Shill me some books on the occult

Anything worth reading on the subject? Or is it all fluff and bullshit? I never put much stock in the subject, but lately it’s been gnawing at my interest for some reason. Like to know more about secret societies, NWO/Illuminati, bohemian grove, masonics, hidden in plain sight symbols, etc

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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law

it is all bullshit.

there is no supernatural, there is nothing but physics.

all occult stuff is just daft lies dressed in deep sounding badly defined mystic crap.

all very gnomic and pompous, but really just bad science with bad philosophy


Love is the law, love under will.

So do you want to learn about the occult or the illuminati conspiracy bullshit you just posted? Because I can help you with the former.

Bheold A Pale Horse by William Cooper is the best one.... a great redpill.

heres the full audio:

Men among the ruins. Evola.

Implying the occult is not manipulation of physics

>t. brainlet




>Shill me some books on the occult

Anything you can read on the internet is going to be fluff and bullshit. The truth is hidden and far stranger.

Some more documentaries for you OP, to add to this: 1.

2 (playlist):

3. (playlist):

"magic" = technology

real magic = 4th dimensional or higher forces manipulating the 3rd dimension which appears for us like "magic"

Not a book but I'm going to tell you a secret. We're living in a computer simulation and it's possible to inject your own code and manipulate reality through arbitrary code executions. That's what occult ceremonies are.

You think this is a joke, but it's not. I performed a sacred dance half an hour ago and entered the snake dimension and then I rebooted the console.

If recommend some but you're not going to learn anything from just reading occult books. If you want to learn the mysteries, petition to join a mystery school. Id recommend AMORC for a start.

Crowley is a fucking fraud. Anyone who shills for him is an idiot.

Franz Bardon is who you're looking for.

My bad m8, I should have been more specific, I’m more interested in the occult. I listed the other stuff because it seems there’s some overlap between them

>Id recommend AMORC for a start.
>Pay2win crap
BotA is better.

People don't actually know, but there are definitely signs.
Some claim that those who know the secrets won't reveal them to impure selfish minds.
Some also claim that there are impure minds who know and they are currently at the top of the pyramid.

Read the Kybalion for starters and then go from there.


Much obliged, leaf

Fraternitas Saturni is very interesting.

Shows up in the Dreamscape often, huh ?

You don't need any of that stuff, meme magic and force of will are the things that work. Sure you can pray to the old gods, I called upon Baal and made offerings to him, right before that mosque was hit by lightning, because I was angry at reading about another muslim rape gang in Europe.

This was along my line of thinking, I’m interested in the subject, but I figured that anyone who was actually involved or had true knowledge wouldn’t write a book about it. And anyone who made such a claim was writing based on secondhand info and hearsay or was just outright lying in an attempt to sell books

Don't know BOTA but just at the website, you call them "pay to win" as well to use your metaphor as you need to buy thier books. I'm sure its just too cover the cost of producing them, but that's no different from AMORC. Also from a quick scan they sound closer to the TMO (Christian Caballah) which I also highly recommend.

>but that's no different from AMORC
Except BotA encourages study far better. AMORC just wants you to buy their photocopies and buy titles. Way better to just download the lot.
Hell, even OBOD is better.

No worries, it was perhaps a bit blunt on my part to call you out for not knowing the difference. The occult does indeed find its way into secret societies and it the target for a lot of conspiracies.
To start, what is known as the occult has been around since at least ancient egypt, with the introduction of the mystery schools. From there it went to ancient greece and got mixed with eastern philosophy and it became what we now know as western esotericism. In the middle ages the church heavily suppressed any society that taught doctrines that went against church teachings, so that is why most of those teachings became occult (hidden). In the renaissance era some of these societies became more publically known, such as the freemasons and the rosicrusians. The philosophy of nearly all secret societies has pertained to one thing only, which perhaps now is best known as spirituality. The occult deals with hidden spiritual truths(spiritual as in dealing with the spirit, the soul, the self).
In the past 200 years many books have been written on the subject, but I'll list some of the more famous ones:
The Kybalion
Knowledge of Higher Worlds and its Attainment
Cosmic Consciousness
The Astral Plane
Teachings of the Golden Dawn
The Hidden Power
The Secret Teachings of all Ages
I'd suggest starting with finding out wether any of this is worth your time, and the best way to do that is to investigate OOBE's/NDE's/Parapsychology

O and I'll leave this gem here, look into nonduality. It's the philosophy that will truly shed light on all these phenomena.

Appreciate you taking the time to type that all out. Thank you for the info, I’m capping these for further research. I briefly scrolled through r/occult but reddit is fucking insufferable

I second the Kybalion, It's very cheap on Amazon.
I'm also currently reading The Secret Teachings of All Ages.

Not a book, but spend some time on Mark Passio's website,
Also has stuff on YouTube. He's the reddest pill there is.

No problem mate, happy to help. Remember that the internet is truly our greastest friend, but it can also be our greatest foe. Always take anything you read about the occult (or anything for that matter) with a grain of salt.
Here's a chart that might interest you (secret societies etc)

So mote it be.

Thanks user, I definitely consider myself to be more of a skeptic or agnostic, not to say that there are or are not forces beyond my understanding. I can tell you with certainty that I have been heavily involved in pizza related research over the last 2 years and have come across some incredibly bizarre and outright terrifying things that lead into the realm of the occult

Advanced Magick for Beginners

Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha: An Unusually Hardcore Dharma

The Psychonaut Field Manual

this. people once tried to figure out a way to control nature. the stuff that worked became science, the stuff that didn't... magic and religion.

Yes, science works; however, you still have internal, mental experiences. It's nice being able to control those as well. Especially when that allows you to control yourself, your mental state, and your own behavior.

Yes it's real. But everything you can get publicly is bullshit. Only the wealthy involved in actual secret societies get any of the real shit & it mostly all involves serious violent abuse.

Look into languages and etymology.

Languages are different encryption layers which disquise things in different ways. Look into Vedic Sanskrit, Lithuanian, Koine Greek, Hebrew, Avestan, and Scot-Gaelic/Old Irish and the etymologies between them.

English (angles) has stronger decryption qualities due to its vast shared etymology and roots in Latin, the language meant to scale function across flora and fauna.

Also, the reason Hebrew used the same Glyphs for Aleph-abet phonetics and Numerals/Arithmetic, is because the Babylonians used the language to predict synchronicity.

Pay close attention to what liturgical languages are used to convey, and why they were kept sacred.

What did he mean by this?


The only one you ever need is My Big TOE - Tom Campbell, by reading, digesting, living, and being what Tom had written you can access all knowledge of “the occult “ . You can fully develop your consciousness such that all is truly known by you. You will come face to face with your own fears. Life will be your oyester if you’re willing to change.

If I told my friend secretly that I stole a cookie out of the cookie jar and we never told anyone, we would be in """the occult""", occult means secret get a dictionary iiidiiioottt

That's verbatim definition of engineering

No I will not. You have to look harder to find the actual truth. No one is going to spoonfeed it to you, and anyone he spoonfeeds you anything on the occult is giving you misinformation to keep the wool over your eyes.

To one who is initiated, no explanation is necessary. To those outside, no explanation is possible

Research Hermeticism. Figure it out, go on a journey.

What do they meme by this

The asian religions influenced new age though.

The Universal One is a great alchemy book, even better if you have a grasp of high school chemistry. They knew damn nearly everything we do now back then, they simply derived it differently.

Ophiolatreia is must read. It was written by an eccentric vicar at the end of the 1800s trying to uncover the proto religion, and he discovered it was serpent worship. Styxx has recently repreinted it, thank God, 'cos copies used to cost thousands.

And typing of styxx, his Occult Philosophy for The Modern Age is probably the very best starting point for anyone interested in magic and the occult in general. Well written, no bullshit approach to the themes that weave through all the various occult practices.

You should also read John Keel's The Mothman Prophecies, it's the most accessible book ever written about the supernatural.