're bitching about stupid social issues no one cares about and are completely ignoring the fact that nearly everyone in america has a computer in their pockets now.

It's the sunk cost falacy. You'll never get out of it what you put in, so unless you're about to retire you'd be better off with social security taxes or checks.

the borders have been open since reagan

Why should I want to remove something that will benefit me in the future just to screw them over?

I want to keep these so they can't screw us. My goal is to do whatever it takes to feel none of the pain of what previous people did. If you want to take this from me you are an enemy. I'm not suffering from other people just to learn some moral lesson.

Don't bother they will forever play dumb.

Some people are disabled or have mental conditions or physical illnesses.

Either way I'm not loyal to any generation.

Whiney little bitches. Unemployment rate was 6% in 1979, today its 4.1%.

Thus, its easier to get a job today than it was back then. So, old dad's right, you are lazy and have your expectations set on slack.

>He don't know about the debt clock

except u could actually live on a job's salary in 1979

shit jobs were not acceptable

Were you even born in 1979? You got it wrong. What you call "shit job" is what we called "regular job", didn't have most of cushy white collar jobs today in the digital age.
Just face it guys, you are lazy and whiny and imagine that the past was easier, but by god it wasn't. Go for a week without your cell phone or a computer. No gps, anti-lock breaks, digital distributors. I dare you.

I've been paying into social security my whole life. It's not a handout you fucking fag.

And if Social Security Collapses I'm pushing for universal income to pay for my retirement. I will sell it to the youth as free gibs.

Except today work is more based on socializing than on your ability to do the job.

>being a loser
>relying on programs for your well being.
You must be one of those dumb adults.

Fuck off. The adults paid for your schooling. Really, it wasn't free. They also paid into social security. This is part of the cycle of life. When you are very young, and when you are old, others support you. During the earning years, you pay taxes to reimburse everyone else for your "free" schooling. I actually would favor completely ending social security. Stop the taxes, and stop the payments. But....we must also abolish the "free" schooling. Eliminate my ss taxes AND my school taxes, and I'lll be able to invest another $25,000 a year.

Wages are down in comparison.

these people flooded the west with shitskins and niggers thinking they would work towards their collective pensions funds so much so their own children are killed off, replaced or turned into goblins, boomers are godless communists they are the most evil generation that ever existed

Isnt the return less than %1 of your total input? Id rather hold onto it from the get go.
Not to mention alot of people wont be able to use it because of an early death.

>drive a 1972 mgb
>threw my phone away for a small prepaid just to use for work
>18 years old
> work 20 hours a week at 2 jobs for 9$ an hour and have no money left over after saving for college

i can't afford to take my girlfriend out to dinner tonight because i only have 10 dollars free for this month.

suck my fucking cock you white haired brat. i work my ass off while you sit in your home you bought 50 years ago for 10% of what it costs today, all while stealing my money to pay for your shit lungs and heart that you abused after years of smoking and eating shit food.

I feel like this is even more gen X than millennials.

Nobody seems to talk about gen X, maybe because so many of them are fucking useless.

underrated post

sanders wanted to pay 65 billion for free school. and everyone lost their god damn minds because they could not fathom how he would pay for it

congress just approved a 160 billion dollar spending bill for the defense budget without blinking.

More funds for juice and armies

Oh you can't take your girlfriend out to dinner? Yeah? In my day only rich people ate out. Yeah, suck it up buttercup, cook your own meals like a fucking self-actualized adult.

Family should be your welfare safety net... federal welfare disincentivizes strong familial bonds

$200 smartphones? Fuck off.

I already have strong family bonds. Eliminating welfare will make me get less not more.

What is the *actual* chance of SS being taken away in the USA?

>make $65k
>live in bay area
>in a van
>no hope of ever buying a house
>older coworkers all bought their houses in the 80's, all worth $2M now
>complain about us millennials not being thankful

Yes, throw your children to the wolves without any safety net while Jews control your financial system and giant corporations attempt to fuck you over whole-sale.

You live in a van?

Yeah, they suck by todays standards but they exist.
But did you know that in 1979 there were no smartphones at all? Not even cell phones?
The phones had no screen, some still used a dial instead of buttons, and they were GLUED TO THE FUCKING WALL.

Kids these days. No idea.

The Jew trained you well... accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of

that was supposed to be a response to the 200 smartphone comment. I suck.

>trying to jump in the swimming pool they built
Those houses aren't worth 2 million because of you. Remember that.

They do not realize the plight bc boomers are still supporting their adult children from all the gains they made from booming economy. The optics arent there.


Waiting for the market to crash hard so I can maybe buy a house. 27 years old and getting older. Prices keep going up.