Sup Forums should focus on making normies race realists

Stop bickering towards yourselves and get the word out there. There isn't enough being done to spread the message of race realism, it's only you people talking to yourselves in a bubble.

White women don't want to fuck white boys. Get over it

does she poop the same way we do?

I do it whenever i can, also, gib sauce pls

Too many normies go to college and it's hard to gain any ground in liberal hotspots like campuses. Honestly it's a waste of time.

Just tell them the truth.

Normies have happy lives with occupations, jobs and a healthy sex life. They have no need for scapegoats to blame for their own miseries.

I’ve done my part in spreading race realism. It’s very taxing though. It’s amusing at first. Trolling online. A lot of people get angry at you, you get down votes. But then you work on your troll, and then you get less downvotes, and a few likes. Once you harness your skills at trolling you can use 4 different accounts with different personalities and back stories all at once, and subvert lots of people when you just target a very wide audience. But, when you do this too often, it really starts to deteriorate your mind. I’m a troll veteran. It was a lot of fun, my arguments got really good. But I think I will retire now. The toll is just too great.

rachel cook

tfw no occupations and jobs

Yes they do lmfao

You're retarded and gay

normies dont need r/donald. they are already getting race real without magapedes

>White women don't want to fuck white boys. Get over it

Get out of my country, shitskin.

good work friend

Jews are just so disgusting..

>Women like to use white guys as providers and ATMS
>They do this with online dating when they're 30+
What else is new lol. White cucks

Thank you for your service. Any tips?

Is there a botnet in Canada that just posts satirical garbage? Every single time it's a leaf poster

Nothing better than marrying a white woman that skis. True Master Race sport.

US Military on proxy.

>What else is new lol. White cucks

Why are you in a white country, denying facts?

Why dont you return to shitskin land?

you obv arent white and havent had the luxury of being such and truly know the deep displeasure and disgust that white wahmen have for non-white men, keep wishing you were white itll only keep you down forever

Shills won't like that idea. Far better to post X isn't white and to push MTOW posts. Actual advancement to the cause is not the goal.

But, along the lines of Race realism. Push that the 'everyone is the same' is a form of white privilege. Other people (POC of course, keep it easy to digest) have to deal with the differences between races all the time. Mrs liberal White Privilege doesn't have to do that.

Another tact is to take the approach that 'when you do not see race' you are engaging in racist behavior called 'erasure'. Basically, you are refusing to see people for who they are. Again, sell it as a typical form of white racism.

I'm sure you all can better refine those. But they can be effective in baffling the left.

I have yet to meet an educated wealthy beautiful white woman that has ever slept with a non-white. You shitskins can only ever attract the bottom 10% of our race.

I mean, just look at the desperation in this thread with the pretend fight about white women. The idea of someone actually pushing a tactic that might start to turn heads terrifies them.

A better solution is to trick non-Whites to attack/turn on the White Feminists who are the foundation of the Left to begin with.

White Women are the most privileged of any group be it sex or race. The stats all prove this.

>checked her IG
she has an inside lip tattoo
She's just a hot version THOT
She even hangs out her hips in pics, as if she's trying to lure black cock

Multi approach is probably the best idea. And what you suggest I think is a valid thing to push.

Push the white girl privilege.

Personally I think the whole rape thing has some openings. Blacks are vastly disproportionatly likely to be the victims of rape. White girls are so desperate to be 'victims' they make up new forms of rape about changing their mind days later. It belittles black victims of violent rape.

Might be some opportunity there.

The standard 'whites need to shut up and let blacks speak' should be pushed at every chance I think. All these campuses are full of whites championing minorities. Should be some openings there to push the 'stop drowning out black voices for your virtue signaling'.

Personally think that if white people actually heard what blacks say that alone would changes opinions.

"The Color of Crime" = instant redpill



>said the increasingly nervous shitskin

I get the feeling that the left is doing most of the work for us.
Most people already don't identify with lefty values.
Women always were a lost cause. They will fuck the whole rainbow up and down in their 20s and marry a white dude with prospects when they are done.
The best chance of actually preserving our phenotype is probably scientific advances like artificial wombs on a massive scale.
I think though that even Normies will eventually resort to laws about preserving the European phenotype, once they become a minority that is too small.

That's statistically just not true.

Finally someone is saying it. This board needs to organize subtle but focused influence on other parts of the internet. Consistently drop small but important redpills on normies to bring them here. Recruiting needs to be a new top priority.