Boku no Generic Academia

>Generic Battles.
>Generic Quirks.
>Generic Motives.
>Generic Main Character.
>Generic Supporting Cast.
>Generic School.
>Generic Teachers.
>Generic Romance.
>Generic Willpower.
>Edgy Villains.
>Repeated Storylines.
>Tournament arcs after tournament arcs.
>Training arcs after training arcs.
>Nakama bullshit.

Why is this generic manga called creative again?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Generic bait

what a generic shitpost. sage

The frog´s design responded well with people.

How the fuck say it's creative. All I hear is people saying it is a generic textbook shounen done right and that's what all people praise about it.

The character designs are the only good thing about this series, and even at that they aren't particularly astounding.

Otherwise BnHA is fucking infuriatingly unreasonable

Whoops. My english spazzed out. Meant to say: Who the fuck says...

Is the anime decent, or should I just read the manga?

What the fuck "done right" mean anyway? More like "playing it safe"

Are you people retarded?
boku no pico it´s generic a copy from naruto,dragon ball,yuyu hakusho
and naruto,dragon ball,yuyu are more better than this generic manga for baby
there it´s not innovative in this series
all copy from other series
tl:dr a shit copy from others manga or anime

I have to disagree about the generic quirks and generic teachers. The teachers' powers are super weird for pro heroes (sleeping gas? super voice? controlling clothes? I know last one isn't a teacher, but still a very high ranked hero for the quirk he has). He picked weird things at least, but I wish he stuck with the weaknesses of each power. I didn't notice reading the manga, but when Todoroki fought against Bakugou and surrounded him with ice, he should have been heavily nerfed. With that much cold, sweating should be hard.

>Tournament arcs after tournament arcs.
I like tournament arcs
I love tournament arcs where tournament actually has conclusion and isn't disrupted by villains

you're setting the bar too low.

It has the cutest girls, though

I'm simple

its part of brainwashing

Both have their merits.
The manga is great and the anime has some cool moments also animated by Bones so it's not bad.
I'd start with the manga. The anime take a few liberties with the tone.

>I love tournament arcs where tournament actually has conclusion and isn't disrupted by villains

Is that something common? I can only think of Naruto and Saint Seiya doing it. I would count Dragon Ball, but it had so many tournaments that actually finished that it's fair that they had one or two that were interrupted. Also, I love when the author can sneak something weird like the cavalry battle into the tournament.

>>Tournament arcs after tournament arcs.
But we only had 2 and they are not even back to back. you have to go through the best shit to get to it

sorry but that has been disproven.

>the best shit
>training arcs
I'm out

Should have been just about the girls and afterschool hijinks. And Bakugo, he's cute.

it's super standard(generic) but the way it's written is decent

you look at other series like bleach and naruto and their writing is absolute trash in comparison

Agreed I also love the stakes is basically winning or losing.

It's okay I guess. Something to fill the void.

>I have to disagree about the generic quirks

Then you are a retard.

It's easy to think of some weird quirks (lmao as "super voice" being a super weird quirk too). It's harder to actually use them for more than a couple action scenes. The author chose super strength/super speed/elemental power because they're the most generics quirks and he doesn't have to think too hard about how to use them since he's a dumb fuck.

There is no coherent discussion to be had about BnHA because of the current state of Sup Forums which causes the presence of BnHA to resemble something close to a meme, as these threads end up ending up the same way every goddamn time.

For starters, there is a vast majority of posters on Sup Forums who are simply incapable of providing arguments to explain their point of view to others-- like why they think this part of the show is good or generic. Instead a lot of users tend to argue along the lines of "it's shit" "no it's not", or do not bother to follow up on their opinions when questioned like a (1) and done shitpost. Should you call someone out for not providing an argument, you're very likely to be dragged down into a spiral of both people telling eachother how they have no argument.

To put it simply, because many are incapable of criticism which ascends beyond "it's good/shit" and do not put any effort into their posts because others don't do so either, I have to end up skimming through hundreds of posts which aren't of any use to a spectator like me. Let alone for the posters themselves. It's just implying the opposite of other users without providing any arguments, what is the goddamn point of that?

Then consider that BnHA is POPULAR, which means everyone is so prepared to have an opinion about it just because everyone is talking about it and don't want to feel left out, so all these morons latch on to it like flies. Then you end up with generals which are prone to shipping cancer and circlejerking, while people prefer to use the fanbase as a metric for the quality of the show, in other words--shit. But the fanbase doesn't give me an interesting perspective on the quality of the show itself.

I'd wish people would actually put some effort into explaining their opinions and not use the fact of other posters not trying themselves as an excuse to not try themselves either.

The show reminded me that execution is everything. You can have a generic concept executed very well, or a unique concept executed poorly.

I'd much rather have the former. It may lack originality but it's consistently solid and people underestimate the power of a simple concept not being written like shit.

>calls me a retard
>uses reddit spacing
Ok, super strenght and ice/fire are generic as fuck, making things weightless, generating explosions, creating sticky balls from your head, having a fucking tail and nothing else, they aren't.

Boku no Picodemia tbqh

I agree OP. Characters are fucking boring,fight is boring.We have seen this trash 100 times already.

Also nobody dies. Atleast FT had A++ semen demons to cover that.

Execution is meh.

>generating explosions

So, we can agree that BnHA's writing is good (or at least decent) because there is a group of 5 people behind this story?


This is how retarded BnHAfags are, don't be surprised.

Not sure if pasta, but pretty much this. Of course, this applies to most of the popular stuff and I'm afriad it's been like that for years. There are some willing to have legitimate discussion, but they are driven away by shitposting and memes. Herd mentality certainly does not help.

BnHA is trash and the characters are more retarded than Fairy Tail's cast, but whenever you point out that Deku or anyone else in the student cast is objectively a fucking retard and/or a little shit the fans respond with one or more of theses answers
>B-but he's just a teenager
>B-but he's just a hero
>B-but he's not actually a hero, he's studying to be

That's amazing, they created a scenario where the author can (and do) comes up with all sort of bullshit and it'll be justified, and then they argue how much better No Hero Academia is compared to FT or OP or whatever.

But everyone has their own opinions. It's not great but I enjoy it.

>I have to disagree with the generic quirks.

Have you ever read X-men or any superhero comic? This stuff is super generic and overdone.

Tournament arcs that meant nothing. Literally nothing was gained from any of that happening.

Say what you want about interruptions, but if a character gets first place and that means nothing to the story, then yeah, it's a waste of an arc.

Here's a quick summary of why it's trash then:

The setting is a highschool and that detracts from actual worldbuilding and character experience when you spend roughly 50% of the manga sitting in a classroom or outside playing sports.

The characters are ultimately just boring. None of them have real motivations or goals, almost all of them just want to be "good at their job." Which of course, that's never really explained either. Most heroes just sit around all day and wait for a villain to do stuff.

The villains have no personal motivations and do things for arbitrary reasons. Most of them are just thugs under orders. The main villains are insanely idealistic for societal change but their actions are completely contradictory and stupid.

Take the main villain, Shirigaki. He's literally described as a manchild who just wants to kill allmight for some stupid reason. Of course AllMight never did anything wrong, ever, so it's just putting this stupid manchild as an idealist who seeks "justice" for a crime that never happened.

Then there's Stain. A one-off villain who doesn't like that heroes are called heroes so he kills them. That's it. That's all you get in MHA, that stain is just some psychotic loony. He's not relevant after that and is captured almost immediately.

What's probably the worse thing about MHA is that it's just scared to do anything with it's setting.

The characters all come back to highschool after every battle. The author puts sporting events(crowds, points, competition, no reward) all over the place just to fill it up.

THAT...that's actually true


>Then there's Stain. A one-off villain who doesn't like that heroes are called heroes so he kills them
I don't watch bnha but , is that really true?

Yeah, Stain's motivations are that the people who identify as heroes are not "real heroes". This doesn't really make sense within the series even though he is correct in that being a "hero" is more of a job title / license thing, because all heroes do (all day) is fight villains and stop crime.

And yes, he just indiscriminately goes around killing people. I think his final kill count was 30+

If you didnt enjoy the Lounge Arc, All for ONe, or the Intership then i dont think this series is for you

The anime is almost a 1:1 of the manga.

daily reminder that mineta is literally /our guy/

>BnHA is trash and the characters are more retarded than Fairy Tail's cast
Stopped reading there.


Another thing that most fans of the series will gloss over is that Deku has already achieved his goal, so the constant emphasis of "he injures himself" is completely devoid of any tension within the scene.

Now I don't know why the author made this distinction, perhaps he thought he was clever, but telling the audience that Deku in the future is "the best hero" is a very bad choice for a narrative. It gives the character plot armor that shouldn't exist. Shonen protagonist are almost always invincible in some form or another, but literally knowing that any fight and any chance the main character might suffer some mortal wound is never going to exist is just a very stupid idea when the series focuses on "battling."

Alright, last point to make for now: The series is ultimately boring.

The characters and personalities are just bland for the most part. Shonen tropes without any real personality to them.
The events that transpire usually don't mean anything for further events. The first time Shiragaki attacked meant nothing. The Sports Festival means nothing. The Stain Arc meant nothing. The AfO arc meant something but then immediately after that is cut back to sports and fighting the "yakuza", which again, doesn't really mean anything for a narrative.

The point I'm trying to make here is that instead of telling a consistent A > B > C story you just have A(the AfO arc) and then everything else is just essentially filler. Even Naruto, which I loathe, at least had a consistent building up of events in relation to each other. MHA establishes entire arcs that have nothing to do with the narrative

Yes, some characters "develop" in the sense that they "try harder" now, but it needs something more than that if you want a series to be more than a by-the-numbers shonen.

Anyone who thinks BnHA is "creative" is fooling themselves

I still think it's an okay series though.

cry MHA fans

>if I post walls of text and screencaps of seinen manga people will take me seriously
Cringe. Vagabond is trash by the way

Oh man, that roast was pretty good.

>Some guy ask for explanations
>explanations provided
>user complains that explanations are provided
>Tries to go off topic by attacking Vagabond.


Quirk is just a replacement name of magic with superficially imposed limitation.

The series is ok I guess. On a side note, I really like Suneater's quirk.

Sounds more like Nen to me

I started to type a serious response where I agreed with some of your points and gave my opinion on others, but then I realised I'm up to date only with the official english volume releases, so I do not have the full picture of the story. Then again, it doesn't mean your points will not be addressed eventually in the future, considering BnHA seems to be written to be a long running series. See: One Piece, where most of the world building and 'good stuff' didn't happen until later arcs. Now, I'm not saying it's guaranteed to be great or anything, but being by the numbers and not taking unnecessary risks just for the sake of climbing up in the readers' polls does leave room for proper development, unlike some other series which burned out early and continued for years in zombie-like state.
And it's unfair to compare a weekly shonen series to monthly seinen, which you seem to be doing. But yeah, some of your points are spot on, even if I would't consider them serious flaws.

>Mutant ability

Yeah nen has a very specific system.

Genuinely good watch actually. I'm looking to write a story of my own so it's important that I don't hit the same pitfalls.

I do concede that the worldbuilding in MHA has been lackluster so far

You finding the characters boring is subjective

Shigaraki wants to kill All Might because he hates the society that places him on such a high pedestal, probably because he was abandoned by society as a child, the only one saving him being All for One.

Stain by himself is not relevant after his capture, but his message brings on a new wave of villains.

We know that Deku is the #1 hero, but this is a shonen, we all knew that

This is a character driven story, as long as the arcs have some sort of impact on the characters, you can't say that the arc have done "nothing". Sure, the Sports Festival had no real impact on the world as a whole, but its effects on the characters like Todoroki is what really matters.

Not that this excuses anything, but to be fair it's far less contrived than JoJo.

Yeah no. Good points but they don't apply to the anime or don't matter as much as The Anime Snob assert that they do

>All Might conveniently forgets
He's not even explaining it correctly, what a retard

ThatAnimePleb still making videos after his youtube shut down huh?

Why'd it get shut down? I've never heard of him

Oh boy, replies.

>Most of the world building and good stuff didn't happen until later arcs
>One Piece

One piece had solid arcs up until then that established characters that would stick around for 700+ chapters.

But this is picking the lowest hanging fruit because one piece is an ADVENTURE anime, as in the characters go to different places and do different things.

Boku no Hero stays in the same town while doing the same routine of school/sports/thugs.

>It's unfair to compare a weekly series to a monthly seinan.

You can compare it to other shonen, its still a pretty far distance from what is considered good writing in most regards. The whole "it's weekly so it should be worse" is relatively stupid unless.

>Finding the characters boring is subjective

Fine, tell me what makes them exciting.

>Shigaraki wants to kill allmight for some petty reason

Don't care. If Allmight didn't commit an action against him and Shigaraki has no personal motivation (i.e. taking over society or whatnot) then it's just some stupid manchild reason that is made up on the spot as a flimsy justification for his existence.

> We know that deku is the #1 hero.

That's the point. You don't need to know, no other shonen does this for a very good reason, it kills suspense and tension for the audience for no positive outcome.

> This is a character driven story

Is Naruto a character driven story? One Piece? Hunter X Hunter?

Thing is, you're just pulling this excuse out of your ass. The characters aren't doing anything and the characters are still relatively weak.

Character driven story also doesn't apply when you have 12+ characters and most of them barely get a line a season.

>The setting is a highschool and that detracts from actual worldbuilding and character experience when you spend roughly 50% of the manga sitting in a classroom or outside playing sports.
Yes why is a series called My Hero ACADEMIA takes place in highschool? It boggles the mind.

>The characters are ultimately just boring
This is subjective as fuck

>None of them have real motivations or goals
And this is just flat out wrong hell this arc being animated highlights where everyone's motivation lies and how they clash with one another

>The villains have no personal motivations and do things for arbitrary reasons.
And this is also wrong, hell there's an entire fucking chapter fucking chapter from the point of view of the villains and why they do the things they do and throughout the manga

>He's literally described as a manchild who just wants to kill allmight for some stupid reason

Shirigaki was a byproduct of All Might's own failure and he hates All Might because he failed to save him as a child, the whole point of AfO's plan was to warp his mind at an impressionable age as a big fuck you to AM.

> A one-off villain who doesn't like that heroes are called heroes so he kills them
Wow...its like you didn't even read/watch this at all. Stain's entire dogma is that the meaning hero is lost in society and due to the every consuming nature of commercialism altruism has lost all meaning hence why he goes out of his way to kill contributors to what he perceives is a warped society (wow its almost like he's insane or something) and got a boner when Deku went out of his way to save Iida out of his own sense of duty.

>He's not relevant after that
Hence why nobody in universe will shut up about him both heroes and villains.


Wait, since WHEN Toga has a crush on Deku?

Made fun for a guy who attempted suicide/ put up hentai images in his reviews. Don't give him more views, he's a massive faggot that contradicts himself and spends all day shitting on other youtubers for drama in order to become relevant.

>Deku has already achieved his goal,
But he didn't we're still seeing how he's going to control OfA and what will come about to make him been seen as the world's greatest hero. We've already established an ending point to the series that Deku will be a top hero by the end but how he gets there is unknown its like saying we don't need to read One Piece or Naruto because we know the characters will achieve their goal by the end which is just stupid.

>Alright, last point to make for now: The series is ultimately boring.
And this is also subjective as fuck. If you're going to criticize something you need to be constructive.

>Still takes place in highschool doing relatively nothing important
>Subjective =/= wrong.
>Motivations are there
Oh yeah, what's birdboys motivation? What's Electricity guy? What's Earjack?

I'm betting right now that you'd have to go re-read to know this because their motivations are just non-existent in accordance to the rest of the series. Please, list me motivations of everyone that isn't "to be good at my job".

>An entire chapter on why they do what they do.
Yeah, societal outcast doe things for no personal gain, wow so deep.

>Shirigaki was a byproduct of AllMight.

Nowhere stated, fan theory.

> Stain's dogma is that the meaning of hero is lost so he just goes around killing random people

That's what he said lol.

>He's not relevant
>But characters still mention him every 30-40 chapters

That's not what relevance is.

OP sounds like such an obnoxious faggot that even though I hate this stupid show I can't agreed with him.

Read the first chapter.
Watch the second season

Subjective doesn't mean anything is wrong.

>Fine, tell me what makes them exciting.

For example, I like All Might's transition from the strongest in the story to someone who has to be protected. I could go on to explain the rest of the characters I like (Midoriya, Bakugo, Iida), but there's really no point on this Norwegian basketweaving forum

>Don't care

Good for you, you don't have to care. Shigaraki hates society and wants to kill All Might who has been put up on a pedestal by society. His goal was to expose how weak the institutions society has put up was, either by killing the #1 Hero or by compromising the security of the #1 Hero School

>It kills suspense
Agree to disagree, it doesn't kill any more success than any point in Naruto, Bleach, or One Piece where the main character's livelihood was involved.

>Character driven story

Yeah maybe I went too far calling this a character driven story, it doesn't quite fall into that as much as a story of another genre would, but my point was that the events matter because of the effects that the have on the characters.

>characters come up with plan after plan to try to beat bakugou
>he ohkos everyone anyway because MUH STRONGNESS

this manga's fucking shit, stopped reading after the first tournament arc.

You just sucks Bakugou is beautiful and best grill.

>one piece is an ADVENTURE
That's the thing, BnHA is a 'battle shonen' and doesn't really need worldbuilding to be effctive. It doesn't mean there will be none, since Horikoshi does slip some bits and pieces here and there.

>it's weekly so it should be worse
It's all about the audience. If Horikoshi wanted to tell a groundbreaking story, maybe some deconstruction of the superhero genre, he surely wouldn't aim to publish it in WSJ. Yes, it's going to be simpler and safer than your average monthly manga, maybe even boring in comparison.

>ts still a pretty far distance from what is considered good writing in most regards
This is such a flat and generic statement that I'm just going to say that most manga doesn't have good writing to begin with.

>Deku has already achieved his goal
Every shonen protagonist has already achieved his goal, you fucking retarded. People read this kind of shit for the journey.

>This school setting IN A MANGA ABOUT SCHOOL detracts from the worldbuilding
>Subjective =/= wrong.
Well I don't think that characters are boring so I guess you're wrong. Isn't subjectivity great! I can dismiss anything you say by stating that its my opinion.

>Oh yeah, what's birdboys motivation? What's Electricity guy? What's Earjack?
Geez why would teenagers who go to a HERO SCHOOL to learn how to be HEROES be motivated to do? Hmmm

>Yeah, societal outcast doe things for no personal gain, wow so deep.
So you're wrong then? Glad you agree

>Nowhere stated
Literally stated by AfO himself when he reveals that he is related to Nana and put him under his wing as a way to fuck with.

>That's what he said lol.
Well no that's not what you said at all you were just saying that he was killing heroes because they're heroes which is wrong in itself because he didn't kill Deku for being a hero but wanted to kill Iida for using his hero name to act

>That's not what relevance is.
Actually it is, hell there's a character who's entire being is following him because he inspired them.

>No argument


Ok, anime fag here. I don't understand something.

How was this guy able to make all those crazy moves and dodge Todoroki's ice and fire? How can he react to Midoriya's or even Iida's movements?

He's quirk, as already said in the anime, isn't all that too special. He's essentially a normal human being, just with that little quirk.

So can every police officer jump around buildings like that and stick a knife into the wall?
I understand this is shonen but this is really fucking bugging me.

The anime was great so far and wasn't like your typical shonen but then we have this essentially normal human just jumping around and evading supernatural abilities.
Previous episode had the "another after another" dumb trope too which I really didn't think I'd see.

>Allmight is exciting because he transforms

So his power or ability, not his personality. (Modern comic fan in other words).

>Shirgaki hates society....

Doesn't mean anything. He's just a plot device of a villain. He has no real reason to hate allmight, allmight has done him no wrong and he doesn't stand to gain anything for attacking him.

Villain for the sake of having a villain.

>It doesn't kill suspense any more

This isn't subjective. By writing the character to already accomplish a goal you cannot have suspense on whether he does or not.

1 vs 0.

>Events matter because they influence the characters.

Every series ever can make this claim, doesn't mean that the events all mattered.

Try again.
>Battle shonen

For a battle shonen it has relatively few battles and even fewer that mean anything to the narrative.

>It's all about the audience
Which is to say it's geared towards children who wouldn't know good writing from bad.

>Most manga don't have good writing

>You fucking retarded

Oh man, I must have missed Luffy obtaining one piece, what chapter is that?

>essentially normal human
>anime only

Until you mentioned this I completely glossed over this.


Yes, I said I only watch anime. His quirk shouldn't allow him to make all those crazy movements.

Are you illiterate?

I didn't really understand why everyone was frozen when his mask came off. Was that another aspect of his power or was that people just paralyzed by fear?

>His quirk shouldn't allow him to make all those crazy movements.
I'm going to give you another chance for you to really think so you would realize how stupid your comment is

Only kids like this garbage

>You know virtually nothing about the school or society
>B-but it's still good worldbuilding guys!

>Well I don't think characters are boring
>Can't explain why

Well why should I listen to you over the other guy?

> Can't list motivations
> Proved him right.

>It was what he already argued and you agreed with him the second time

Dude are you just functionally retarded? You're arguing with the guy but entirely proving his points. Are you a poe?

>He didn't kill heroes for being heroes

This guy hasn't even watched the series lol.

>Minor characters mention other character offhand and in no way are influenced by him. Just referencing past events.
>"He's still relevant guys!".

>No argument
>Literally citing where you are wrong.

Man, this guy demolished you and you are either salty or just an alt poster of him to knock down.

>Because you have a quirk it means you shouldn't train your body at all

Paralyzed by fear from the murder instinct I guess.

I wasn't really feelin' it

I came here to ask a question. I'm done "thinking through" it.

Midoriya's quirk allows him to jump several meters in air.
Stain's paralyze ability shouldn't allow him to dodge Todoroki's fucking ice in a narrow backstreet.

thanks doc

Does bakugou's quirk have the properties of both explosions and kills?

Come on, I expected better from you.

>So his power or ability

While I do like All Might's ability, what I meant was he is different from most shonen mentor figures because we can see him as someone who is powerful (before his second fight with All For One), to someone who now has no power, and how he adjusts to that drastic change.

>Doesn't mean anything

You completely ignored the point I made about him wanting to kill All Might to expose society's weaknesses. He has everything to gain for attacking him.

>Suspense point

The suspense I'm talking about is less about whether he'll achieve his goal in the 400+ chapter story, and more about his actions in every arc. Yes, Deku won't die in the current manga arc, but that doesn't completely negate all the suspense int he arc, that's ridiculous.

>Every series ever can make this claim

Just because it's true for many series doesn't make it any less true for this one. Which events specifically do you think did not matter?

>it has relatively few battles and even fewer that mean anything to the narrative
What's the problem here? Should the characters who attend a hero school fight for their lives every other day?

>it's geared towards children who wouldn't know good writing from bad
Same thing with One Piece and yet, it's one of the best adventure stories not only in manga, but comic format in general. Being published in WSJ imposes certain constraints, but does not prevent story from being good.

>Most manga don't have good writing - Correct
One point off your list. How about art? BnHA has better art than many monthly manga, why won't you say anything about that?

>Generic Romance
What romance?


So every police officer in this anime, if they train their body enough, can jump around and essentially beat up heroes if they're skilled enough.

What exactly do the lovely folks at Sup Forums consider good writing? Not saying MHA is, but I'm genuinely curious. It seems like every popular anime has some sort of key flaw that causes people to claim it's "not good writing". Would you call Mob Psycho 100 good? Hunter x Hunter?