Hunter x Hunter

>interrupts negotiations over a fucking cockroach
>gets his life saved by a fucking cockroach
>gains critical information thanks to a fucking cockroach

Other urls found in this thread:

>if you use that attack you wills horten your lifespan!!
>Absolutely nothing happens
Based Togashi remaining a hack

Only in HxH

But his lifespan probably lost months, maybe even years

That's not what ET does at all, it's not even an attack

Why Togashi thought a full chapter with a fucking cockroach as the center wouldn't make mad his readers? I mean... C'mon a fucking cockroach?

What's your favorite Hatsus? Not necessarily your favorite characters.

I love Kit's Crazy Slots. The RNG element seems like a great way for an interesting restriction. You get crazy strong from having to rely and be skillful with one of nine different weapons.

I also like Kortopi's Gallery Fake. I like a lot of the Hatsus that aren't just for combat, and this is probably my favorite of those kinds. It's useful for spying because his clones function as En, it's useful for espionage because he can make fifty or so copies of the same building to confuse the enemy. It's rad. RIP

And I love Binolt's, from Greed Island. The dude who could eat your hair and then learn a lot about you. It's a specialist ability and extremely interesting and useful for recon. It also provides exposition that furthers the audience's understanding of various characters. It's a shame that Binolt, a character we will never ever see again had it, and not someone like Bill, who would find it insanely helpful for the boat.

He thinks everyone loves Crapika as much as he does.

I can tell with 99% certainty that this kind of garbage trope will have zero effect and consequence

>emperor time takes away your lifespan
>DC has rice that gives you super life vitality


Why should it, it only means Kurapika will die at 70 instead of 75 or some shit. Why should it have a direct effect now?

Roaches don't stop being bros in manga

animufags aren't in the market for the manga, it's kids with tiny attention span no way to survive the retarded hiatus ride, so why would he care about anime-only character accents?

>in a world where fights can easily kill you and combatants have low life expectancy somehow only Crapika has enough motivation to throw some of his useless life expectancy away to become completely overpowered
Togashit does it again

>Based hamster bro nen beast smashes a
>Kurapika waste months of his life for a fucking cockroach
>we could've gotten a time skip and summary of all the things we missed but nope we got a fucking cockroach

Pakunoda's, mostly because I love telepathic powers.
Chrollo's skill is cliche, yeah, but the book and his need to understand the ability, which at the same time it relates to his need to understand people is a nice twist on it.
Basho's good too because who doesn't love haikus.

Well yea, why would it? Did you not understand it?

it's silly and overdone, a cheap way to intensify a character but leaves gaping plot holes like

>watches 148 episodes of an anime
>anime fags have the worst attention spans amiright

The entire point of conditions is your will, it's not the same if you go "oh i'll die young anyway so i don't need it, fuck it" or if you go "i'm ready to actually slowly kill myself for this one purpose"
Plus nothing says Kurapika is the only one, there are a lot of nen users out there

>Kids still think he's overpowered.

Instead of wasting my time explaining it, I'd much rather you just leave already.

>and combatants have low life expectancy
Explain Netero, Zeno, Maha, Linne Hors-d'oeuvre, Bisky, Beyond, Botobai, and those are only the old ones.
When you look at it HxH doesn't have many kids/teenagers running around with super powers.
Most of the time Hunters are grown up adults.

This isn't Naruto or BnHA where there's a school full of super powered younglings at the center of the plot.

Knov's, definitely. I really like space manipulation in general, it's overpowered in ways that don't feel too cheated since it needs a bit of creativity.
I guess Phink's Ripper Cyclotron is kiddy fun excitement, which is nice too.

That's not what a plothole is

Post killugon

when even combat crazed lunatics like Hisoka don't resort to it, it very much is



The lack of value Kurapika places on his own life has literally been a thing ever since his introduction. He's gonna die.

read this post instead of slapping your fingers on your keyboard like a moron

Life span losses are typically the dumbest sacrifices because you never get to see their effects. if I remember correctly Naruto did that shit with Tsunade and yet she's still alive in the Bort era and is still able to keep herself looking young even though she's like mid 60's at the very least.

pro tip: what Hisoka tells you and what he actually enacts is two big different things. Picking on fun weakos isn't combat frenzy at all.


I want to cum inside Kurapika (girl)

>Catches immortality disease in dark continent
>can keep emperor time on permanently

this would be classic as fuck. The last and the immortal. That would also mean no DC branch of stronger Kurtas, waifus included, something quite a bit of anons want.

The dark continent is months away and Kurapika already lost around 1 year of his life in the first four hours of the trip.
He ain't gonna make it.

>tfw you beat all the cuck anime reviewers to uploading the HxH review.

T-this will show them

Togashi likes to meme with tropes so who knows what will happen, apparently he said he wanted to kill a MC.

Kill yourself anytime

Why would you do such a thing user

The thread is too short and is full of tumblr art. Post better ones here

Look at the archive then you retard.


same dude

That bitch is in her nineties by now

Who is the edgiest character in hxh, Koala guy or Crapika?


Pic related

Netero did throw away what was left of his life in his last attack against Meruem; Gon also theoretically did the same thing to beat Pitou, before dragon balls were introduced. Throwing lifespan away isn't exactly a new thing in HxH world.

Reminder that Leorio is one of the most respected Hunters

When when will we be seeing gon an killua again? As long as it took to see kurapika again?
But thanks to Biscuit I can endure it.

Pitou is the best and cutest girl

I hate Chrollo but I like his ability, why limit yourself with one ability when you can have hundreds? I'd probably have a similar hatsu if I was a specialist but I wouldn't be a dick and steal the hatsus, I'd make enough conditions that I can copy the hatsu to my medium but the original user gets to keep their hatsu as well.

She is my girlfriend. She only belongs to me.

No she isn't your girlfriend, she is my wife and we have been happily married for years.

There's no way Togashi will go to a hiatus in 3 chapters when we spent an entire chapter chasing a cockroach.


The Pitou you married is a hologram.

Togashi is smoking weed now. He has no more pain now and a lot of creativity ; )

feel free to had more reaction


O my back pain and the new Dragon Quest game have guaranteed we'll be taking another 1+ year hiatus.

Fuck off Gon, nobody likes you.

I'm going to spend the rest of my life creating a Hatsu that allows me to travel back time into the world of anime just to stop Gon from killing my wife.

Morel blazing it up with Bashou when?


Most satisfying thing in the whole show.
Pitou-fags really should kill themselves

Factually wrong

You understimate the power of togashis "aw muh back"


i also love leol ability. "borrowing" abilities by doing nen users a favor without their knowing and storing it on a dope ass mp3 player is amazing

I love Leorio's and can't wait for him to use it with his knife

Killua does

>only pedos like Gon

Not surprising


Why the fuck does Togashit even come out of hiatus, he doesn't need the cash and can just tell wsj to fuck off

Killua's not a pedo

Bungie gum is fucking awesome and useful both outside and inside combat

And the fucking fake ability from him is gold

But my favorite hatsu is that from neferpitou because I love puppets and control

babymania is pretty handsome ain't he?

cockroach is a cute


Yeah i keep noticing this whenever he appears.


well that's the point. He just does whatever he wants now

where to read? mangastream is ded and FA doesnt have it

What is Bill's hatsu anyway

he's got a clean fade

Why he doesn't need the money? I mean this is his business right?


I'd guess it's something combat-oriented since the other 2 guys of his team had support hatsus.

He doesn't need the money.

He does it because he enjoys it.

If he didn't want money, we'd get a manga about faggots playing baseball instead of HxH. Be glad money is a thing.

I just can't get into Togashi's autism since we know it's useless. 3 more chapters till hiatus

Is Babimaina a reference to Ryota, from Slam Dunk?

Why does Oito get cuter each chapter?

babimaina will eventually buddy up with kurapica as the true 4 main character replacing lerio

That's negative thinking

If he's anything like Ryota, I'm down.
Sorry Leorio.

Togashi can't resist making them cute.