I cannot take it anymore

I am fucking done, the new trailer of the Incredibles is out and it seem that the roles in the family has change, the woman goes out in cool bikes and defeating the bad guys and the man stays at home taking care of the kids because he is not useful anymore... WTF is wrong I am aware of the propaganda but not at this scale, (((they))) are not trying to hide it anymore. FOR FUCK SAKE

Only numales care about The Incredibles. The first one was shit and the sequel will be shit too regardless of gender roles.

i am talking of the impact is gonna have with the kids, not me cunt, where is going to stop!?

>Literally one family
>the entire premise is they arent normal
>its a show about exploring family dynamics

Did you expect them to gut everything that made it good? Lets hear your script mr spielberg

>where is going to stop!?
when all the white goys are gone

the movie will end being more complex than home husbands.

this is good marketing since dumbasses like you post about it online and give the movie free publicity.

i dont think that we are the demographic aimed for...

that’s one spooky image

Don't take your kids to see it

what if the entire family just fought crime together justice league style?

that was the climax of the first movie

you can't have dessert first
how old are you?

>trailer BTFO commoncore
Did you even watch the first movie? I wouldn't expect GenZ trannies to have good taste in anything. Mr. Incredible lost his job.

Could you seriously not analyze the trailer without raging like a tween?
>(((they))) hire Elastigirl instead of Mr. Incredible
Obviously the same premise as the first movie, but instead of Mr. Incredible its Elastigirl being used.

its disney fo fucks sake
its a corporation built on pleasing everyone and everything.
you got your movies
let the leftists have theirs.

disney wins in the end no matter what
so why you pointing fingers across the isle?

That's the joke, dumbo.

Kids who see that will think...

This. It is also meant to be ironic given that he's muscle bound

why are some of you people sperging out over the dumbest and smallest of meaningless things?

Im sorry user, youre on Sup Forums.
Im afraid its incurable

>what if they were just a superhero family that fought crime together
that would be boring as shit, there is no unique dynamic to move the story around like in the first one

and you faggot bitching about it, give me a fucking break (one of the best animated films by disney by a long shot), the movie was fairly redpilled for a disney

>9-5 wage slaving will destroy your body and your soul
>you need to tap into your talents and desires instead
>the good guys are made out to be villains by the idiot public who sue the shit out of anybody with their kike lawyers
>truth must be hidden while lies are allowed to flourish
>women can be equal if they take the same risks, but they cannot and are not superior
>if everybody is super special snowflake, then in fact NOBODY is special at all
>some people are just naturally better than others

How the fuck do you faggots miss this?

Violet will have an interracial relationship. Screencap this post.

Can't wait, it's gonna be peak. *A-OK emoji*

Wrong is right and the real morality that was universally accepted* since man first walked on the earth is now evil and holding to that real morality gets called 'hate'.
(Except where naturally evil individuals were concerned or evil leaders brainwashed communities).
The world of men is nearly over now.
People always knew and widely predicted this would happen and the end would come violently when it did.
The evil will be wiped out and something new will happen but evil cunts like fags won't be returned to the better world of constant joy because they are horrible selfish bastards who know they are wrong, lie constantly and don't care.

Pretty sure it's a marketing campaign at this point.


She's about to get BLACKED

If you weren't done with this shit 10 years ago then you have problems

Ur fucking retard faggot. Its classic "dad does the wife's job" comedy situation. Go join ur dead whore mother in the sewers, bitch.

I fear that you will be correct.

because there is a war going on, faggot. get used to it


I love being a stay at home dad. My wife works as a television producer 12h/day. I mostly just snack, play vidya and do couple of chores every now and then. If my wife ever leaves me I get half of her estate.

Shut up bitch Elastic girl deserver the show.
Best butt,can be THICC as fck and im damn sure the tightest pussy you can find in the whole universe

They will more than like put her in a. inter racial lesbian couple


We deep in trenches