Is this just a bizarre Christ fag thing? Why does she have dirt on her forehead like that?

Is this just a bizarre Christ fag thing? Why does she have dirt on her forehead like that?
This just looks silly.

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her Christfag sure didn't feel like stepping in and protecting her kid. Useless religion.

it was ash wednesday you fucking heathen

Ash Wednesday, you degenerate maggot.

If you went to church, maybe you would know what's going on. You better start fasting your fat ass, it's Lent now.

christcucks are the playthings of the jews, this is just one of the ridiculous things the jews make them do for entertainment

Ashes of her enemies day.

They think smearing ashes on their head will help with imaginary stuff
I don’t remember all the details since it seemed pretty worthless every time I was forced to do it at catholic school


Baptist trash

heathens BTFO by some ash on the forehead

you realize that's only a cathlicuck thing right?

Every complaint made by socialist-atheists and edgelords really proves the only thing they know about the bible is God and invisible this and that. If you read the bible, you'd realize how wrong every statement you use to try to look smart and high above others.

I don't feel insulted, I feel embarrassed for you, just know this, Jesus is real, he has a message, and that he brings the water of life and its freely given to all of you who want to accept it. Don't know what the water of life is? Put some effort into your argument, understand what you're arguing about.

It was Ash Wednesday you filthy heathen, but I wouldn't expect you to understand since the only ashes you'll ever be wearing are the ones surrounding you while you burn for eternity..

lutherans do it, too

Ignore this protestant trash thread


The rulers RULE all of your brains.
The plan is to throw away your belief in GOD and except their new religion that will be science. You can see it happening according to plan. Way to go sheep.

Holy shit HOLY SHIT. You are the most pathetic excuse for a human being that I’ve ever encountered in the many years that I’ve walked this earth. Did your mother deliberately and consciously drop you as a baby or are you naturally this stupid? Was the never-ending, constant stream of soy in your diet a contributing factor or did genetics play a role too? I really want to know. Is your head so far up your flimsy ass that if you were to take it out, you’d die from homesickness? You bile-feeding, mung-sucking, soy-consuming piece of human garbage. I feel bad for not only you but every person you’ve ever come into contact with, you disgusting, degenerate, cuck. You are SO pathetic that if you were to even merely ATTEMPT something, your participation-trophy complex would never let you feel the ramifications of failure. Here’s your reply. Here’s your gold sticker. You tried. I dedicate this song to you, you sad, pathetic, masochistic, sycophantic, low-test soyboy:

You are a filthy, effeminate, androgynistic incarnation of estrogen. I hope you choke to death on tofu.

Wait you Christ fags go to church to get dirt rubbed in your face and I'm supposed to treat that like it's normal and not bizarre?
Fuck you

Episcopalians Lutherans , even Rvangelicals do it because apparently shit tier sola fide/scriptura is not enough after all.

Catholics getting ready for the mark of the beast.

Catholics are so weird and satanic.


At least we have Jesus’ Church unlike all the heretic scum that is now splattered over thousands of different congregations. One dumber than the other.

If it wasn't for Catholics we wouldn't have pic related.

Why are Americans so religiously backwards? It's 2018 already

Christcucks are fucking retarded. Man created God. Jesus wasn't even real. Dirt face losers!