
>what are constitutional amendments?

Article 79, nigger. You can change whatever the fuck you want, with one caveat: "Amendments to this Basic Law affecting division of the Federation into Länder, their participation on principle in the legislative process, or the principles laid down in Articles 1 and 20 shall be inadmissible."

Thresholds are not eternity clauses, they're not even in the constitution.

Matter fact you changed the electoral laws in 2008 to use the Saite-Laguë/Schepers method instead of the Hare-Niemeyer method of seat allocation.

Sieg Heil

Deutschland über alles

oh god, not FDP-Shill-Chan trying to instigate an argument and "muh evil democracy" absolutely terrible Kraut/pol/. no copy-paste, no info, OP is a dyke and the donuts were stale - 0/Völkisch.

Hope you're proud of yourself. You killed it.

plz plz plz plz


Ich würde ihr gerne mal auf die Brille spritzen :DDD


Du gehörst in 'nen Zoo.

what a cunt

To keep this horrible thread going: MORE PUBLIC HEBRAIC KVETCHING!

In other News: SPD Voters lower than Members, Voter approval is playing Limbo.
"How low can we go?" said Nahles in her stunning and brave Interview.

what kind of abortion is this OP? this is not how you bake bread

You don't have to tell me, he was hot and bothered because of an argument they had in the last Thread. "DEMEKRESEE IS EBIL, IT OPPRESSEE ME AND MADE ME BOOM-BOOM IN PANTALOONS!"

Nigga, it let the AfD into parliament and increases its approval in unprecedented levels so severely that hte jew is kvetching hard. just open up a fucking newspaper and see how mad they are.

I'm sure you could miss the point a biit more if you tried. Not by much, but still.

k, i see. i have to admit i'm not a big fan of democacy either, at least in the way it is handled right now in Germany.

sure, it's nice to see the AfD wrecking the established parties with no survivors, but keep in mind that it's partly the democratic system which is to blame for our huge problems in the first place.

meant to reply to you obv. sry for being a retard

Let's give it so much: it's stable when people are not trying to replace you.


this and furthermore people have to be sane, politically interested, educated and well informed. most voters simply don't meet those requirements. they are easily persuaded by appeal to emotions.

on top of that, since WWII Germans don't have a healthy relationship to their own homecountry as well as to their own kin. in short: democracy was pre-programmed to fail in germany.

i could go on and on, but i'll leave it there.

saved this kawaii weidel


Wo Faschisten und Multis das Land regieren
Wo Leben und Umwelt keinen interessieren
Wo alle Menschen ihr Ich verlieren
Da kann eigentlich nur noch eins passieren...

Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!
Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!
Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!

Schwarz ist der Himmel, Rot ist die Erde
Gold sind die Hände der Bonzenschweine
Doch der Bundesadler stürzt bald ab
Denn Deutschland, wir tragen dich zu Grab

Wo Faschisten und Multis das Land regieren
Wo Leben und Umwelt keinen interessieren
Wo alle Menschen ihr ich verlieren
Da kann eigentlich nur noch eins passieren

Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!
Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!
Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!

Wo Raketen und Panzer den Frieden „sichern“
AKWs und Computer das Leben „verbessern“
Bewaffnete Roboter überall
Doch Deutschland, wir bringen dich zu Fall

Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!
Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!
Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!


>Bürger erwarten sich von Union die sie nicht gewählt haben mehr Führung gegen die Meinung der Zunehmenden Masse der Bürger über Politik von (((Globalisten)))

lol do these closet commies even listen to themself sometimes?


Hübsches Lied, Tobias.


Der emotionale Appel ist ne harte Bandage der etablierten, schon richtig, das einzige "emotionswerkzeug" der rechten abteilung ist so wie das Vorurteil will halt Wut.

Es konfrontiert einem mit dem Gefühl beim Mord von deutschen schuldig zu sein und dies führt zur introspektive, aber Menschen wollen sich nicht schlecht fühlen, sie wähnen sich an denjenigen dem ihn ein gutes gefühl gibt, und was läßt einem wärmer um's Kohleherz werden als bunte Plakate wo "SOLIDARITÄT" mit Wachsmalstift draufsteht und leute mit prioritäten und ernsten sorgen vor den Kopf zu stoßen damit mann sich sein innerestes gutes Gewissen zurückerlängt während sich deine Straßen mit Negern und den Blut der dortingen Töchter füllt.

Es ist heikel leute zu motivieren in einer totgezüchteten pazifistischen Gesellschaft die vor allen Gefahren immunisiert ist. Das ist die psychologie eines Normies.

>Es ist heikel leute zu motivieren in einer totgezüchteten pazifistischen Gesellschaft die vor allen Gefahren immunisiert ist

as long as we don't reach venezuelan levels of poverty among the people i doubt this will ever change. the average joe is still far too financially stable and too occupied with hedonistic activites to really care about what's going on.

I made the kawaii Weidel/Poggenburg/weidel meme just before the election. Good to see it's still around :D

Ah, yeah. Materialism, it's Opium for the People.
>"What do i care that germany is non-white in a few generations, becomes archaicly violent, loses itself to a apologetic multi-cultural society and that i will lose my liberties? i am a Boomer, my table is set, my car still drives, i can afford my medical care, i am never cold and my bank account has its four figures. i'll be dead by the time gets worse."

The Moment the common man has to suffer hunger because of rapefugees need more #solidarity or something in their o' so orderly lives does not work anymore, shit gets done.

oc's always appreciated, user

>The Moment the common man has to suffer hunger because of rapefugees need more #solidarity or something in their o' so orderly lives does not work anymore, shit gets done.

i doubt it will ever reach this point. and besides it's a fucking catastrophy that people acutally have to be shaken up by sheer violence and misery until they change their opinion and try doing something about it. this leads back to my previous point: the average german is far to fucked in the head, he never had a chance to make a democracy work.

in the end it boils down to what people value and by how much. the modern german values being docile and tolerant, fetishizes everything foreign while completely disregarding everything own/german. the leftist programming can only be overcome if a shift in values actually takes place. only a certain amount of people are able to make this shift. there, jordan peterson's explanation on differences in brain-structure between conservative and progressives comes to my mind f.ex.