Proof Trump cheated incoming

Tick Tock Trumpfags


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Nobody gives a fuck about the POTUS fucking a prostitute.

remember when hillary's husband got his dick sucked?

Mental gymnastics. Imagine if Obama had fucked a prostitute and cheated on Michele. How would you have reacted? Why do all of you aspies have double standards when it comes to Trump?


Why are autistic Trumptards so obsessed with using soviet propaganda techniques?

where's your feelings on clinton then hahaha eat shit faggot

That whore should be ashamed. She got paid to shut up and fuck and can't even do that.

>tries to quote muhwutabosu under the post he used it in
do you not read your posts?

Hilarious how you all fall into the same traps
Instead of holding your own people to a higher standard. How quaint.

clinton and trump are pigs obama was a loving husband.

>the kike media still pushing this narrative
this will surely be the end of drumpf, he will be impeached

gonna keep dodging the point the whole night?

Cheating is not a crime.

It happened 10 years ago. We all knew he was shit. So was Hilary. I don't fucking care. Hilary has done more damage than Trump ever has. Honestly. Trump is everything wrong with American men and Hilary is everything wrong with Americas women.

>Accuse Trump of whatever
>weeks before election
>Get paid fuck all to shut the fuck up
>The only explanation is Trump fucked a prostitute!

>i dont like clintons or trump but do like obama
then you're so small of a voting demographic that your feelings on anything literally do not matter lmao

Nigger, Slick Willie was a sexual predator and fucked an intern WHILE HE WAS POTUS AND NOBODY GAVE A FUCK. WHY WOULD THEY NOW?

it's not whataboutism to create a hypothetical situation to compare this situation to. But keep it up. The point is, if it was a Democrat accused of this thing, you would virtue signal all day long about how awful the "king nigger" was for cheating.

Man this is some real projection you got going here pal, I created this thread, you dodge criticism of Trump for being a cheating asshole, and then claim I'm the one doing so, hilarious.

I don't know what I expect from Trumpfags though, you guys have gone full cognitive dissonance mode since he got elected and refuse to criticize him in any meaningful way, even when he has clearly fucked up.

You can't have it both ways, you can't continuously judge your political opponents for their virtues, and refuse to judge your own political leaders, and not hold them accountable.

trump's approval ratings keep going up no matter how many scandals he has

>Trump cheated on his wife
no shit? Like since ever?

>Billionaire playboy fucks pornstar

fuck off back to /r/politics where you belong faggot.

All it is is pointing out what a hypocrite and liar Trump himself is. I never once mentioned Clinton, and my opinion is that Clinton is a piece of shit cheater as well, and no, I do NOT like Hillary, but I sure do like calling out Trump for being a piece of garbage human being, because he deserves to be criticized. I know it's hard for you Trumpfags to understand that we should hold our leaders accountable no matter what political affiliation they adhere to, but that's just the way it should be. Yet of course, as I expected, Trumpfags will defend daddy Donnie no matter what he does or says.

But that's what you did dumb faggot

When was the last time the left answered campus free speech questions without bringing up Trump 'destroying' free speech?

Pointing out hypocrisy is a valid thing to do.

>Imagine if Obama had fucked a prostitute and cheated on Michele. How would you have reacted?
Who cares?

Literally shareblue: the word

>Trump dicked a slut
You were born after the millennium weren't you?

when Hope Hicks finds out Trump gave her 10-20 VD's from this whore shit is going to get interesting

I think youre missing my point dumbfuck

only in america
>i like to grab people by their sex organs and they dont even need to be into it because i have daddy's money and lost the popular vote

some dumb whore? can anyone link her porn in /gif ? addinuff ANTIFA HS shooter vids, need to toss one.

I'm actually 30 and have been on Sup Forums for over a decade, nice try pal.
Here we see more typical mental gymnastics. Trump is never to be criticized, Trump is never to be targeted, he's perfect, he does no wrong. Use of whataboutism is rampant on this board to defend Trump.

Trump is the biggest hypocrite of all time. I'm not a liberal but nice try there. Trump has switched positions, lied, spread falsehoods about almost every single political position he holds. He criticizes his enemies for doing the same things he does, one notable example is his criticism for Obama playing golf, while Trump plays more golf in his first year than Obama did, criticized him for taking vacations, and spends more time on vacation in his first year than Obama did in multiple years.

All I'm asking is for Trumpfags to wake up to reality, and just this once, apply some critical thinking and criticism towards their leaders when criticism is due, or else you might as well be in a cult.

I thought she already did. She talked about shark week.

You're missing my point. You only don't care because you support Trump. If it were anyone else, you would be having general threads on Sup Forums discussing and breaking down the allegations and finding conspiracy shit to talk about in relation to it, just like you do with any scandal linked to political opponents, whether Republican or Democrat.

That's the point, admit it, you have double standards for Trump. You claim to be righteous, yet you never hold Trump to the same standards you hold everyone else to. It just shows how no one should take anything you say seriously.

>switched positions, lied, spread falsehoods about almost every single political position he holds. He criticizes his enemies for doing the same things he does
so you're saying he really is a politician?

He’s an Alpha savage what do you expect. Trump was a known cheater before he came into office. He was cheating on his ex wife with Melania. I didn’t vote for him because he was some moral crusader of purity. I voted for him because he btfu libtards on a daily basis. Makes Dems lose their damn minds, and actually gives a fuck about this country and real Americans. He could have a tutu in each hand and one in his mouth everyday from each Miss America contestant for the last ten years and if he keeps winning. I could care less.

>Imagine if Obama had fucked a prostitute and cheated on Michele.
Honestly wouldn't have gave a shit.

If anything, it'd make me think he was actually a man.

The Gold course is where he goes to make deals.

No dumbfuck im not arguing right or wrong, hypocrite or not a hypocrite.


^this. It's over.. you played your hand out in full.. No one cares about what men do with roastie ass bitches anymore and what they have to say once they've been convinced to push dirt for kickbacks.

Yes, the board filled with people who criticized Obama for putting Dijon mustard on a sandwich would totally ignore him having an affair. It would be non-stop 24/7 news coverage in conservative media, meanwhile this won't see a peep anywhere in those same bubbles.

No shit? All I expect is people to actually criticize Trump and call him out when he says something stupid or does something wrong, but I never, ever see that here because it's always excuses for his behavior, as you have no standards for him.
and thus you see the real reason you support him, you are immature, undeveloped and infantile, and have an edgy, contrarian world view that shapes why you supported such a repugnant individual like Trump.

Both sides are hypocritical and hold their allies and opponents to different standards.

It's ridiculous how politics is all about character assassination. Instead of debating policy, people focus on scandals and things someone supposedly said or did 20 years ago. I'd rather focus on their policies and plans for the country... You know, the stuff that actually affects my life.

Conservatives always virtue signal about how they are the party of values, how they value the sanctity of marriage, how they are virtuous and the democrats are vile, cheating scum, yet when one of there own is caught red handed they rush to defend their actions no matter what.

It's just fun to point out the hypocrisy of a party with a largely religious / evangelical base rushes to defend someone breaking sacred vows to fuck porn stars / prostitutes simply because they're afraid to criticize them.

Bill didn't get in trouble for getting his dick sucked. He got in trouble for lying about it under oath during a federal inquiry.

You can fuck off to Reddit now.

>Who cares?
Has Sup Forums forgotten about the $65,000 worth of pizza and hotdogs that Obama purchased?
Shame on you Sup Forums, shame on you.

Why the fuck are you wall posting?

Nobody cares bud.

If the Demos arent going to fight fair, neither are we, good or bad thats how it is kid.

I'm not sure a faggot can hold the sexually moral high ground.

You and I both know what goes on in your community.

Viva la Electoral College you fag.


>$130k is fuck all

I agree both sides are hypocritical, but Trump has taken hypocrisy to an entirely new level not seen any time before. Maybe it's just that I despise hypocrites more than anyone else, and Trump is such a massive one that it just disgusts me that so many people are just willing to accept it instead of holding someone accountable and supporting someone that actually has values.

I'm sure you hold the democrats whose hypocrisy extends into affecting people's public life. To the same standard you are holding the hypocrisy of someone's private life, surely.

No one ever wants to fuck Hillary.

When neither side cares, why should we?

It’s called living in reality. We are all flawed. I know he’s got a big mouth, and says stupid shit. That’s good...You know why.... No one controls him. He’s not some puppet made to sing and dance to some overlords tune. He shots from the him and talks his mind. You find making nasty remarks about me in anyway affects me you libtard shrieking has no affect anymore. Call us Nazis, homophobes, racists, misogamist, idiots, half breeds, white nationalists, whatever WE DONT GIVE A FUCK! Your words mean nothing, they have no power....Just like you.

>Like when half the nation pretends Hillary wasn’t an evil human being. Everyone around her dying mysteriously. Pay for play, Clinton Foundation.

>Like when half the nation pretends Barry didn’t set race relations back 50 years. My son could have been Travon bullshit. American hating commie.

>Like when FBI, CIA, Hillary, Obama colluded to destroy Trump by making up the Russian narrative when all signs are pointing to the opposite.

So you've known Trump's been banging chicks forever now. Good to expose yourself shill

>muh whataboutism
code for "I can't handle my hypocrisy being called out"

This is literally hypocrisy to not impeach Trump for this when Clinton did far less.

You cant fuck with Teflon Don. I cant wait til he re-elected in 2020.

This is somewhat of an open secret, he went to playboy manson, eastern euro brides. Dude likes to fuck, wish he didn't but there is no perfect human.

Clinton lied under oath, and that fucked him.

He could've admitted he put a cigar in her pussy, and got off scot-free.

Where oh where did the 130k come from, Cohen's generosity? Think again.

/.believing anything prostitutes say.

you wonder why noone cares when they suicide or turn up missing

>turn up missing

Trump is a known cheater. He cheated on his last wife with his current wife and has admitted to cheating before that. This surprises no one, it’s like saying water is wet.

>You only don't care because you support Trump.
I don't care because President Clinton taught us all in the 90's that sexual misconduct is no big whoop and shucks, blowjobs aren't even sex.

JFK banged marilyn monroe and jackie o.
I'm a #nixonmissile now

I fucking love Trump because he is Trump. There’s no mask. He’s the same womanizing, model loving lothario, half black below the waist, Uber Bro he has always been. Dems hate they can’t make anything stick to the Teflon Don because we accept his flaws and him not disputed them but becuase of them.

> If Barry came out and showed the world he is a socialist Marxist revolutionary American hating Kenyan Muslim. He would have gotten a job as a mail man let alone president.

i dont care if he fucks your mom op totally irrelevant

for research purposes only

In office? Or prior to faggot. Obama snorted coke but nobody cared because he wasn't president when he did .People only cared about Slick Willie cuz he was fucking interns in the Oval Office.

Whores words are now the gospel to the left.
Here's a clue this can't stop him from being President. He could fuck a tranny and have a whore every fucking night.
But, now the left thinks this is a problem.

Left really can't deal with a happy relationship, seems to be toxic to them.

Right, but we elected Donald Trump, not the pope, and not some stuffed shirt holier-than-thou establishment prick.

Of course it would be a bombshell of Obama did it. The motherfucker is a Harvard law former Senator who acts like his shit doesn't stink.

Is anyone honestly surprised? No.

Does anyone care? Nobody except MUH TWO SCOOPS faggots like you.


What if Melania is into Cuckqueening? The Left loves Cuckolding!

kek, my respect would actually increase because it would prove he wasnt a faggot.

She reportedly isn't speaking to Donald anymore after the news came out. She is said to be pissed. Probably get divorced in 2020 after he loses the election.

i know stormy, shes a backstabbing little bitch and she we do anything for cash.

Melania's gonna freak

Kill yourself faggot, no one cares what your whores think.


Trump's dick is proportional to his hands

Kill yourself retarded russian shill faggot.

She will make history by divorcing a sitting president.




>Nobody gives a fuck about the POTUS fucking a prostitute


Doubles confirm truth.

They all come from Fatherless homes so they see Trump as a strong father figure and will defend him and do mental gymnastics in order to keep the illusion alive.

when the russia dossier flopped so they have to bring back the rapist narrative



Unless she's a Russian Spy I don't see this playing out in your favor

Okay let me get this straight. Trump allegedly has sex with a porn star prior to being president and is being attacked for it, a few even want him to resign. Bill Clinton gets a blowjob while being in office from an inten which he had power to make or break her career,and that was fine?

Ever if it were true, no one trusts the media

The economy is getting better thanks to him

ppl dont give a fuck.

The democratic party is done
The media is done

Latest lame attempt to try and bring down Trump. (it will fail)



Lol, OP is a retarded faggot. Nobody cares if Trump is banging Roasties. Now back to plebbit with you shareblue nigger.

Let me know when this affects me personally so I can care.

Wasn't Obama smoking weed and snorting coke back in the day? And joking about it?

She’s already told her “story” lol she is trying to really stretch this out

>Imagine if Obama had fucked a prostitute and cheated on Michele.

All she’s been doing is talking. Do you dumb faggots not understand she’s doing a tour right now and is trying to keep her name in the headlines for more attendance at the titty bars she’s attending.

I swear to god some of you faggots need to take a PR class. It would make you understand the world a little better.