Trudeau 50 year reign

>My dad served as Prime Minister for 15 YEARS
>You think I'm losing to a towelheaded Sihk after 4

Canada will be ruled by the limp-wristed fist of Justin Trudeau for 50 years. All/other parties are controlled opposition as you know.

The jews will "bail him out" when the markets and Canadian economy inevitably crash when he is done literally giving away every dollar and home in Canada to 3rd world niggers.

The media and (((social media))) will ramp up the (((economic miracle))) that comes after the crash as "Diverse Canadians coming together in hard times"

"Diversity saved the economy" they will say.

That is, unless Trump stops him.

Other urls found in this thread:

That guy is a moron. Canada is truly derelict if somebody else can't come in and mop the floor with him.

Today on the city transit there was a Sihk man sitting in front of me. After a few stops another Sihk got on the bus. As he walked by, he greeted his fellow brother whom I assume he did not know, shook his hand and walked away and sat down.

I just want that same brotherly bond from my fellow people.




Convert to Sikhism then

>Diversity is our strength
>Basically everyone retains his own heritage
>Self ghettoing behaviors are the norm
Top kek at canada, what's the feeling of being replaced?

i just cant vote for this cuck, poo is the better choice

Who am I supposed to vote for next election? Every leader is fucking shit this time, I might have to go libertarian. I don't understand how Scheer won the conservative nomination and Mulcair got replaced by this faggot.

>mop the floor
The obvious thing is that some outsider non-politician like Trump snags every white vote.

The problem is that ALL parties seem to have a general consensus to "never allow hate groups into politics."

They all unanimously agree that no alt-right political parties should be allowed to start. To put it into perspective, the most right-wing party we have wants 1.5% (about 600,000 for us) refugees a year. Yes they call them refugees. For America that'd be 4.5M a year. Would you vote for this guy over Trudeau if you're a woman?

Keks aside, really bad. I collect taxes as a job too. I feel sad lately.

Canada seems to have gone full retard with this guy. Can't you get rid of him? He's the gay pedo version of Merkel.

Voting scheer is the only realistic choice

it feels like slow dying, although i don't think italy should be talking you fuckers just allow mass amounts of diseased violent niggers to land and do whatever they want, at least we have vetting.

oh fuck. ear shape is hereditary

I know exactly what you mean. And this bond does exist with Canadian whites, but you have to meet people outside the city. When I was living in Toronto, I would escape the poo-in-loo ghetto every weekend I was able, and go up north a few hours. If you make eye contact with even a fellow driver, they will smile and wave.

My boomer-era parents tell me that when they used to drive up to Toronto for vacation, it was remarkable how your average person on the street or in a store would make eye contact, smile, say hi, or whatever. I don't remember being there very clearly beyond the pleasantries exchanged at the border.

>I collect taxes as a job too.
Kill yourself.

help us.
I feel like im a hostage in my own country

he will not make it past next election
Canadians are sick of him and him making Canada and Canadians look like faggot cucks.
He is a degenerate and says Canada has no culture.
he lets muslim Somali niggers and Islamic terrorists in but won't let white people in who are fleeing the genocide in south Africa.

Screenshot this because he will not win.

Sihk are alright, they dislike muslims too.

>>You think I'm losing to a towelheaded Sihk after 4
no you're losing to the conservatives cause the Sikh will split the leftist vote and nobody hates the conservative guy like they did Stephen Harper.


No. But I'm quitting soon.

>But I'm quitting soon.
Good for you man. Hope your next job is more fulfilling/ethical. Good luck and I shouldna told you to KYS.

>at least we have vetting

Tfw Frank Buffay impostor is our only hope

The next prime minister of canada will be neither of these faggots, repeating numbers confirm



Like a rat on a sinking ship.

as opposed to other looks being random??

Yes, let the Sihk win, He won't bend over for the muslims, the Sihk religion was literally founded on fighting against islam.

My doubles
say the Sihk will win and kick out the muslims.

Is this Sihk, dare I say, /YourPoo/ ?