A thing about that shooting

Strange how the top tweets when you search "florida" or "florida shooting" are all anti-gun. It's almost like it's planned that way..

Other urls found in this thread:


its almost like (((they))) control the narrative

>17 children get shot
>"It's a conspiracy!"
It's funny how dumb you are.

The fucking kikes literally only have 1 narrative and they recycle it over and over and over. This is infuriating me right now. I'm fucking livid.

These people demand gun control without even knowing what guns were used or how they were attained.

I'm amazed this thread has lasted so long, shit loads are being deleted.

Social media is cancer

That's not what I'm saying,mate. I'm saying they constantly explout tragedies.Are you saying the media/social mediabdoesn't have an agenda and create narratives ? HAHA wow!

Illegal guns were once legal, that's how it works.

I'm saying that some random chud just shot and killed a bunch of kids; of course people are going to talk about gun control. Stop sperging for ten seconds and think about it.

Justice comes to america one mass shooting at a time. Go guns and bullets

>lasting long
I have stamina! ;)

Liberal media coordination

>1 in 370

The US has a gun homicide rate of 270?

Really makes you think

It was a daca kid
Proof keeps getting deleted

Doean’t Broward County hav restrict gun laws, though? It’s been controlled by Democrats since the Clinton administration.

Both true. They'll use it to attack AR-15's in their constant push towards dictatorial supremacy.This is a small front on a big war .

This. Anything linking him even near the left is being deleted fast.

Oh, is that why his facebook page is full of pictures of him in a Trump cap and Pepe memes?

>random chud
Again, not what I'm saying. Please learn how to troll better. Oh and I look forward to you and your fellow scummy leftists calling for the banning of Ford vans the next time one of your loving refugees plows down a christmas market.
See how absurd it is yet?

>Gun control legislation: 0

>The ABSOLUTE state of Amerimutts

Do you have proof?

>search "florida shooting"
>get a bunch of posts saying how great guns are, and the florida shooting is proof!
Are you an idiot?

I wonder whos paying these people, Soros?

"Mass shooting: 1 in 15,325"
Let's see, population of US is 323 mil., divide that by 15,325 gives you 21,533. This tard is trying to say 21 thousand Americans have died from mass shootings. Fucking autistic

the next american civil war is going to be awesome.

War is hell but it might be necessary at this point.
Yes. The elites in general whp own the newspaper they work for.
Misses the point entirely

Just reply to the posts on Twitter why are you arguing with user on Sup Forums

You fucking retards. This was a falseflag because the Russia Narrative just collapsed.

Start digging. They're pruning the threads talking about this. How many innocent lives will be taken by state actors trying to cover up their tracks

>of course people are going to talk about gun control. Stop sperging for ten seconds and think about it.
Hmm, the conversation has been going on since they wrote that Amendment though. Instead of beating a dead horse, maybe they should talk about the actual underlying problems associated with these incidents.

Shut the fuck up you bootlicker.

you cant post about the immigration issue regarding this suspect without getting your thread deleted and a ban on here...

I can, however, post his Instagram which shows him TORTURING AND KILLING FROGS FOR FUN

does that sound like a kekistani or magapede to you?

and yet nobody will blame the parents of this Cruz kid nor will any blame be put on any bullies or their parents if he had any

>create a society that breeds mass shooters through alienation, lack of meaning, depression
>get rewarded, the society disarms themselves, you are never threatened again
>random violence is perpetual and never goes away because the ones in charge have all the power in the world and are safe from it

It's a sick game to them.

you guys are aware that there is a bill looking in Florida right now to ban "assault weapons".....interesting.....

Guys, here is a video covering it all!
They confirm it was an alt-right Trump supporter.

>look guys, things are happening at the same time as... other things


dont worry, give it a while, it will be all about white supremacy, alt-right, and children getting radicalized in the internet. It's all this MKultra operation was about


Broward county is Deep State controlled. They have been late every election turning in their results. They voted in Bush twice, Obama twice and was one of 4 counties that voted HRC last election. Broward county is a Deep State column in Florida.

>This doesn't happen in countries with strict gun control
>Except that it does, but I'll ignore those countries for the sake of my argument


Just a few days ago florida dems proposed a bill for state law to prohibit "military style assault weapons" and "high capacity magazines" for sale or transfer. Then this conveniently happens. In the Gunshine state. When sandy hook happened, blue states all over the US passed this exact law.

Why the fuck would they include the photo if they don't want people to see it

>The jews are at it again, wanting to cover it all up!
>The same jews post the picture on the most popular hashtag for this shooting


Are you saying that the left rarely jumps at the chance to weaponize children figuratively and literally?

Oh, sweet summer child.

Wow, it's precisely the accounts that solely exist to respond to Trump tweets.

reroll for truth

Are you being retarded on purpose? Of course they are you dense mother fucker. Normies are all for gun control because it’s an easy position that doesn’t take a lot of thinking, and they’re very vocal.

No conspiracy there. Twitter has left wing bias and they mostly verify people who play ball. No wonder that the verified users talking about the tragedy also tweet at Trump.

OP is basically a retard for posting tweets from verified accounts. Literally confirming his own bias and your tiny brain can't play this 1D chess so you just say

so fucking clearly a shill

It’s confirmed by students their was a fire drill earlier in the day. Said second drill when shooting happened. More than likely, Cruz had a contact in the school that the drill happens so he came there later and pulled a false alarm to execute his plan. We need to watch the information coming out very carefully

That Eugene Gu MD guy is a fake doctor. He’s on twitter literally 24/7

Fuck you pieces of shit! You are all monsters! How can you fucking laugh and joke about this?! There are parents that will not be able to hug their children tonight because of gun policies that YOU PEOPLE advocate for! You give guns to children then encourage them to hurt people! That’s fucking sick! I hope you right wing Nazi assholes get what’s coming your way! I hope they shut this piece of shit board down and arrest all of you sick freaks! You shouldn’t even be allowed to exist! FUCK YOU

Twitter does a background check to confirm their verified accounts are from real people.

Try harder to make this a conspiracy.


Seems like interest died down fast? what happened? Confirmed a dreamer did it?

It’s looking that way... I think it’s going to be civil civil war III

Multiple sides, three maybe four

They're also pruning threads showing Nicolas Cruz's affiliation with Antifa
Dem staffers have to be watching Sup Forums like a hawk

What do the emails have to do with this? You are literally a meme. It has been a meme that the right links everything to Hillary's emails. You are doing it on purpose. I bet you are just a bot or a paid shill.

>Gun Control Legislation: 0

I wish

Being a real person is different from being properly credentialed. Furthermore, why do you faggots always have non-geographic flags?

Sounds like you're projecting
Only a Democrat would reeeee when something negative about them gets posted that they can't disprove

Why did the moderators delete my post asking if the shooter was an Illegal Immigrant? My twitter account got suspended twenty minutes ago for asking the same fucking question.

The last name, the nose, prone toward radical politics, feelings of irrational hatred...let's see, what ethnic group are these things the basic genetic tendency of?

Seems like the logical thing to ban in light of all these school shootings is Jews and other immigrants.

>Im saying they constantly exploit tragedies
Had this been a Muslim it would be endless exploiting by the Right so shut the fuck up. You people only cry about these tactics when it hurts you


Can't a kid get his well deserved revenge without amerimutts sperging every fucking time? Jesus christ, everything is actually le false flag I'm so redpilled maga xDDD

>twitter would verify a doctor
>without checking if he is a doctor


It was an AR-15 variant, they're already screaming about >le assault rifle

Reminder that the shooter is alive and in custody. You can try to meme magic this shit all you want; all its going to take is his statement to be released for all this "he's a dreamer/antifa/Hillary in a rubber mask" bullshit to wash away.

Being this unintentionally ironic

> assualt by gun

guarantee this stat includes suicides and pistol whips

Explain how a Latino shooting up a school is detrimental to the right?

>1 in 3.6 billion
>1 in 15 thousand
These numbers seem off.


>Still keeping up the shilling
Please explain the "irony" you speak of

He's a MAGA-cap-wearing poltard.

Him being latino isnt going to be part of the narrative, it will be about assault rifles and the fact that he was supposedly a Alt-Righter


Never fails.

Anti-American, communist kikes are attracted to school shootings like flies to shit.

Don't be scared, Show your identity you ugly fuck. Are you scared to be outcasted? You'll Turn into this school shooter right here probably. commit suicide faggot no one cares.

>you what you need goy? A piping hot cup of gun control

No, he's literally been posted .ultiple times in this thread that he's a registered democrat

Just had 2 threads about SSRI=school shooting h0h'd. Guns dont kill people Big Pharma kiss people.

Has anyone in the mainstream made this connection?

Of course not, they lose all the big pharma advertising bucks

The fact that there are 17 dead kids is not under dispute.
>BuzzFeed is suing the DNC, thus forcing it to prove their claim that Russia hacked the DNC servers
>NSA headquarters had a shooting incident
>The DNC is on the verge of bankruptcy
>Susan Rice just outed Obama
>The Steele Dossier is on suicide watch
>phony Russia Narrative is essentially BTFO
>elites like David Rothschild are losing their minds on twitter 24/7
>Flynn is poised to be vindicated

Anybody else wonder why a sleeper cell was activated today in order to hijack public attention by murdering school kids?

Just a reminder, it's the 10yr anniversary of the shooting at Cole Hall in NIU...

A mass shooting is, I believe, any incident in which there are 4 or more casualties. Obama might've lowered it to 3 or more casualties.

What if

It was a mental health/medication issue

And not

A gun issue

good thing the US government isn't doing shit to fix that problem either!

And they will have to say his name every time they mention that.

They want to “modify” the second amendment.
Once they’ve modified the second, why not modify the first? And then the fourth, and then the fifth, and then the sixth. And then you will feel the boot on your neck.

It would still be a gun issue. Why can mentally ill people legally obtain guns?


nigger literally types numbers with no source and shitlibs lap it up

That would be racist probably.