Why do people dislike Seed Destiny so much...

Why do people dislike Seed Destiny so much? I think they did a great job portraying a world taken over by fanatical justice ideologues.

It didn't have enough Kira

TLDR; it was ahead of its time. It portrayed a world being controlled by a Racist dumbfuck.

Because dog only feed on shame.

Ugly designs
Ugly animation
Ugly characters
Ugly story
Ugly writing
Ugly bitchboy kira being the 2nd coming of jesus
Ugly everything

>it was ahead of its time
Zaft = EU/SJWs
Logos = AIPAC
Orb = Poland
Lacus = Sup Forums

It's like they knew.

Recycled animation, Kira completely overtaking Shinn as the protagonist, really anticlimactic fights once Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice show up, Athrun's character arc basically being his arc from SEED all over again except this time he has a harem, Kira x Lacs being the ultimate power couple out of nowhere, Meer's existence, the legendary asspull with Mu and how he led to Andy getting cucked, etc etc

Simply because nothing can top the UC universe

And here I was thinking Sup Forums couldn't go any lower.

> t. one of the clusterfucks who'd buy a Tristan because it's UC.

The Series Peaked only two times, Zeta and Destiny.

Unicorn was just Gundam SEED with UC Characters.

I don't know if you didn't get the memo or not but shitting on Unicorn doesn't make you fitting in any longer. And please, don't be any more of an autist, nothing in Destiny comes even close to Frankenstein Alex.

as soon as i saw THAT scene for the 12th time i dropped it

yeah. About that, it's a serious comparison. SEED and Unicorn are both modern retellings of the original Gundam Story,


Mineva = Lacus
Banagher = Kira
Riddhe = Athrun
Full Frontal = Rau
Angelo = Yzak

Ideology is always secondary to the economical circumstances. And CE Gundams are pretty bad at making the world realistic

>create a remaster that expands the aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9 and heavily redraw many scenes from throughout the series for greater consistency
>but still don't replace all the copypaste action scenes
Why Sunrise?

Literally the only anime that changed my outlook on life. Thank you, Lacus, for showing me the way.

There were more important places to spend their budget.

Because it doesn't make any sense.

Durandal was right and did absolutely NOTHING wrong, yet they killed him.
Jesus was killed with no way to survive, yet somehow he lived.
Shinn was the hero we needed, yet he was cast aside.

>There were more important places to spend their budget.
>not Meer's boobs

They ended up making Meer look autistic


And the ruined her best scene

>See that meat, that's MY meat

Assuming this isn't bait, you're retarded. The destiny plan would result in equality in the most literal definition of the word.

Post dog only feed on shame please

>Lacus = Sup Forums

Wouldn't Sup Forums be Terminal?

>The Series Peaked only two times, Zeta and Destiny.

I think you mean double zeta and victory

>>but still don't replace all the copypaste action scenes

They fixed some of them, Kira's last fight in Strike was supercharged.

She was supposed to be an autistic and obsessive lacus fan though.

She was just a pure girl who loved Lacus, she dindu nuffin wrong.



Because those fanatical ideologues had ideologies like the phrase suggests. Kira had nothing but idealism powering his ideology, and the plot bent over backwards to make sure he came out on top with his.

>The destiny plan would result in equality



Destiny Plan is genetic communism.


Left is the remaster, right?

Why is Lunamaria so hot, boys?



Durandal was already right-wing as fuck. With Destiny plan he went even farther.

Did futaba come up with these?


Midget had every opportunity to buy the box from the tall dude that didn't need it.

>stealing viewing pleasure without paying for tickets
>complaining that your stealing experience isn't better

fucking entitled commie niggers




They also made Lunamaria far less expressive.

Does she not realize what she's wearing?

>Gone a bit mad

I love it. Just the way that reads is like. "Oh my it's a bit brisk out"

Shin = Islam

>How dare you try not to kill me, I'll kill you for that!

Go choke on a cock your country is irrelevant.

>Lacus's equality

You've got them switched. Lacus wanted to protect people's agency. Durandal wanted to assign what he thought best to people whether they liked it or not.

So is Orb.

Poland wouldn't even be pictured in the show. Waste of animators' time.
Make it Nederlands, or anything above third world's standards of living.

I think from the get go they made it so Kira would replace Shin. Shin started out okay, but as the series went on he got worse.

Does anyone remember that flash site from some Japanese dude who would cut up parts of the episode and make short flash animations with them. They all came down to Shinn getting his ass kicked by Kira Jesus who budges in saying "yameru"

>Make it Nederlands

They're cucked by the EU. You need someone who's hated by both sides.

It was a "What if everything that could go wrong with Zeta, went wrong?"


At least they did spam "another new model" every fucking episode.

>brb, taking your sister down this vacant alley

Why did Turn A become the one Gundam series that hipsters like?

>brown trap MC
>village people gundam
>Syd Mead

What is the canon status of AsuCaga? Did he return to Cagally for good are are all three living together and have orgies on Meer's grave?

Somebody post the pic where they do space travel in a barrel.

>muh Giger designs

>that bounce
This is just fucking stupid now.

ZAFT did nothing wrong.

It was actually atmospheric re-entry with a barrel.