Based user Talks about Women

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Wow, skimmed through that wall of text for about 2 seconds and I already know it's an ugly fat incel /r/theredpill faggot who just whines. Yeah keep whining, just whine, keep trying to find out the psychology of why you're a virgin instead of working with the hand you're dealt like a grown man. And then some fag fuck mobileposter OP (also from reddit) posts "le based" thread and can't even crop his mobilefaggot screenshot.

all fields

MGTOW is so fucking pathetic.

fuck off loser

MGTOW is redpilled

Seriously moron get real, some weak genetic dead ends like you are just not meant to procreate. Been that way for a while man and i'm sorry, but that's the real redpill.

nice reddit word bub, exposed.

holy fuck, been a while

That is perfect OP.

How many kids you got?

>women are shit
>but gays are bad
The absolute state of pol


Then I guess you're pro MGTOW

All I want is a virgin girl that I can marry. That is asking too much these days

zero but I've bought plenty Plan B for bitches. Unlike you I have options when choosing a mate and don't have to settle down with the first whale who spreads her legs

>All I want is a virgin girl that I can marry.
>That is asking too much these days
Okay so you know that something is never going to happen and yet you still dwell on it like a masochistic cuck. You're fucking mentally i'll. You know when girls say they want a tall dark handsome man with a Lambo and a 13" cock who can cook and lifts and isn't a manlet basement dweller who posts on a Chinese Mancala forum? That's what you sound like. And you expect the creame of the crop. Like I said get real. G E T R E A L

I truly believe that this is board is pretty much /reddit9k/ by this point. You live in fantasy land.

>says some dude isn't meant to procreate
>hasn't procreated
>jumps my shit with some crazy projection

Actually I banged a beauty just last night. Met her at the gym a few weeks ago. Still smell her on my fingers. You're probably just like the sucker she's dating but really unhappy with. Ouch.

>Met her at the gym
I really don't like gym girls but I love skinny girls, it seems like most guys love muh buff ass or muh thicc meme but it doesn't do much for me. I like stuccfu

>already know it's an ugly fat incel /r/theredpill faggot who just whines
Either a) roastie
b) Teen who can't think because his brain is bathed in testosterone
c) white knight

Nothing more needs to be said, you're clearly blind to what's happening in front of your eyes.
Proceed on your path :3

Reality is boys is that only the top males get the females. We are part of the animal kingdom and we do abide by its rules. Most of you boys will never get any woman because you are the weak. Only the strong get to pass their seed for the next generation. It's that simple.

She was skinny with B cups. Libido was 11/10. Cray cray. Begina like a roast beef wallet. Literal roastie. But fun. I feel bad for her BF.

It's not like the old days where a woman was basically shamed into sexual submission by society. Back then, you could be a total beta and still lock a woman down. Fear of God. Fear of ostracizing. Now? Women marry the state and betas are chum. If you don't have looks, charisma or a wad of cash, you will be fighting a very, very tough uphill battle. Not impossible, but a lot harder than it used to be. Truth is, most men are probably better off not playing the game now. That, or die fighting to put things back the way they were.

Great depression 2.0 should fix this problem

Leykis is a god

Oldfag here. Believe me when I say that there have always been fags like that. And they're always nerdy types, or what we used to call nerds when I was growing up. Incels or whatever they're called now, same thing. Oddly, most average types guys like me and even many chads never seemed to have the kind of unrealistic expectations that the nerds did. It's like it's a syndrome or something.


I'm MGTOW and have 1 child and plan on having more

You're just beta


Lmao. You're the genetic dead end.

>If you don't have looks, charisma or a wad of cash, you will be fighting a very, very tough uphill battle. Not impossible, but a lot harder than it used to be.

Kinda true, but intelligence will enable you to still do well. Figure women out and specifically the ones you're aiming at. Then psy-op them. Be smarter and more thoughtful than them. I can tell you that being kind and affectionate is good, as long as you're not weak at the same time. Being strong and assertive and quietly confident (not arrogant) works. And most of all have a stable life, be organized and responsible, know when to be romantic (ie stupid holidays like Valentine's) and MOST of all, be funny. Women love good-humored men.

It also helps if you can cook. Women love the hell out of that, and it's one thing if you're going after a woman who can cook well. But if your target is hopeless in the kitchen, you had better have some skills or you'll either starve or get fat and unhealthy. In any case, it impresses them like you would not believe. Note this doesn't mean you need to become the kitchen slave. Amongst other points, if you cook well, make it very clear that she will be doing the cleanup. Always.

You're such a colossal faggot holy shit.

>cream of the crop
You are fucking deluded. This used to be a standard not too long ago and for good reason. I don't blame anyone wanting this to maximize their chances of having a lifetime partner without separation or divorce.

>tall dark handsome man with a Lambo and a 13" cock who can cook and lifts
>cream of the crop
This is cream of the crop. Your comparison makes no fucking sense. Virginity and what you just said are not even close to equal. It's not like he said 9/10+ 18 y/o virgin who will be the perfect housewife, give him 5 children and her parents are rich as fuck.

>you live in fantasy land
No. It's definitely harder than it used to be, but still possible. You just have to decide that this is what you really want and pursue it. You might have to compromise and get a partner who has a low partner count instead of being a virgin or go to certain countries. Not ideal, but satisfactory.

>Like I said get real. G E T R E A L
If that's his standard and is willing to do something to achieve it, then I applaud him. If he's just crying about it, then yes he needs a reality check. I find it funny you attacked him so viciously for just expressing his standard, he didn't say anything special, if anything it reminds me of that post about how women argue.

>psyop them

Sure, but ideally you wouldn't have to treat courtship like a sort of chess game. This is why the elders established traditional marriage. Each productive man is guaranteed a faithful woman (in theory).

My point is that unless you're equipped to do battle, you will be destroyed. Most men lack the ability and/or willpower to spar with women. You've got to be willing to walk away, for starters. That takes balls.

I can't blame your average dude for going MGTOW/incel/fuckit, work is hard enough as it is, and then have to run a psy op on your woman to keep her in line? Jaysus.

Agreed on the cooking. And you should see what happens when you fly them in your plane somewhere.

>You've got to be willing to walk away, for starters. That takes balls.

Great point to keep in mind. And it's the hardest thing for both men and women, in fact. Maybe for different reasons, maybe men lack courage and women get too attached too fast. Or it's just up to the individual. But for whatever reasons I've seen a lot of people get fucked up because they didn't walk away from something that just wasn't a good prospect no matter how much they wanted it to be.

Wife's best friend did that twice, and she had no reason not to be picky--she's very good looking and charismatic and as such she can take her pick. But she married two losers in a row, neither of which were compatible with her.

First was a hardcore conservative with anger problems--she's a fucking leftie with daddy issues. Blew up after two poor kids. Then she married a hippie musician with zero ambition. Totally sweet dude but he's just support staff, she has zero respect for him because he can't/won't provide--he wants her to do that while he plays house dad. If he weren't good in bed she'd have dumped him. But now they have a kid so she can't.

Each time she married these guys because she didn't have the backbone to walk away and look for someone better. Dating is horrible, granted. But you gotta do it. If anyone teaches their sons and daughters anything about looking for a mate it should be what you said--have the balls to walk away and keep looking. Don't try to gild a turd.

I know this is supposed to be a blackpill but for those of us who've banged decent women it just reinstates the idea that we're great and LARPing here.