Is there a generation more stupid?

Is there a generation more stupid?

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Mmmmm yummmmyyy!!!

Boomers gave niggers and women rights.

Bet I can hold it in my mouth longer.

i cant find these anywhere. just the shitty blue and green ones

Fake news

this is an american phenomenon.

Just use arm and hammer with the power of oxy clean if you can find it. My work clothes from my dirty physical labor job smell like brand new and it doesn’t fuck up the fabric at all.

wow kids in the past have never done anything stupid


>Stupid people killing themselves off is stupid
That's just Darwinism at work, idiot.

I'm pretty sure every generation has had teenagers doing stupid shit on a dare.

Posting this so maybe I save one autistic Sup Forumsack or two.

You fucking millennial and boomer old fucks will never get our sense of humor. Just fucking die of old age.

they do look like delicious candy, just sayin'

What's that?

the boomers

Boomers giving themselves schizophrenia by dropping too much acid.

Most generations before the last couple hundred years were illiterate.

Can someone explain to me the purpose of this, do they even taste good? I need a justification for this stupidity or im going to go insane

Boomers, but Z is in second.

Its only pruning out the retards of the Generation
You know... Darwin's Theory of Evolution

>do they taste good?
that's the answer we're all looking for but we can't know becaUse it is FORBIDDEN FRUIT



Fuck off kr*eg

Looks like the sign of cancer, 69, ying yang gnomimsayin.

children are stupid by default, you shitheads.

Fuck you, eating Tide pods actually makes lots of sense. Tide developed it exactly this way.
It's got the oleic gleam of a high-fat thing like an avocado, and then the carotenoid-rich coloration of a berry that was developed to be eaten by red-seeing birds. And it's floral and sweet in scent so it enhances both effects. It's denser than water but also soft and liquid, so evolutionary data says it's high in fat or sugar with almost no cellulose.
Why the fuck are you falling for this meme of it only being retards who eat Tide pods.


>Screams and fucks a dog

boomer detected. tide pod was an ironic meme that news and FB normies picked up thinking it was serious.

when I see that shit on facebook:
I cringe violently.


Than the one that actually believes people are eating Tide Pods because the mainstream media told them they were? No, absolutely not.

Kids aren't eating fucking Tide Pods. You will die if you do. It requires immediate medical attention, and you will never make a full recovery. Outside of the nine babies and elderly people with dementia that have eaten them, there were like one or two verified cases of some stupid shit eating one. Watch this[0] video and then you'll understand. If kids were actually eating them we would be hearing about them dying.


It tastes so bad, Max Keiser tasted one on his show.

a-a-user, a little too soon man.

Please don't consume us...

explain this stupid shit to me, why are americans eating detergent ?

Pasting was pretty dumb too. Was not nearly as viral so didn't last as long.

Haven't you heard? It's halal. Make sure to tell your friends.

wait i just realised this is why their teeth are so much nicer than ours

My friends are statistically more likely to be white than yours but enjoy your memes bro

Are you denying the fact that tide pods looks delicious?

Teenagers have always notoriously done stupid shit sheerly to impress their peers, I remember when I was a teenager people would play chicken with their friends cars while on bear feet fearless of getting run over, or lighting themselves on fire with axe, or they would do smileys to each other and themselves, smileys are that shit where you heat up the lighter til it's red hot and brand yourself or someone else
Met a kid who let someone put one on his ass while people watched for a pack of cigarettes, teenagers have always been dumb it just gets recorded now
Why else would old moldy fuckers always be saying they're glad this social media shit wasn't around when they were that age?
It's because they know they were fucking stupid too

I'm female so why shouldn't this be positive to me? Why on earth should I rebel against something that gives me more?

Confession: I have to fight the urge to want to gnaw on dishwasher pods. They look like the old-school Double lollipops plus most have that red dot thing in the centre like a treat. The urge is strong.

For the vast majority of women it did not give them more. It just swapped their possibilities around, destroyed the nuclear family, and damaged the economy by injecting 50% of the population into the workforce. In the past women had to be homemakers. Now, very few have that option and they have to work instead. So they went from being forced to raise a family to being forced to have a career, where their family gets neglected and raised by a babysitter or nanny.

fucking kek

But they aren't forced. They still have the option to stay home if they want to. Also who says they can't work part time?

I think for intelligent women with high IQs it's far better to have options so that if a man leaves you or gets sick or beats you or abuses you, you aren't royally screwed.

whats funny is that many disadvantaged kids were consuming detergent pods long before this dare/fade. It has always been a problem, I remember reading about this years ago.

These ones look like legit candy, I use them and while I have never had the autistic urge to eat one, I could see how some people would justify trying it.

They're delicious, pal.

>They still have the option to stay home if they want to
Not when the economy has shifted towards both parents needing to work in order to afford raising children. If the breadwinner is not disproportionately wealthy (i.e. they make at least as much as two average people) then the wife will need to work. This is the case for almost all families now. So to say a woman has the option to stay at home is disingenuous. Most do not have that option, which means they are forced to work.

>I think for intelligent women with high IQs it's far better to have options so that if a man leaves you or gets sick or beats you or abuses you, you aren't royally screwed.
That's why alimony and child support were created. At no point were they "royally screwed", although they likely would need to find another husband.

What do you want to do? Enact laws that ban women from working? My freedom is more important. If you want wages to go up actually organize your labor instead of expecting me to give up opportunities. Why should I have to give up my dreams and goals in the name of a bunch of people who could care less about me or even outcast me?

Alimony and child support doesn't give you enough money to live well.

Wonder what happened to that guy on /diy/ that was making a mold to make fake pods out of Jello.

>What do you want to do? Enact laws that ban women from working?
They worked fine for thousands of years.

>My freedom is more important.
Your freedom is more important than a functioning society? If you have a family I can almost guarantee you will need to work. You will be fully dependent upon your children being raised by the state-run daycare that is public education. And your children will either mostly raise themselves or they will be raised by other women. That is how the average family is now. That is not a healthy society. It's why so many people are so fucked up compared to a hundred years ago.

> If you want wages to go up actually organize your labor instead of expecting me to give up opportunities.
I currently make twice what I made as a union employee. I'm not saying that unions are bad, but they've got a real problem now. There are more people than jobs available, because both men and women are now working. This leads to a surplus of labor being available, causing pay rates to plummet. It's only going to get worse from here on out.

>Alimony and child support doesn't give you enough money to live well.
They were meant to be a holdover until a woman was married again.

You're stupid.

Yeah, the next one.

Worked fine for thousands of years? For males. I want to own my own business and mind my own business yet you'd arrest me for that. I have gone through a lot in life. Now you want to fuck me over even more by refusing to give me reconciliation after all I've gone through. You leave me no choice but to break the law.

>I'm female
I'm honestly fucking tired of you sex toys spouting nonsense about the types of holes you have every time you post online

Were you in a state run daycare? Is this why you project that? You seem to think everyone lived like you did as a kid.

Yes, because the success of the whole is more important than the success of the individual.

Public school is a state-run daycare. There is no disputing this. Most families now have two working parents. If you were to remove public education they would have nobody to watch their children while they are at work, since most people could not afford to pay a nanny for eight hours per day.

Why shouldn't I care about myself as an individual? Why should I place my peers who outcasted me over myself? I only live in my own brain. In b4 "it ruined society". If I have no freedom things are ruined for me so I refuse to support it. Call me selfish and "ruining society" all you want but all I know is you have nothing to lose under your greater good argument. I do. All the people arguing for the greater good are the people who don't lose out. You're selfish for asking me to have nothing so you can have double. You can fuck off.

What are you gonna do? Arrest me if I own a business? I'd try my hardest to be on the national news.

Blame the media

Kids went to public schools before the 60s. But you seem to ignore that factor.

>you have nothing to lose under your greater good argument.
How do you know that?

>Why on earth should I rebel against something that gives me more?

Lol no no no you don't get it sweetheart, you have absolutely no say in the matter. If men decide to give or take something from you all you can do is sit back, nod and smile at their decision because you are a fucking woman and no matter what country and race you are, if a man truly sets down the law and you rebel you will get smacked back into line like has happened all throughout history. Democracy is an experiment men choose to run, if they ever choose to shut down the experiment you think you can just 'vote' against it? Lol keep dreaming.

Because he's male.

That's right, they did. And now the purpose of schooling has shifted. Because parents are completely reliant upon schools existing for daycare, the primary purpose of public education is now for the daycare of children. They just happen to have a secondary benefit of giving children some semblance of an education. Prior to women entering the workforce, there was someone that could raise the children even if schools were not around, therefore the primary and sole purpose of public education was the education of children. If for some reason the schools ceased to exist, children could still be raised perfectly well by their mother.

>Why shouldn't I care about myself as an individual?
Because society doesn't function when everyone only cares about their self. That's when people ignore the law and crime skyrockets. You will find that most criminals, violent or otherwise, care primarily about their own self, and do not consider the ramifications that their actions have on others.

Tits with time stamp or gtfo nigger

No but we can refuse to do anything and allow the entire society to fall to hell.

If you had to smack us all throughout history you're telling me that the feminists were right.

Having no freedom is way worse than being "divorce raped" grow up manbaby.

I won't have a say? What if we women decided to make our own villages and succeed? You can't stop us.

That doesn't answer my question. How do you know he has nothing to lose? In detail please and if you can avoid projection that would be great. Even if you answer that doesn't really address his point either.

Crime is much lower than it was 30 years ago so don't give me this crime talk.


>roastie thinks 80 years of pointless self pleasure seeking is more important than providing a future for the next gen.

Giving women the vote was a mistake

> Is there a generation more stupid?

Maybe not, but I can think of a couple more careless


Gooey gooey tasty gum drops! Don't forget to ask mom for tide pods!

so hungry rn

i like geting banned for talking current events but discussing a tide pod is a. o. k.

these mods r shit


This post is the truth.

Men could function entirely fine without women doing anything. The converse is not true.

You are wrong. Pic related.

Found the resident jaded meme males.

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot wrong with the way that sexes interact nowadays but we live in a world where natural selection is based on intelligence rather than strength. Women have just the same metal capabilities as men so I think that there is no reason to waste that just so we can have samiches all day long.

literally all of them

>Women have just the same metal capabilities as men so I think that there is no reason to waste that just so we can have samiches all day long.
Women do not have the same capabilities as men. See this[0] post, written by a woman, for why. There's a reason why everyone that keeps the world running and advancing is a man.


Literally the exact opposite.

wait until the next gen, as long as government is our populations daddy they'll be pushing stupider and stupider shit until humans are literally hooked up to machines and exploited.

Did you know we have an international men’s chess league and an international women’s chess league? We tried integrated them a while back but the omen refused.

>really joggins the noggins

Yet you'd hold back a woman with a 135 IQ

nuh uh, I bet i could hold in my mouth longer than you

ahahha nice

Hold her back in what? For example, he's more likely to keep the electrical grid running than she is, considering that 100% of the power plant operators in the US are men. Women currently have opportunities because men allow them to. Every single career that is dominated by women could be described as supplemental. The ONLY exception to this is in nursing, which is what women have been doing since the dawn of time.

What does IQ have to do with women not having the same capacities as men? Men are genetically spatial creatures, in addition to having natural aggressive tendencies that result in them climbing the social rungs of success. Many women with high IQ do not possess the necessary amenities to fully utilize said IQ. However they are exactly what a man seeks in reproduction.

Are you calling me a kike?

>Women have just the same metal capabilities as men so I think that there is no reason to waste that just so we can have samiches all day long.
Women have a different IQ distribution then men, there are less really stupid women and less really smart women. Men on the other hand have a wider distribution, more retards but more big brain nibbas. It's also much more than "sammiches" you dumb nigger, there's much more to the traditional role of women than food and certainly more important things they did within that role. Most of the people arguing for a return to those roles are doing so because of the positive effects they have on a society not because of fucking sandwiches.

muh outliers tho naxalt muhfugga

Because you are incapable of seeing the truly destructive nature of females and why you must be controlled and limited... that's why

My bad replied to wrong post


>berby bermers