Americans kill Russian troops

>Americans kill Russian troops
>no WW3

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They were russian PMCs, not russian troops

>tfw we never went to Russia to bomb the shit out of them in MW3

I'm still fucking mad

because all sides involved know it was bait. Globalists are trying EVERYTHING, everything, to get the heat off them. They called in probably their last loyal guys from inside the military to pull this shit off, and its still failing.

In a nuclear age, both sides are going to be more reluctant about full-on war. So far, Russia has maintained their sphere of influence by keeping the Assad regime alive, and doesn't want to push their luck. The battles we've seen over the week have also proven that the US is very serious about defending the SDF and protecting THEIR interests in the region, likewise. I don't have a magic 8-ball, but I could theoretically see this becoming another frozen conflict. The big wild card here is Turkey, who has been antagonistic towards both the kurds and the Assad government. It will be interesting to see how the US balances their interests going forward.

They weren't Russian troops, troll.

This is why PMC's were used. They weren't hired in case things went fine and dandy, Russia has their military for that. There is even a US-Russia hotline to deal with figurative shit approaching the proverbial fan. The US called, Russians denied their presence. PMC's die, it's their equivalent to a bad day at the office.

/sg/ btfo but to answer the question we’ve been killing each other in proxy wars for 70 years. Sometimes directly.

>mfw faggot OP hasn't read the other 50 shill threads with the answered question
kys mein dude

CNN isn't reporting on this so it didn't happen??

Everyone is keeping quiet on the matter officially. I guess it somehow benefits their agenda.

PMC are illegal under Russian law, so Russia can't just go out and complain about Trump bombing their mercenaries.

north korea, nope/still on going
Russia, nope
China? Nope

I just wanna larp in a war like my forefathers. Fucking bastards

My father works for the FSB. Today they urgently called for a meeting. He returned late and did not explain anything. He said only to collect things and run to the store for food for two weeks. Now we go somewhere far beyond the city.
I do not know what's going on, but it seems to me that it's begun ...

Nigga, you better be meming

I know this is a larp but please be real

It's happened before, just not by US forces. If you're willing to overlook huffpo hosting it, it's actually a goo article. If anything Ruskie bro should be more concerned about the elections and what will follow than this ultimately inconsequential snafu.

people didn't know that world war 1/2 started till shit got hot.

Would make a good movie

But talk about shit luck. Poor bastards


Wow that actually was a good read, I'm kinda surprised.
>James Miller is the Managing Editor of The Interpreter Magazine, a daily-updated online journal dedicated primarily to translating media from the Russian press and blogosphere into English

Ah it was written by a contributor who actually does stuff besides write for huffpo and blog. That would explain the unusual quality.

Because im fucking merica.
You understand emu cunt?

Nobody is going nuke hot over Syria. Just pushing to see how far they can push.

wouldn't happen if Ukraine would backfire in their own territory against their PMC's.

>works for the fsb
>hey mate, lets just collect food for two weeks, theyll never find us.