Let's assume everything Sup Forums says about the jews is factual

Let's assume everything Sup Forums says about the jews is factual.
>they want to dismantle the white race
>holocaust is a fake jewish construct
For what purpose other than "revenge" for stuff that never happened (the holocaust) could the jews want to destroy the white race for?

If not for revenge, then what for?

Other urls found in this thread:


for shits and giggles

They hate Christianity and want to see their subversive culture/religion dominate, duh

idk they have a dark soul or something?

they wan't a slave class of people to work whilst they reap the benefits at the top. They have tried this with communism and capitalism. the goal of marxist internationalism is to dismantle white countries and multiculturalise them so they are unable to fight back against the jewish system. They believe a lower iq caste of workers will benefit them more. They are afraid that whites will rise up against them so they are putting this plan in overdrive in hopes it will be too late for us.


To keep everyone perpetually divided so they can be controled.

For a fast buck. They don't care about a war. If their actions result in the destruction of the land, they will move to another one. All they want is to make money today.

holocaust deniers don't deny jews were rounded up, lost property, or were killed by 100s of thousands... just deny the 6m and the gas+oven method. Jews still want revenge/prevention via destruction of white race for the 300k or 3m or whatever number you want that's

Based on your shit we need the Jews since only they can come up with economic systems. If not for them we'd still be Germanic tribes buttfucking each other and praying to trees.

If this society is the doing of Jews, count me in.

it doesn't have to all be about the 20th century holocaust - there was anti-Jewish stuff happening throughout history of Christendom & the West

i meant they abuse these systems to their benefit. not that capitalism is in itself totally bad.


we're not Jews. tell me, what's the difference between "Chosen People" and "Master Race"?

The whole point of the system is that if you can compete and provide services, then you do well. If they're better at it, why should I give a fuck if I still get benefits? I'm not being impeded by their doing well. I'd rather live in the modern (((Jew system))) than struggle in whatever bs you want me to join...

It's not "the jews". It just so happens that the people screwing us over are mostly jewish, and these are some very powerful jews. And all they want is more power.

Jews jew eachother all the time hue

Go read The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

In 1905 the Jews themselves explained the entire plan (which has all come true), and their justification for it all, in magnificent detail.

Search for it on youtube and start listening.

Evil doesn't have to be logical OP.

ok this is a huge and long story that if i summarized would demean a ton of huge parts to it

Well put

unrestricted capitalism is degenerative to society. there has to be rules. Look at the garbage that gets pumped out be it shitty entertainment, shitty music, terrible quality food, social media, horrible fashion trends. If you would rather live in a jew system that teaches our kind to behave like hedonistic children who hate our race and country that is up to you.

For the Ethnostate.

It's a very old plan

Easier to enslave submissive or stupid people (leftist whites, most blacks) than regular whites or asians.

whites make shitty slaves because we're used to having power. In the world that's coming, there will only be rulers and ruled. Whites don't factor into that equation.

What is this a .JPG for ants?! Get your house in order nigger

Jews are a fundamentally alien nation in any Christian civilization. They do not have the same moral values, Christ boils in excrement in their holy book (Babylonian Talmud). Their culture is incompatible with Christian culture in its fundamental basis which calls for the good of the Jewish people to be the ends that justify any means. Therefore, they are outsiders and an outsider is only safe when the host cannot organize, so it is in their evolutionary group interest to sow dissent.

nah bra remember jews were outsiders for thousands of years. Due to their culture they kept a very clear history of themselves as the victims of every oppresion their people ever felt. Many peoples were oppressed through the years jews just kept track. Their hatred for whites goes back centuries. Think of the atrocities commited by jews in the 20s or the jews stabbing wwi germany in the back.

The jews see themselves as an outside source "correcting" the rest. But in order to do that, they must first break it down to a baseline (which is why Marxism, Communism, Feminism, Relative Morality, etc. is embraced and pushed by them). The biggest threat to such a thing, are whites.

Whites allowed them to thrive sort of like a host that doesn't treat it's parasite. Eventually the parasite takes over, even though the parasite itself isn't the whole body.

Really? Your argument is going to be this bullshit "muh degeneracy" crap?

>I don't like the music and food and fashion, it's degenerate!!!
You sound like a faggot, dude.

>You're a hedonist!!!!
White people invented hedonism. The Jewish religion created Christianity which tried to put a stop to it. If you want everyone to be prude, go be a Jew. They're more conservative and restrictive of women than any "white" society.

Because they are Jews, and we are not. That is the root of every conflict.

The real reason is that we are competition. They want to be on top. They've found some clever ways to exploit our weaknesses and they are currently winning. But we have the numbers and they are afraid that we will chimp at them eventually. So they want to destroy us at the genetic level first.

This is a quote from (((Jonathan Weisman)))

“The Jew flourishes when borders come down, when boundaries blur, when walls are destroyed, not erected.”

If you still believe the JQ is just a conspiracy then you're literally retarded because the fucking jews will admit it themselves.

You'd think they'd learn to quit pissing other people off.

Evolutionary group strategy. Read the book culture of critique by Kevin MacDonald. It is honestly the best breakdown on the their ethnic structure.

More that they chose the literal worst spot to call their homeland. It's literally THE epicenter of land traffic between the entirety of human civilization for the first 2000 years.

>k here's our homeland
>Assyria says lol no
>cool we got it back
>Babylon says lol no
>cool we got it back
>Greece says lol no
>cool we got it back
>Rome says lol no
>cool we.....

Until they got kicked into Europe by the Muslims and nobody wanted them so they kept getting kicked around like other nomadic groups. Only difference is they didn't get assimilated due to their desire to hold tradition.

>Really? Your argument is going to be this bullshit "muh degeneracy" crap?

Yes. you act like it's not true. You could take a look at the way our countries used to be and see a stark difference. We were more conscious of how we presented ourselves. We didn't hate ourselves and we didn't behave like promiscuous morons. Degenerate hyper-individualism is meant to demoralise and scatter us so we are easy to conquer. Degeneracy is a sign of a a dying nation.

>You sound like a faggot, dude.

you are the one desperate to suck on that Jewish cock you call culture.

>White people invented hedonism

who are the ones pumping out/promoting this garbage. who controls the media, record labels, fashion companies, social media. oh yeah that's right JEWS.

As if we needed christianity in the first place. Rome and Greece prospered without it.

That would be quite dank. Sucks that it's manufactured propaganda by the zarist foreign ministry.

>If not for revenge, then what for?
this fight has been going on for thousands of years
>animals always compete for resources

they breed hostility, they are blood drinkers, race war now

>act like it's not true
Because it's not, you edgy faggot.
>didn't behave promiscuiously
Yes we did. We just kept it behind closed doors. Priests and kings were buttfucking kids and banging hookers forever. It didn't suddenly change, you dolt. Half of being wealthy or royalty was you banged random bitches for fun. Why do you think the British wore wigs? It's because late stage syphilis makes you bald. They were all old, syphilis ridden, degenerates. This country was founded by them.
>the way they used to be!!!!!
Are you like 15?...

>Reeee you suck Jew dick
Great argument.

>who controls the media!?!?!
Lots of people. Fox news is owned by an Arab.

>Rome and Greece
Not white. Whites were buttfucking in trees while Rome thrived. Mediterraneans weren't considered white until recently.

they antagonise whites because they feed and grow out of persecution, they're the most hated people in all of the history of this world and yet theyre still here and stronger than ever, the kike is like a Sup Forums meme, its job isnt to abide and make normies laugh its job is more typically to antagonise and accelerate, because that's more effective in achieving goals, why do you think the alt-right is full of jews?

them wanting power is not the problem, their definition of power is the problem, they only see power as inconsequentially harming another person. they have little damaged brains and cant compute bigger problems the way the world can make better things than they do.

>talks about religion
>has not read any sacred text
learn about the greater israel, the protocoles of the elder of zion, moïse maïmonide. the want the promise land to bring the messiah (he still has not arrived for them)

They want power and wealth.
The Jews have been kicked out of every country they've ever been in (the vast majority of them white countries), and nationalism and racial pride are the Jews' greatest threat, because white people preferring their in-group prevents the Jews from exploiting the host population. If they destroy the concept of nationality and race by turning all white countries into multicultural hellholes, they also destroy nationalism and the concept of the white race, which leaves them open to pursue power and wealth without any opposition.

the problem is not the culture, it is genetic predisposition, their problems feed off each, other and they become antisocial and extortive. the polite thing to do is request for them to end the bloodline.

jews have been kicked out of countries hundreds of times; the holocaust was just one such attempt. they are trying to engineer a society so fragmented along racial lines that no one race will ever be strong enough to do the same thing again.

It's a doomed project because nothing will prevent a fragmented society from teaming up against them anyway. It's not like blacks or Muslims love the jews, and a fragmented society will be eager for common causes to build coalitions around. Hating on the jews is something that all races can do together as a group.

So... pretty dumb strategy, but jews as a group are frankly not great at planning ahead, beyond their individual interest... as evidenced by the fact that they've been kicked out of countries hundreds of times.

read culture of critique

We are their only competition.


You are mistaken. Jewish resentment against the European comes from the time of the Ptolemies & Seleucids, not the Germans. It has been with us all along.

Displaced from his own lands by European expansion, the Jew is torn between ingratiating himself to and undermining his new society.

Except Jews inter-marry more than white people. Kind of a fundamental flaw in your logic there...

There's a couple reasons, and revenge is only one of them.
The believe that they are, and the need to feel superior to all other races is probably the biggest factor though.

basically the more the white Christians build social trust between each other, the less they need law to depend on to keep things civil, the less they need to be suspicious and the more the group as a whole moves forward

Jewish people breed compulsive and hostile people, and if they are any at all lazy about raising their children, it is almost a guarantee that those children will go into christian communities to extort them. jew's struggle to control their communities compulsion.

As long as nice people are being nice, and the Jews can enter the nice peoples domain freely, christian existence is always going to be an inconvenience for Jewish people.

that is all fine, but what jews deserve to go to hell for is for not facilitating a safe place for nice people to thrive without Judaic interloping.

They don't want actively to destroy the white race. They just naturally do so since they are superior. Same thing whites did with the blacks.

The more the white Christians build social trust between each other, the less they need law to depend on to keep things civil, the less they need to be suspicious and the more the group as a whole moves forward

Jewish people breed compulsive and hostile people, and if they are any at all lazy about raising their children, it is almost a guarantee that those children will go into christian communities to extort them. jew's struggle to control their communities compulsion.

As long as nice people are being nice, and the Jews can enter the nice peoples domain freely, christian existence is always going to be an inconvenience for Jewish people.

that is all fine, but what jews deserve to go to hell for is for not facilitating a safe place for nice people to thrive without Judaic interloping.

a lot of depression will lift if that is made and from the get go it is very explicit it is a territory for compassion. no more harvesting demons.

>Because it's not, you edgy faggot.

Great argument. Jew.

>Yes we did. We just kept it behind closed doors. Priests and kings were buttfucking kids and banging hookers forever. It didn't suddenly change, you dolt. Half of being wealthy or royalty was you banged random bitches for fun. Why do you think the British wore wigs? It's because late stage syphilis makes you bald. They were all old, syphilis ridden, degenerates. This country was founded by them.

Holy shit you're right the whole society was rotten because some people had syphilis. Also baldness occurs regardless for some people.

Degeneracy is generally referred to how the whole society is behaving. today in fact we are behaving in a way that is self-hating and promiscuous, which will lead to our destruction. of course you would say there is nothing wrong, i bet you and your buddies are just rubbing your hands together at the thought.

>Lots of people. Fox news is owned by an Arab.

Disingenuous answer. just look at who fills the positions at CNN, MSNBC, Washington post. Plenty of Jews. Look at who owns the Motion picture studios.

inb4 you hate us because we're successful. Nepotism my boy.

>le meds aren't white XD

Yup you're a jew. now fuck off shlomo.

no you aren't lol whites are retarded in the grand scheme of things, even in the modern age, there are middle eastern cultures that are superior, plenty of asian groups that are superior etc. it doesnt take much to be better than a nigger and a white person barely makes the cut, also bear in mind neoliberalism spawned out of white countries

the problem is jewish compulsion

They're victims of their own ideology, and if you actually read about what Jews say on their own forums and discussion groups, they consider it a huge problem.

That being said, they primarily mix with whites, and they accept most partial Jews into their tribe. It's like the "one drop" rule. If you have any Jewish blood, you're considered a Jew.

they are still in the animal kingdom

how fucking retarded are you? Jews didn't create the economic system, they took control of it.

White people make shitty slaves. Its really as simple as that

it is genetic, they breed demons, it is that easy, there is no solution for them but containment, they either have to do it themselves, or someone else has to do it.

It goes back way longer than you guys think.

The Khazak hates the Aryan. Turan is world Jewry

they are just monsters that breed demons, the lore is a mythology

Lol, gets btfo so he resorts to calling me a kike. Cry more you little faggot.

>ya well some people were normally bald!!!
They don't get the lesions caused by syphilis. Which was rampant in Britain. Which is what the wigs were hiding, you spawn of degeneracy.

>just look at the people!!!
You mean the cherry-picked random ass Jews you post in that same old infograph? The one with guest editors and sports correspondents thrown in to add bulk? Haha, nice dude.

>Rome and Greece were white!!!!!!
Only now that they matter to you. They're not anglo, they're not white.

Keep calling me a Jew though. That'll show me, edgelord.


they prey on social trust and can't control themselves, they are demons further in disguise than what they have to our compassion towards eachother

they are blood drinking demons

they should not be treated with the same respect , to respect a demon is to contain them

we built this society
they just subverted it with their fiction

>on their own forums
Lol, show me where.
And no they don't. Go ask any orthodox Jew if a "one drop" is Jewish. It's a no. If your logic were legit 50% of Europe would be Jewish since they've got the markers in their DNA. Last I checked they aren't.

And I'm enjoying it. I get more now due to their system than I ever would under the shit my ancestors came up with. Why should I give a fuck if they're wealthy? I am too.

there is nothing clearer than their evil ways

focus on that they are blood drinking demons

they are blood drinking demons that do not deserve respect conventionally

This right here, the best summary I've read.

they are demons

Bobe £ Vagene! Now!!!@!

Hand it over, that thing...

Are you fucking retarded? Look at history when accurately depicted, the only groups of people to get anything done were caucasoidal white people. But your probably a kike, and think us christian whites dont know what kind of cancer Judaism truly is. Your time will come. It always does

they have no apprehension to lie and falsify circumstances to pull the wool over your eyes by the carpet under you

they edit history to propel their own wicked faith

they do not want revenge, they are a race of humans that are hell bent on controlling the world, regardless of who or what gets destroyed in their path.

they are blood drinking demons

The Jews don't want the white race eliminated outright, just emasculated/neutered.

Look at Brazil where the white upper class lives in fear of the brown lower class. The whites devote all of their discretionary income to security, living in gated communities, private schools, ect. The numbers of the browns mean that openly socialist parties can run. There is distrust between both sides. That is an ideal world for the Jews in America. Where they can hide their money, have guaranteed citizenship in Israel if society ever collapsed, and have enough minorities to impose their political will however they want. Jews still benefit from white scientific breakthroughs and aid to Israel but they definitely don't ever want white nationalism to ever take hold in a first world nation.

>Go ask any orthodox Jew if a "one drop" is Jewish.
Most Jews aren't orthodox, you absolute retard. And the ones in power certainly aren't orthodox.

jesus figured out you could make them chimp the fuck out by being extra nice to them, we need to punish them by exoneration, a rehash of the defense

they think relativistic and want to feel more beautiful by destroying beauty

God has a right and a left hand.
One the path of good the other the path of evil, but both lead to Him.
It is nearly impossible to turn all of mankind toward good, but is easy to tempt mankind to evil.
When the world has become full of evil, the Messiah will return.

>the are trying to force God's hand

they are cave men that can't understand their nature yet act upon it, refusing to be modest

there is no god, there was just someone that played on demonic bloodline neurosis for their own advandage

blood drinking demons

Because they are servants of Satan.

they have simple brains they can't recognize the function of, they torture themselves for any pursuit beyond civility, they choose to do so every time

Conservative + orthodox Jews are 60%+ of their faith. Over 70% in Israel. Neither would consider your "one drop" crap legit. You literally just made it up using a claim from American history regarding blacks and pretended it was Jewish....

It's like claiming "non-denominational" Christianity is what I believe for no reason.

they are true blood drinking child molesting demons

Also still waiting on your forum bs. I know I won't see it, but I can ask.

even the orthodox have been fooled they are just a better solution to prevent blood drinking, they are blood drinking demons

The beast will come, the devil need not be appeased.