You guys realize you're going to get Sup Forums shut down if you keep creating these hoaxes that get national media...

You guys realize you're going to get Sup Forums shut down if you keep creating these hoaxes that get national media attention, right?

That's the plan, retard.

what hoaxes

but teh shooter never posted here.

Threads about the holohaux, for example.

We still shouldn't let him get away with it.

It's not our fault the media is stupid

No we attract in more normies. Also the Jap owner is based he wont let this board come to an end. This is literally the only site where we can freely say nigger and the Jap doesnt care


this thread is sad

Funny thing is the media will keep pushing this, the ADL is invincible and answers to nobody.

This "hoax" simply made him a white supremacist when he's a democrat spic.

Dude what? I say nigger all the time in steamchat and so far Gabe hasn't banned me from there.


Funny thing is, they are looking for new recruits. Have you seen the ads? Germany is about to enter the cyber war.

Sup Forums is too valuable to (((them))) becuase it serves as a farming ground for their controlled opposition: us

Sup Forums is satire.
>Sup Forums is satire.
Sup Forums is satire.
>Sup Forums is satire.
Sup Forums is satire.
>Sup Forums is satire.
Sup Forums is satire.
>Sup Forums is satire.
Sup Forums is satire.
>Sup Forums is satire.


OK, you people want a real red pill? I sincerely hope that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, HuffPoles, and BEZOS is paying attention to this post, because I'm going to reveal something to you.

This board, this wonderfully magical place of political dissidents and 56%'rs, we're all satirists. Like Lewis Grizzard, Neil Boortz, that "Dilbert" guy, and George mutherfucking Carlin; we're SATIRISTS.

If you don't want to look like you are trying to pass off CHARLIE BROWN COMICS AS NEWS, then you'd probably do yourself a real fucking service and get rid of your dumb ass female "Investigative" reporters, and the male ones over the age of 40.

They are a disgrace to journalism. They do not source a single FUCKING THING. They take Sup Forums seriously. THEY TAKE Sup Forums SERIOUSLY.

This is the epitome of stupidity. This is the post-modern interpretation turned on itself. If you aren't a primary source of information, then you have ZERO CREDIBILITY to the official sequence of events.

This is why the Nunes and Grassley memos will still be bigger news in the days to come. This is why this Slav turned Cuban-White-Nationalist will fade into nothing in another day. This is why the Dems lost, and why Trump's supposed escapade with a nobody porn chick with massively fake tits will never take off because WE ALL KNOW IT'S COMPLETE BULLSHIT.

Please, for the love of god, just have someone in the MSM screencap this post and broadcast it live on TV. Not only would it generate the highest ratings of all time, it would solidify in the American conscience the inherent distrust in all media outlets for all eternity.

Retards that think they're journalists cause that media attention.
Dumb lame ass bastards get trolled. I'd hate to be in that office the next day.

Not our fault if they are gullible and have no ethical standards as journalists. Exposing the system's flaws is a civic duty, user.

>You guys realize you're going to get Sup Forums shut down if you keep creating these hoaxes that get national media attention, right?


its the ((media)), ((lizards)) and the ((intelligence agencies)) posting the hoaxes themselves


>You guys realize you're going to get Sup Forums shut down if you keep creating these hoaxes that get national media attention, right?
.OH MY! Not that!
What to do! WHAT...TO... DO!!!!!!!!!

>Sup Forums is satire
>plebbit spacing

fuck off, retard

You realize News officials are coming to a board thats based on satire and run the story with no actual proof. Literal

Some journalists may be looking for new employment after tonight.

i dont see any hoaxes

>You guys realize you're going to get Sup Forums shut down if you keep creating these hoaxes that get national media attention, right?

What I find amusing is that you morons think that all the shilling and insults you do actually has any effect on anons. You fuckers are paid to be here. It is work for you and it must be the people on the bottom rung of the ladder who get assigned shit work like that. You think you're clever and witty but you are going up against people who are so vicious that insulting people in the most vile manner until their will is broken is just sporting fun to them. You have no idea the sense of satisfaction I derive from shitting on people like you until you crack.

It's a meme.

we didnt create the shooter, only the fake news.
adl / splc probably wrote the post themselves.


>pol complains about fake media all the time
>pol creates fake news themselves
It really gets my hazelnuts whirring.

>we didnt create the shooter
This. Pol didn't influence the shooter. His horrible upbringing had more to do with his antisocial behavior than anything else

>implying Sup Forums is responsible for journalists shitting the bed

Its just our goal is to exterminate the kikes to the child. This had nothing to do with us because there arent enough dead kikes.
You will KNOW when its us because it will be undeniable.

if you look at the thread sourced by ADL / SPLC jews, how many people said it was a larp.
I havent read the original thread, only the OP, just curious.
Even the OP looked like a larp.

>pol creates fake news themselves

what the fuck anonymous posts on a fucking laotian smartphone firmware hacking forum are not news

I'm not talking about the actual shooter, I'm talking about pol larpers who misled a journalist and convinced him that the Nikolas was part of an extremist right wing group. This leads to more polarization.

No, but now pol is jumping into the bed, smearing shit over themselves as well, and calling the journalist a retard for the same behavior.

Again, refer to larpers lying to journalists and enabling the creation of a fake narrative.

The better option would be to present the truth as objectively as possible, then when shit journalists decline the presentation of those FACTS, we can decry them and run them out of town.

>The better option would be to present the truth as objectively as possible, then when shit journalists decline the presentation of those FACTS, we can decry them and run them out of town.
that doesnt sound like much fun user

Maybe journalists should do their job properly rather than publishing any old crap they find on a burmese tapestry fanpage.

>Sup Forums is an institution!
>it can't be responsible for chaos!

Do you have any idea what kind of a retarded bitch you sound like?


>The better option would be to present the truth as objectively as possible,
all perceptions of the truth are present here. its up to the individual's business to decern truth out of the chaos.
>then when shit journalists decline the presentation of those FACTS,
like they do, every single day.
>we can decry them and run them out of town.
implying brainwashed leftist zombiers care about the truth if it doesnt support their alternative universe.

I'm not saying you are "wrong", your intent is good, but its based on the false premise that leftists are interested in the truth and that their terrorboxes will tell them what it is.

I doubt it.
This place is too useful for intelligence.

>you keep creating these hoaxes that get national media attention, right?
>120 years later

>You guys realize you're going to get Sup Forums shut down if you keep creating these hoaxes that get national media attention, right?

we'll just move somewhere else you stupid CIA nigger, we're the jewish deep state rats now intelboi


>pol larpers
Misunderstood you. This is a problem no one wants to address just yet. I can't say pol itself is responsible for that. Users are responsible for the content they post here. Should any of it get into the wrong hands, it is out of pols or fourchins control. Whats worse is they are likely democrats, and radicals at that

It’s not illegal

I would be sooooo happy if Sup Forums shut down. Really. I wish there were more organized groups actively trying to shut it down.


