Go on a killing spree which is basically a form of suicide

>go on a killing spree which is basically a form of suicide
>unprepared and only kill a dozen or 2 people
Why does this happen, you would think they would prep and atleast take out a couple hundred.

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Agreed. Serial killing is the only way to go.

She looks trashy.

Muh dick doesn't care about trashy.

Reminds me of the danny fantom grocery killer who couldnt hit shit with a shotgun. They are losers and suck at everything

Because all the mental institutions were closed down in the 1980s under Reagan.
He approved the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act which repealed Carter’s community health legislation and established block grants for the states, ending the federal government’s role in providing services to the mentally ill.
Suddenly the communes and counties were expected to pay for hospitals.
The Asylums got closed and all the crazies were kicked to the curb.

Just reinstate federal funded insane asylums!
Germany has some of the most privately owned guns in europe but such things don't happen here because we put schizoid lunatics into an institution.

like every american woman.

Unironically this.

you mean schizos. schizoid is something else.

People are emotional not logical, you think a kid that feels like he should kill a bunch of his classmates because he just can't take it anymore cares about efficiency?

>you would think

They aren't the type that can plan. They are crazy.

She looks fine; I bet they are had sex right after this photo.

mental illness enforcement is not clearly the solution here; there's plenty of mass shooters that aren't identified as mentally ill prior to perpetrating their crimes. the fact is there just shouldn't be places that are inherently guaranteed to be unarmed. one adult with a six shooter could've solved this problem.

people run. guns are loud

Every single mass shooter since Charles Whitman of the University of Texas tower shooting was diagnosed and often treated BEFORE going on a killing spree.

>Before the attack, Whitman had sought professional help for "overwhelming violent impulses",[2] including fantasies about shooting people from the tower.[4] An autopsy after his death revealed a brain tumor.[5]

>one adult with a six shooter could've solved this problem.
one adult with a rifle created it though.

off the top of my head the vegas dude wasn't mentally ill

not seeing the point

In what way does schizoid not fit?

>the vegas dude wasn't mentally ill
Yes he was.
He was on anti-anxiety Diazepam


>Muh schizoids are locked up
>Schultz and Merkel are still running wild
This is why we are ending our friendship with Germany
Belgium is now our new best friend

>schizoid lunatics into an institution.
people with schizoid pd aren't generally lunatics. hence my assumption that you meant to refer to schizophrenics. but i suppose someone with schizoid pd might also be a lunatic.

if we start institutionalizing people for valium half the fucking country will be in the madhouse

>He was on anti-anxiety Diazepam
like the most common sleeping pill.
how does that prove anything you illiterate turd

Dude, the question is not what he took, but why.
He sought help because he knew he was going crazy and what did he get?
Fucking Diazepam instead of real treatment!


>hurr... people are getting overprized pills despite knowingly going crazy
>since they are only get cheap pills they are not crazy... durr...

What's next? People who die in the street are not sick because they are not in a hospital?

Sounds about right. Could do with less crazies roaming the streets these days.

these people lack the german gene and are too stupid to optimize their work.

make 2 circles of bomb on the parking lot. the outside circle should be pipebombs. inner circle should be nailbombs. put lots off explosives in your car and park it not far from the school pull fire alarm. when the whole school is outside and firefighters and police arrived there start the chaos with the explosives in your car. this will pull most of the policeforce away from the parking lot. now it's time to set off the pipebombs. this should force all the people to the direction of the nailbombs. set off nailbombs to kill and immobilize most of them. shoot at survivors. now the police should be back and kill you.
congratulation! you set a new highscore!