I was raised Catholic and yet I cannot truly 100% commit to believing in the Christian god in a literal sense

I was raised Catholic and yet I cannot truly 100% commit to believing in the Christian god in a literal sense.

But the further I drift through life with this new meaningless agnosticism, the more nihilist everything starts to feel. I think my ancestors and powerful men in history we're stronger minded due to their faith. Whether it be Roman, Greek, Christian or Norse paganism.

I feel lost and disconnected from life. I would like to discover some new truth or understanding to help me keep going when times are hard. Or to lay out morals and ideal. Or to give me hope and purpose in life.

All I can tell you growing up in Ireland is that I feel a strong connection to the land itself. The closest I have come to true meditative feelings or peacefulness, have been sitting stop a cliff or in a forest..hearing nothing but the wind, the sea, the tree and the birds.

I am a blunt rationalist or realist. But they lends itself to become cynicism that doesn't attract positive things in life. I have derived purpose in that I believe through media, I can begin to sway people with powerful imagery to make them feel good about their heritage and culture in the west. But I feel alone. There are few people I can talk to about the current state of the world and what can be done about it.

What am I looking for?

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>I am catholic, but I dont belive in God

so what else is new?

Absolutely (dis)gnostic

Most people feel that way until they have kids tbqh, then you learn instantly that your purpose in life is to ensure they're successful, and that's what your ancestors were doing since life began.

In my opiniƵes: you need to travel. Pick up a bag a few hundred euros and go. Staying in the same place without challenges destroys you incrementally. You will return with a new perspetive and capacity to face the harshness of life

Same here for the most part. What I am finding is that none of this can be from nothing. It simply can not. If life was not created by something, then the framework for it was....... It is not possible to a blunt rationalist and be a devout full of faith religious person. Yet you can still believe in Gord. Personally Whoever/whatever Gord is, we have an understanding that I will be goodboy if he tells me what this all was when I die. You'll be fine m8 just dont stop feeling bad for the shit things u do.

i hate retards like him

Why would you not believe in God when you already seem to have some beliefs in spirituality like "feeling a connection to the land."

How many gods have there been in history? Maybe what I feel aligns more with paganism for all I know..

Hey American Irish ex catholic here. I hope to visit Ireland someday. You're not the only ex catholic. Catholicism sucks. Just have fun in life. And don't worry about shit. Don't jump into pseudo spiritual shit either. Atheism is where it's at.

Have you ever read/listened to the Quran? This is an English audio interpretation if you haven't listened to it before.


Sure, there's been a lot of religions, but if you are the realist or blunt rationalist that you claim to be, why not study them in depth and find out which ones make most sense to you. I'm not familiar with pagan texts, but there's thousand of years of theological knowledge concerning Christianity that you should try going through, should you find a purpose through Christ.

I've been going through a similar crisis on and off for the last 3-4 years. I read the Bible, started reading philosophy, Christian theology, etc. It pretty much, initially, gave me a strong belief in God (coupled with a mystical experience that I had.) It's really only been since I've started reading a lot of critical / skeptical academic material concerning the Bible, early Judaism, early Christianity, NT studies, historical Jesus studies etc that I've had serious doubts about things. It just snowballs really; once you learn some info that makes you think, for example, that maybe Jesus wasn't born of a virgin, then it all begins to crumble a bit. Jesus def. existed, def. was a Jewish dissident political & religious figure, probably a wonder-worker, probably claimed to be the Messiah, def. was put to death by kikes and Romans. That's all I can believe with relative certainty. The other things, esp. his resurrection, are much harder to believe. But at the same time, I find it equally difficult to come up with an alternative to the resurrection.

OP is a boring twat. Fuck off and go suck Papist cock you verbose ignorant piece of shit.

I feel you man

The reason you cannot believe in God is because you are a Catholic.

Another Bart Ehrman victim bites the dust.

Kek good one. I fucking despise Islam.

I want some form of Christianity that the crusaders followed. I'm an aggressive person and I feel like Christianity is currently too weak. It's constantly love love love, which right now I think we need less of. I want the will and fervent energy to combat things like islam and degeneracy.

Enemies all around.

Read up on St Thomas Aquinas and his logical arguments for the existence of God. For me, the Arguments from Motion and First Cause are the most compelling.

>I feel like it should be X instead of Y

Do you truly want universal truth or do you just want reaffirm your beliefs and/or indulge your darker side?

Christianity indeed does tell us to love our neighbors (Mark 12:31). But, what does neighbor mean in this context? It's something you should consider.

The Bible is an enemy of both islam and degeneracy. We should stay true to scripture even if churches around us have strayed from their roots.

Also, the Slovak has a point. The cure for you nihilism should be truth seeking, instead of being emotionally driven.

>Catholics believing in god

You're looking for this:youtube.com/watch?v=WDEBz25lGdY

>Only 37 believe in their ethnic deity
And they said Jewish atheism was a meme

Jews are the worse in everything just as fallen as the catholics

Go to church and confession. Take a theology course in university to help understand everything because it is all extremely dense.

oyyyy vey

Pathetic loser. You run around on Sup Forums spreading falsehoods about Christ to someone who truly wants to regain his faith.

It's far from too late, OP. Once you start looking into how literally everything in the Bible fits together, that's when your faith starts growing and you can put all of your faith in Christ to get you to heaven.

any religion with (((rituals))) is satanism lite

but at the same time Jesus' teaching is a thing

>tfw someone posts jaime jones on Sup Forums

That's a false generalization. Christianity calls for believers to be baptized and that's a ritual, isn't it? And before Christ they had to do all the ordinances with eating the passover and a bunch of other things.

Believe in Hashem and don't forsake him because he is the one true G-d.

then you're going to burn in hell for the rest of time haha like gg bro hahaha